Now that we’ve sparked your interest, let’s get into some of the nitty gritty of what this whole [PROGRAM NAME] thing might look like. Here’s what to expect and what’s expected—perhaps it’s just what you’ll need to succeed. ;)
Startups are at various points in their growth when they arrive. Some need critical legal help, others HR, and some just need to slog away with developing their product. For that reason, you’ll find that
[PROGRAM NAME] is a relatively hands off program. Yes, there are plenty of resources — mentors, [PARNTNERSHIP NAMES], [MANAGEMENT NAMES], your peers — who are waiting to help you, but generally, we’ll wait for you to ask before we get busy trying to connect you with resources you’ll need to be get through your unique crisis/cloud of questions.
That said, we do get you into a groove leading up to demo day with a schedule of mentor talks / workshops for topics and areas we think everyone will benefit from. You can expect spontaneous events as opportunities or needs arise, but here’s a brief rundown of some of the regulars:
Yes. LUNCH. We’ll provide lunch and we’ll also use the hour to listen to a speaker—their advice for habits worth stealing and mistakes to avoid, tips and tricks, or more focused topics. Sometimes, it’ll be structured like a workshop where we figure out pricing models, PR tactics, or dig into some investor insight. No matter what, it’ll be helpful.
Being a founder is tough. Shit happens, and with so many things going on, there’s bound to be a moment (or likely quite a few) where you’re stuck—you have a problem, need help, need a second opinion.
Welcome to family dinner. You’re now in a room full of brilliant people facing similar problems — what’s said in the room stays in the room and there’s bound to be someone here who can give you a hand.
We’ll have spontaneous events and deliverables that’ll be off schedule. Mentors will visit and investors will drop in. You’ll be busy and it’ll prob get stressful at times, but you can expect us to count on you to make the most of these opportunities. I mean, that’s why you’re applying in first place, right? Because you’re hungry to grow, connect, and collaborate.
There are hundreds that apply to be part of the program, and while we’d love to get involved with way more than just 6-10 startups, it’s impossible at this stage. So if you’re here, we hope it’s not just because you want some good food and free office space. We’re looking for startups that are eager to grow, willing to listen, and looking for ways to pull their peers up with them.
To graduate you’ll need to have product in market by the end of the three months and being used by people beyond friends and family. To get on stage and tell your story at demo day, well, you’re going to need a story. And a good one. Don’t worry, we’ll help with that. Speaking of things you need to have done, here’s our timeline to make sure we all hit the target by demo day:
Talk to potential customers. Figure out what the problem is you’re really trying to solve. Build, build, build. Experiment, fail, learn, repeat. Done is better than perfect cause you’re gonna need to move fast. Schedule time with mentors who can help you with UX or deeper issues that you’re facing.
There’s more to your company than just a product…. or at least there should be. How are your going to make money? What’re your plans for growth? Are you planning to hire? Forecasting will help keep you afloat and by the end of this phase we’re all going to want to hear your plan.
Everyday, you’re telling people about your product. Investors, customers, collaborators. You’ll be telling this story for the rest of your company’s life, so don’t you think it’s worth honing in on this story? We’ll spend many, many hours working with you to craft your story in a way that’s authentic, yet powerful. You’ll help your peers and they’ll help you—you’ll be proud of yourself and of them.
Sound like a busy few months? Yep. Might even be safe to say that other things on your agenda will naturally take a back seat for the duration of the program. You’ll likely have earlier mornings and later nights, but the startup hustle will keep you going. It’ll be one heck of a ride, and we can’t wait to hopefully have you here with us.