- 13450 periklis: fix(operator): Skip updating annotations for serviceaccounts
- 13430 periklis: fix(operator): Support v3.1.0 in OpenShift dashboards
- 13422 periklis feat(operator): Update Loki operand to v3.1.0
- 13369 jatinsu: feat(operator): Add support for the volume API
- 13299 periklis: fix(operator): Watch for CredentialsRequests on CCOAuthEnv only
- 13066 xperimental: Use a minimum value for replay memory ceiling
- 12874 periklis: chore(operator): Update Loki operand to v2.9.8
- 12698 periklis: chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.21.0 to 0.23.0 in /operator
- 12503 periklis: fix(operator): Bump golang builder to 1.21.9
- 12469 btaani: Configure Loki to use virtual-host-style URLs for S3 AWS endpoints
- 12181 btaani: Improve validation of provided S3 storage configuration
- 12370 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.9.6
- 12333 periklis: Bump max OpenShift version to next release
No changes.
- 12228 xperimental: Restructure LokiStack metrics
- 12164 periklis: Use safe bearer token authentication to scrape operator metrics
- 12216 xperimental: Fix duplicate operator metrics due to ServiceMonitor selector
- 12212 xperimental: Keep credentialMode in status when updating schemas
- 12165 JoaoBraveCoding: Change attribute value used for CCO-based credential mode
- 12157 periklis: Fix managed auth features annotation for community-openshift bundle
- 12104 periklis: Upgrade build and runtime dependencies
- 11928 periklis: Fix remote write client timeout config rename
- 12097 btaani: Fix encoding of blocked query pattern in configuration
- 12106 xperimental: Allow setting explicit CredentialMode in LokiStack storage spec
- 11968 xperimental: Extend status to show difference between running and ready
- 12007 xperimental: Extend Azure secret validation
- 12008 xperimental: Support using multiple buckets with AWS STS
- 11964 xperimental: Provide Azure region for managed credentials using environment variable
- 11920 xperimental: Refactor handling of credentials in managed-auth mode
- 11869 periklis: Add support for running with Google Workload Identity
- 11868 xperimental: Integrate support for OpenShift-managed credentials in Azure
- 11854 periklis: Allow custom audience for managed-auth on STS
- 11802 xperimental: Add support for running with Azure Workload Identity
- 11824 xperimental: Improve messages for errors in storage secret
- 11524 JoaoBraveCoding, periklis: Add OpenShift cloud credentials support for AWS STS
- 11513 btaani: Add a custom metric that collects Lokistacks requiring a schema upgrade
- 11718 periklis: Upgrade k8s.io, sigs.k8s.io and openshift deps
- 11671 JoaoBraveCoding: Update mixins to fix structured metadata dashboards
- 11624 xperimental: React to changes in ConfigMap used for storage CA
- 11481 JoaoBraveCoding: Adds AWS STS support
- 11533 periklis: Add serviceaccount per LokiStack resource
- 11158 btaani: operator: Add warning for old schema configuration
- 11473 JoaoBraveCoding: Adds structured metadata dashboards
- 11448 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.9.3
- 11357 periklis: Fix storing authentication credentials in the Loki ConfigMap
- 11393 periklis: Add infra annotations for OpenShift based deployments
- 11094 periklis: Add support for blocking queries per tenant
- 11288 periklis: Fix custom CA for object-store in ruler component
- 11091 periklis: Add automatic stream sharding support
- 11022 JoaoBraveCoding: Remove outdated BoltDB dashboards
- 10932 JoaoBraveCoding: Adds new value v13 to schema
- 11232 periklis: Update dependencies and dev tools
- 11129 periklis: Update deps to secure webhooks for CVE-2023-44487
- 10924 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.9.2
- 10874 periklis: Bump deps to address CVE-2023-39325 and CVE-2023-44487
- 10854 periklis: Add missing marker/sweeper panels in retention dashboard
- 10717 periklis: Allow SSE settings in AWS S3 object storage secret
- 10715 periklis: Allow endpoint_suffix in azure object storage secret
- 10562 periklis: Add memberlist IPv6 support
- 10720 JoaoBraveCoding: Change default replication factor of 1x.medium to 2
- 10600 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.9.1
- 10545 xperimental: Update gateway arguments to enable namespace extraction
- 10558 periklis: Upgrade dashboards for for Loki v2.9.0
- 10539 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.9.0
- 10418 btaani: Use a condition to warn when labels for zone-awareness are empty
- 9468 periklis: Add support for reconciling loki-mixin dashboards on OpenShift Console
- 9942 btaani: Use a condition to warn when there are no nodes with matching labels for zone-awareness
- 10019 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.8.3
- 9972 JoaoBraveCoding: Fix OIDC.IssuerCAPath by updating it to type CASpec
- 9931 aminesnow: Custom configuration for LokiStack admin groups
- 9971 aminesnow: Add namespace and tenantId labels to RecordingRules
- 9906 JoaoBraveCoding: Add mTLS authentication to tenants
- 9963 xperimental: Fix application tenant alertmanager configuration
- 9795 JoaoBraveCoding: Add initContainer to zone aware components to gatekeep them from starting without the AZ annotation
