Author: Pablo Jiménez Mateo
Addition by luedi0:
Bugfix: All day events trunkated to one
Addition of docker container for (server) wallpaper generation.
Do you use a Kindle and hope that the wallpapers could be more useful? Well, that has just changed, with this program you will display the weather and some task to do retrieved from Open Weather and Google calendar!
You can see a preview in the preview.png file
Based on the idea of Matthew Petroff:
You will need a simple (static) webserver with Python 3 installed. An easy way to run this is any Raspberry Pi with a fixed IP. Alternatively it can be run in any other environment like a Docker container or VM.
This container runs the latest Ubuntu server with Apache 2 httpd and Python 3 as well as the below dependencies. The script and http directory (webroot) are defined as bind points (pointed to host directory at deployment). The container has unattended security upgrades enabled. -
Amazon Kindle that can be jailbroken
You should have previously Jailbroken your kindle ( and enabled the "screensavers" folder (,_3.x_%26_4.x_Kindles)
- librsvg2-bin
- pngcrush
You can install the dependencies with the following 2 commands:
sudo apt install pngcrush librsvg2-bin python3-pip
python3 -m pip install icalendar
- Move the file kindle/ to /mnt/us/ and change its permissions:
scp [email protected]:/mnt/us/
chmod 755 /mnt/us/
- Mount the partition in Read/Write
mntroot rw
- Edit the crontab file and append your job (this will make it run everyday at 6:50 AM)
vi /etc/crontab/root
50 6 * * * /mnt/us/
A good website to create cron schedules:
You must edit the following files:
You need to open the file programs/parse_ical and put your .ical URL in the variable ICAL_URL
Google calendar
To get your .ical for parse_ical go to and follow the instructions, you need the URL that is under "Public address in iCal format" and make that calendar public, or the link won't work.
iCloud calendar
The same is also possible with iCloud. Just enable sharing throgh the fan symbol and tick "public" to see the webcal URL. You can either use the easier accessible public URL explained here at apple support or try and get the secret private URL through this tutorial
In any case you will need to replace prefix "webcal://" with "https://"
Should you experience a timezone offset when displaying calendar entry times, you will need to adapt the timedelta variable as well. So far, time delta needs to be set to the GMT offset with Google calendar (CET = GMT+1 = 1) and to 0 with iCloud.
You need to open the file programs/parse_weather and put your city code in the variable CODE.
To get your city code for parse_weather download and search your city id.
As an example my city code would be 6356995:
"id": 6356995,
"name": "Castellón de la Plana/Castelló de la Plana",
"country": "ES",
"coord": {
"lon": -0.05768,
"lat": 39.992901
You may need to change your path if you are not using the default yourserver/kindle structure.
General configuration
Finally you should create a folder in your webserver readable by your kindle when trying to download it (In this example would be yourserver/kindle):
sudo mkdir /var/www/kindle
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/kindle
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/kindle
Give the script launch permissions:
chmod 755
Append the cronjob some minutes before the one in the Kindle (this will execute everydat at 6:30 AM):
crontab -e
30 6 * * * /path/to/
[email protected] for the remaining weather icons.
This program is licensed under Creative commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, more info :