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Peter Kjaer edited this page Mar 21, 2015 · 11 revisions

This project contains a Windows PowerShell module that allow you to easily interact with the SDL Tridion content management system and perform various administrative tasks.

Currently supported Tridion versions: 2011 SP1, 2013 GA, and 2013 SP1.


The quickest way to install is to use the provided script: 1. To do so, open a Windows PowerShell (v3.0+) console and type in the following:

(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex

This will download the latest release, install it, and load the modules. Afterwards, you may run the verification script ('Verify.ps1') located in the Installation folder to check that it is working -- or simply start using it.

Should the installation script fail to work for you, please let us know! As an alternative, please refer to the step-by-step instructions on the Manual Installation page.


You can get the list of all of the commands by typing this in PowerShell: Get-Command -Module Tridion-CoreService

Each of the commands also has help information available (including examples), which you can read by calling Get-Help nameOfCommand (e.g. Get-Help Get-TridionUser).

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to add an entry under Issues.

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