Warning! This repo/software is under active development
Skandha v1 - supports EntryPoint 0.6.0 and can be found on master
Skandha v2 - supports EntryPoint 0.7.0 and can be found on develop
Install Skandha | Chains supported) | UserOp Fee history
Run with one-liner:
curl -fsSL https://skandha.run | bash
Or follow the steps below:
- install all dependencies by running
- build
yarn build && yarn bootstrap
cp config.json.default config.json
- edit
- (optional) run local geth-node from
- run
- The bundler will be available on
For a video tutorial on the above, you can view this here.
cp config.json.default config.json
- edit
docker build -t etherspot/skandha .
docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.json,target=/usr/app/config.json,readonly -dp 14337:14337 etherspot/skandha standalone
- Unsafe mode - bypass opcode & stake validation
- Redirect RPC - Redirect ETH rpc calls to the underlying execution client. This is needed if you use UserOp.js
- P2P - Exchange of UserOps between all the nodes in the network. Heavily inspired by the Lodestar's implementation of p2p (https://github.com/ChainSafe/lodestar/)
- Websockets event - to listen to pending and submitted userops
- enables unsafeMode--redirectRpc
- enables redirecting eth rpc calls--executor.bundlingMode manual|auto
- sets bundling mode tomanual
on start. Default value isauto
--api.ws true|false
- enables / disables websocket server. Default istrue
--api.wsPort number
- sets websocket service port. Default is the same asapi.port
"entryPoints": [
"relayer": "0x{RELAYER-PRIVATE-KEY}",
"beneficiary": "0x{BENEFICIARY-ADDRESS}",
"rpcEndpoint": "https://polygon-mumbai.blockpi.network/v1/rpc/public"
"entryPoints": [ # supported entry points
"relayers": [
"test test test test test test test test test test test junk"
], # relayers private keys, can access from here or via environment variables (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_RELAYERS | SKANDHA_DEV_RELAYERS | etc.)
"beneficiary": "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", # optional, fee collector, available via env var (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_BENEFICIARY | etc) - if not set, relayer will be used
"rpcEndpoint": "http://localhost:8545", # rpc provider, also available via env variable (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_RPC | etc)
"minInclusionDenominator": 10, # optional, see EIP-4337
"throttlingSlack": 10, # optional, see EIP-4337
"banSlack": 50 # optional, see EIP-4337
"minStake": 10000000000, # optional, min stake of an entity (in wei)
"minUnstakeDelay": 0, # optional, min unstake delay of an entity
"minSignerBalance": 1, # optional, default is 0.1 ETH. If the relayer's balance drops lower than this, it will be selected as a fee collector
"multicall": "0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11", # optional, multicall3 contract (see https://github.com/mds1/multicall#multicall3-contract-addresses)
"estimationGasLimit": 0, # optional,gas limit during simulateHandleOps and simulateValidation calls
"receiptLookupRange": 1024, # optional,limits the block range of getUserOperationByHash and getUserOperationReceipt
"etherscanApiKey": "", # optional,etherscan api is used to fetch gas prices
"conditionalTransactions": false, # optional,enable conditional transactions
"rpcEndpointSubmit": "", # optional,rpc endpoint that is used only during submission of a bundle
"gasPriceMarkup": 0, # optional,adds % markup on reported gas price via skandha_getGasPrice, 10000 = 100.00%, 500 = 5%
"enforceGasPrice": false, # optional,do not bundle userops with low gas prices
"enforceGasPriceThreshold": 1000, # optional,gas price threshold in bps. If set to 500, userops' gas price is allowed to be 5% lower than the network's gas price
"eip2930": false, # optional, enables eip-2930
"useropsTTL": 300, # optional, Userops time to live (in seconds)
"whitelistedEntities": { # optional, Entities that bypass stake and opcode validation (array of addresses)
"factory": [],
"paymaster": [],
"account": []
"bundleGasLimitMarkup": 25000, # optional, adds some amount of additional gas to a bundle tx
"relayingMode": "classic"; # optional, allows to switch to Flashbots Builder api if set to "flashbots", see packages/executor/src/interfaces.ts for more
"bundleInterval": 10000, # bundle creation interval
"bundleSize": 4, # optional, max size of a bundle, 4 userops by default
"pvgMarkup": 0 # optional, adds some gas on top of estimated PVG
"cglMarkup": 35000, # optional, markup on estimated call gas limit
"vglMarkup": 0, # optional, markup on estimated verification gas limit
"skipBundleValidation": false, # # optional, skips bundle validation
"userOpGasLimit": 25000000, # optional, gas limit of a userop
"bundleGasLimit": 25000000, # optional, gas limit of a bundle
"archiveDuration": 5184000 # optional, keeps submitted, reverted and cancelled userops in the mempool for this many seconds
- Try executing
brew install python-setuptools
and then re-runyarn bootstrap
If you have any questions or feedback about the ERC-4337 Bundler project, please feel free to reach out to us.
Licensed under the MIT License.
- Sepolia | QmdDwVFoEEcgv5qnaTB8ncnXGMnqrhnA5nYpRr4ouWe4AT | https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdDwVFoEEcgv5qnaTB8ncnXGMnqrhnA5nYpRr4ouWe4AT?filename=sepolia_canonical_mempool.yaml
- Mumbai | QmQfRyE9iVTBqZ17hPSP4tuMzaez83Y5wD874ymyRtj9VE | https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQfRyE9iVTBqZ17hPSP4tuMzaez83Y5wD874ymyRtj9VE?filename=mumbai_canonical_mempool.yaml
- Goerli | QmTmj4cizhWpEFCCqk5dP67yws7R2PPgCtb2bd2RgVPCbF | https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmTmj4cizhWpEFCCqk5dP67yws7R2PPgCtb2bd2RgVPCbF?filename=goerli_canonical_mempool.yaml