##Files in the xsl directory
File | Description |
xmlspectrum.xsl | Top-level stylesheet for XSLT/XML. Provides functions to be used by an importing stylesheet. |
xq-spectrum.xsl | Top-level stylesheet for XQuery. Provides functions to be used by an importing stylesheet, imports xq-handler.xsl |
xq-handler.xsl | Functions for processing XQuery sub-expression tokens except element/attribute-constructors, comments and string-literals. The open/closed state of the sub-expression must be supplied. |
highlight-file.xsl | Transforms a plain-text or XML code file to HTML with syntax highlighted code. Optionally (for XSLT) transforms imported files and creates a table-of-contents file. |
highlight-inline.xsl | Transforms an XHTML file containing code samples (embedded in pre elements) to syntax-highlighted HTML. |
make-toc.xsl | Internal use only. Imported by highlight-file.xsl for creation of a table-of-contents for multi-file XSLT proejcts |
dummy*.xsl | XSLT files prefixed with 'dummy' are imported/included, but they only exist to allow xmlspectrum.xsl to be run against itself as a self-test. Eventually, these dummy files will be removed. |
data/color-themes.xml | XML resource file that defines all color themes for syntax highlighting |
XMLSpectrum is implemented using standard XSLT 2.0 (no extensions). Therefore, any compliant XSLT 2.0 processor can be used to create the desired syntax-highlighted HTML output. The two top-level stylesheets, highlight-file.xsl and highlight-inline.xsl are designed to be fully working samples of how to import and use xmlspectrum.xsl - which is the core stylesheet.
Note: The highlight-file.xsl stylesheet can process a multi-file modular XSLT project from a single-entry point XSLT, with the directory structure of the HTML output mirroring that of the input. The default output URIResolver for the Saxon XSLT processor automatically creates the required directories (from the xsl:result-document
), other processors may require that the required output directory structure is created in some other way.
Typically, XSLT 2.0 transforms are initiated through the XSLT processor's API, through a GUI development tool or directly from the command-line. The command-line samples given here are for use with the Saxon XSLT 2.0 processor (Saxon-HE was used for testing).
##XML Editor
###Oxygen XML Editor: Sample Transform Scenario
- XML URL $(currentFileURL}
- XSL URL *[path to highlight-file.xsl]
- Parameters Dialog: a. indent="2" b. auto-trim="yes"
- Output Dialog: a. Save As: ${cfd}${cfn}.html b. Open in browser - Saved file [checked]
##Command Line
###Command-line params
- -s:stylesheet.xsl sets the stylesheet path/URI
- -it:main sets the inital template to 'main' (highlight-file.xsl only)
- -o:op-destination sets the output destination path (highlight-inline.xsl only)
###XSLT parameters XSLT parameters for both highlight-file and highlight-inline (unless specified otherwise) Parameter Syntax: [param-name]=[param-value]
- sourcepath string sets the target file URL/path to be highlighted
- color-theme [light | dark | roboticket-grey | roboticket-white | tomorrow-night | github | github-blue | pg-light] sets syntax-highlighting theme
- indent integer sets number of indent chars for each nest-level
- force-newline inserts line-feeds for non-formatted XML. Use indent to set indentation
- auto-trim [yes|no] trims all left-hand indentation characters
- css-path optional. string sets custom URL for external CSS link element in output HTML
- output-path optional. sets the directory path to send output files to (highlight-file.xsl only)
- font-name [scp|std] abbreviated name for HTML font: scp = Adobe Source Code Pro std = monospace
- css-inline [yes|no] embeds css color styles in each span element
- link-names [yes|no] processes all included/imported XSLT and adds hyperlinks and TOC
- document-type optional. Identifies XML vocabulary when root element is different
- document-type-prefix optional. Associates an XML prefix with the document-type
- format-mixed-content optional. Applies indentation to mixed-content XML
###Samples - highlight-file.xsl & highlight-inline.xsl
Examples running from the command-line using the Saxon-HE XSLT 2.0 processor:
###Sample Description
Colorise XSLT 2.0 file
Colorise XQuery 1.0 file "xqdoc-display.xqy"
Colorise XSD 1.1 snippet file
Colorise and indent XSLT file (the xmlspectrum source code) - use default dark theme
Colorise and reformat highlight-file.xsl- use light theme, recurse imports, creat toc and add hyper-links
Colorise and reformat docbook XSLT 2.0 from an absolute path - use light theme, recurse imports, creat toc and add hyper-links
Colorise XProc file
Colorise XSLT, XSD and XPath embedded within pre elements in an HTML file - use default dark theme
Colorise XSLT, XSD and XPath embedded within pre elements in an HTML file - use light-theme
Colorise and reformat XSLT file (the xmlspectrum source code) - use default dark theme
Colorise and reformat a blog entry containing XSLT, XSD and XPath - use default dark theme and Source Code Pro font
(Simplified for well-formed XML) colorise and reformat well-formed XSLT file:
1. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl sourcepath=../samples/xpathcolorer-x.xsl
2. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl sourcepath=../samples/xquery/xqdoc-display.xqy light-theme=no
3. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl sourcepath=../samples/schema-assert.xsd
4. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl sourcepath=../xsl/xmlspectrum.xsl indent=2
5. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl^
sourcepath=../xsl/highlight-file.xsl indent=2 link-names=yes theme=light output-path="new-output"
6. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl^
sourcepath="C:\docbook-xslt2-2.0.0\xslt\base\html\docbook.xsl" indent=0 link-names=yes
7. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -it:main -xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl^
8. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -xsl:xsl/highlight-inline.xsl^
-s:samples/html-inline-sample.html -o:output/highlighted-inline.html
9. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -xsl:xsl/highlight-inline.xsl^
-s:samples/html-inline-sample.html -o:output/highlighted-inline.html theme=light
10. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -xsl:xsl/highlight-inline.xsl^
-s:samples/badly-formatted-extract.html indent=2 auto-trim=yes -o:output/reformatted-extract.html
11. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -xsl:xsl/highlight-inline.xsl^
-s:samples/blog-sample.html indent=2 font-name=scp -o:output/blog-sample.html
12. java -cp "C:\Saxon\saxon9he.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t^
-xsl:xsl/highlight-file.xsl -s:xsl/xmlspectrum.xsl indent=2
Introduction and features: xmlspectrum/readme