You should be able to use the following tools on the command line of your native operating system:
Globally install pretissimo for parallelized composer downloads:
composer global require "hirak/prestissimo:^0.3"
If you have xDebug enabled for your PHP CLI binary, it is highly recommended that you disable it to dramatically improve performance.
Create a new project using the blt-project template:
composer create-project acquia/blt-project:8.x-dev MY_PROJECT --no-interaction cd MY_PROJECT
Install the
alias and follow on-screen instructions:./vendor/bin/blt install-alias
Customize BLT configuration files:
- Add your local DB credentials to
- Add your local DB credentials to
Replace tokens in new BLT-generated files with your custom values in project.yml:
blt configure
Follow instructions for Setting up your *AMP stack
Follow instructions for installing Drupal locally. Don't install Drupal locally using your web browser.
(optional) Modify project files. Important files that you may want to modify include:
- composer.json. Note that Drupal core, contrib, and third party dependencies are all managed here.
- Project’s root
- Other project documentation in the readme directory.
To add BLT to a pre-existing Drupal project, do the following:
Ensure that your project directory structure is Acquia-cloud compatible by asserting that the Drupal root is in a top-level folder called
. -
If you currently manage your dependencies via Composer, ensure that they are all up to date via
composer update
. Assert that these updates do not break your project. -
into your existing project directory. -
Add BLT via composer and initialize it:
composer require acquia/blt:~8 ./vendor/acquia/blt/ init
Follow instructions for Setting up your *AMP stack
Follow instructions for installing Drupal locally. Don't install Drupal locally using your web browser.
(optional) Modify project files. Important files that you may want to modify include:
- composer.json. Note that Drupal core, contrib, and third party dependencies are all managed here.
- Project’s root
- Other project documentation in the readme directory.
If you are already using BLT via Composer, you can update to the latest version of BLT by running the following commands from your project's root directory:
composer update acquia/blt
blt update
Review and commit changes to your project files. For customized files like .travis.yml
or docroot/sites/default/settings.php
it is recommended that you use git add -p
to select which specific line changes you'd like to stage and commit.
If you are using an older version of BLT that was not installed using Composer, you may update to the Composer-managed version by running the following commands:
Remove any dependencies that may conflict with upstream acquia/blt. You may add these back later after the upgrade, if necessary.
composer remove drush/drush drupal/console phing/phing phpunit/phpunit squizlabs/php_codesniffer symfony/yaml drupal/coder symfony/console --no-interaction --no-update composer remove drush/drush drupal/console phing/phing phpunit/phpunit squizlabs/php_codesniffer symfony/yaml drupal/coder symfony/console --dev --no-interaction --no-update composer config minimum-stability dev
(conditional) If you are using Lightning, verify that your version constraint allows it to be updated to the latest stable version:
composer require drupal/lightning:~8 --no-update
Require acquia/blt as a dev dependency:
composer require acquia/blt:~8 --dev --no-update
Update all dependencies:
composer update
Execute update script:
Review and commit changes to your project files. For customized files like .travis.yml
or docroot/sites/default/settings.php
it is recommended that you use git add -p
to select which specific line changes you'd like to stage and commit.
Before building your project dependencies and installing Drupal, you must have a fully functional *AMP stack on your local machine. BLT intentionally does not provide this local development environment--that is outside of the scope of BLT’s intended responsibilities. It does, however, make recommendations for which tools you should use to manage your stack.
Please see Local Development for more information on setting up your *AMP stack:
When you have completed setting up your local *AMP stack, double check that the following pieces of information are still correct:
- Local site DB credentials:
in docroot/sites/default/settings/local.settings.php - Local site URL:
in docroot/sites/default/local.drushrc.php
Run the following command from the project root: blt local:setup
. This will do a lot of things for you, including:
- Building dependencies
- Installing local git hooks
- Generating local.yml for Behat
- Installing Drupal locally
When this task is complete, you should have a fully functioning Drupal site on your local machine. You can login to the site by running drush uli
Note that all common project tasks are executed through blt
. For a full list of available tasks, run blt -l
Now that your new project works locally, read through the new file in your project to learn how to perform common project tasks and integrate with third party tools.