diff --git a/releases/release-7.1.0.md b/releases/release-7.1.0.md
index 87e3d002b4164..53c6861f7d03b 100644
--- a/releases/release-7.1.0.md
+++ b/releases/release-7.1.0.md
@@ -348,9 +348,12 @@ Compared with the previous LTS 6.5.0, 7.1.0 not only includes new features, impr
| TiDB | [`performance.force-init-stats`](/tidb-configuration-file.md#force-init-stats-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Controls whether to wait for statistics initialization to finish before providing services during TiDB startup. |
| TiDB | [`performance.lite-init-stats`](/tidb-configuration-file.md#lite-init-stats-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Controls whether to use lightweight statistics initialization during TiDB startup. |
| TiDB | [`log.timeout`](/tidb-configuration-file.md#timeout-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Sets the timeout for log-writing operations in TiDB. In case of a disk failure that prevents logs from being written, this configuration item can trigger the TiDB process to panic instead of hang. The default value is `0`, which means no timeout is set. |
+| TiKV | [`region-compact-min-redundant-rows`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-compact-min-redundant-rows-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Sets the number of redundant MVCC rows required to trigger RocksDB compaction. The default value is `50000`. |
+| TiKV | [`region-compact-redundant-rows-percent`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-compact-redundant-rows-percent-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Sets the percentage of redundant MVCC rows required to trigger RocksDB compaction. The default value is `20`. |
| TiKV | [`split.byte-threshold`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#byte-threshold-new-in-v50) | Modified | Changes the default value from `30MiB` to `100MiB` when [`region-split-size`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-split-size) is greater than or equal to 4 GB. |
| TiKV | [`split.qps-threshold`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#qps-threshold) | Modified | Changes the default value from `3000` to `7000` when [`region-split-size`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-split-size) is greater than or equal to 4 GB. |
| TiKV | [`split.region-cpu-overload-threshold-ratio`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-cpu-overload-threshold-ratio-new-in-v620) | Modified | Changes the default value from `0.25` to `0.75` when [`region-split-size`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-split-size) is greater than or equal to 4 GB. |
+| TiKV | [`region-compact-check-step`](/tikv-configuration-file.md#region-compact-check-step) | Modified | Changes the default value from `100` to `5` when Partitioned Raft KV is enabled (`storage.engine="partitioned-raft-kv"`). |
| PD | [`store-limit-version`](/pd-configuration-file.md#store-limit-version-new-in-v710) | Newly added | Controls the mode of store limit. Value options are `"v1"` and `"v2"`. |
| PD | [`schedule.enable-diagnostic`](/pd-configuration-file.md#enable-diagnostic-new-in-v630) | Modified | Changes the default value from `false` to `true`, meaning that the diagnostic feature of scheduler is enabled by default. |
| TiFlash | `http_port` | Deleted | Deprecates the HTTP service port (default `8123`). |
diff --git a/tikv-configuration-file.md b/tikv-configuration-file.md
index e1cb94bf67409..b0ff01d447f50 100644
--- a/tikv-configuration-file.md
+++ b/tikv-configuration-file.md
@@ -759,7 +759,10 @@ Configuration items related to Raftstore.
### `region-compact-check-step`
+ The number of Regions checked at one time for each round of manual compaction
-+ Default value: `100`
++ Default value:
+ + When `storage.engine="raft-kv"`, the default value is `100`.
+ + When `storage.engine="partitioned-raft-kv"`, the default value is `5`.
+ Minimum value: `0`
### `region-compact-min-tombstones`
@@ -775,6 +778,19 @@ Configuration items related to Raftstore.
+ Minimum value: `1`
+ Maximum value: `100`
+### `region-compact-min-redundant-rows` New in v7.1.0
++ The number of redundant MVCC rows required to trigger RocksDB compaction. This configuration only takes effect for Partitioned Raft KV (`storage.engine="partitioned-raft-kv"`).
++ Default value: `50000`
++ Minimum value: `0`
+### `region-compact-redundant-rows-percent` New in v7.1.0
++ The percentage of redundant MVCC rows required to trigger RocksDB compaction. This configuration only takes effect for Partitioned Raft KV (`storage.engine="partitioned-raft-kv"`).
++ Default value: `20`
++ Minimum value: `1`
++ Maximum value: `100`
### `pd-heartbeat-tick-interval`
+ The time interval at which a Region's heartbeat to PD is triggered. `0` means that this feature is disabled.