- 9503 shwetaap: Add Pod annotations with node topology labels to support zone aware scheduling
- 9930 periklis: Use PodAntiAffinity for all components
- 9860 xperimental: Fix update of labels and annotations of PodTemplates
- 9830 periklis: Expose limits config setting cardinality_limit
- 9600 periklis: Add rules labels filters for openshift-logging application tenant
- 9735 JoaoBraveCoding Adjust 1x.extra-small resources according to findings
- 9689 xperimental: Fix availability of demo LokiStack size
- 9630 jpinsonneau: Expose per_stream_rate_limit & burst
- 9623 periklis: Fix timeout config constructor when only tenants limits
- 9457 Red-GV: Set seccomp profile to runtime default
- 9448 btaani: Include runtime-config in compiling the SHA1 checksum
- 9511 xperimental: Do not update status after setting degraded condition
- 9405 periklis: Add support for configuring HTTP server timeouts
- 9378 aminesnow: Add zone aware API spec validation
- 9408 JoaoBraveCoding: Add PodAntiAffinity overwrites per component
- 9429 aminesnow: Add default TopologySpreadContraints to Gateway
- 9418 JoaoBraveCoding: Add default TopologySpreadContaints to Querier
- 9383 JoaoBraveCoding: Add default TopologySpreadContaints to Distributor
- 9406 aminesnow: Add label selector to zone awareness TopologySpreadConstraints
- 9366 periklis: Add support for custom tenant topology in rules
- 9315 aminesnow: Add zone awareness spec to LokiStack
- 9343 JoaoBraveCoding: Add default PodAntiAffinity to Query Frontend
- 9346 periklis: Enable Route by default on OpenShift clusters
- 9339 JoaoBraveCoding: Add default PodAntiAffinity to Ruler
- 9329 JoaoBraveCoding: Add default PodAntiAffinity to Ingester
- 9262 btaani: Add PodDisruptionBudget to the Ruler
- 9260 JoaoBraveCoding: Add PodDisruptionBudgets to the ingestion path
- 9188 aminesnow: Add PodDisruptionBudgets to the query path
- 9162 aminesnow: Add a PodDisruptionBudget to lokistack-gateway
- 9049 alanconway: Revert 1x.extra-small changes, add 1x.demo
- 8661 xuanyunhui: Add a new Object Storage Type for AlibabaCloud OSS
- 9036 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.8.0
- 8978 aminesnow: Add watch for the object storage secret
- 8958 periklis: Align common instance addr with memberlist advertise addr
- 8998 periklis: Remove static placeholder suffix for openshift bundle
- 8930 periklis: Fix makefile target operatorhub
- 8911 aminesnow: Update LokiStack annotaion on RulerConfig delete
- 8912 periklis: Add missing replaces directives for release v0.2.0
- 8651 periklis: Prepare Community Loki Operator release v0.2.0
- 8881 periklis: Provide community bundle for openshift community hub
- 8863 periklis: Break the API types out into their own module
- 8878 periklis: Refactor all type validations into own package
- 8875 Red-GV: Remove mutations to non-updatable statefulset fields
- 7451 btaani: Add support for rules configmap sharding
- 8672 periklis: Add support for memberlist bind network configuration
- 8748 periklis: Add alertingrule tenant id label for all rules
- 8743 periklis: Add alerting style guide validation
- 8192 jotak: Allow multiple matchers for multi-tenancy with Network tenant (OpenShift)
- 8800 aminesnow: Promote AlertingRules, RecordingRules and RulerConfig from v1beta1 to v1
- 8792 orenc1: Improve documentation for LokiStack installation with ODF Object Storage
- 8791 periklis: Expand OLM skip range for OpenShift Logging 5.7 release (OpenShift)
- 8771 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.7.4
- 8776 Red-GV: Update go to v1.20, k8s libraries to v1.26.2, and OpenShift libraries to v4.13
- 8707 aminesnow: Fix gateway's nodeSelector and tolerations
- 8666 xperimental: Fix version inconsistency in generated OpenShift bundle
- 8578 xperimental: Refactor status update to reduce API calls
- 8577 Red-GV: Store gateway tenant information in secret instead of configmap
- 8397 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.7.3
- 8308 aminesnow: operator: Cleanup ruler resources when disabled
- 8336 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.7.2
- 8253 aminesnow: Add watch on the Alertmanager in openshift-monitoring and decouple it from the user-workload AM
- 8265 Red-GV: Use gRPC compactor service instead of http for retention
- 8038 aminesnow: Add watch on the Alertmanager in OCP's user-workload-monitoring namespace
- 8173 periklis: Remove custom webhook cert mounts for OLM-based deployment (OpenShift)
- 8001 aminesnow: Add API validation to Alertmanager header auth config
- 8087 xperimental: Fix status not updating when state of pods changes
- 8068 periklis: Use lokistack-gateway replicas from size table
- 8068 periklis: Use lokistack-gateway replicas from size table
- 7839 aminesnow: Configure Alertmanager per-tenant
- 7910 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.7.1
- 7815 periklis: Apply delete client changes for compat with release-2.7.x
- 7809 xperimental: Fix histogram-based alerting rules
- 7808 xperimental: Replace fifocache usage by embedded_cache
- 7753 periklis: Check for mandatory CA configmap name in ObjectStorageTLS spec
- 7744 periklis: Fix object storage TLS spec CAKey descriptor
- 7716 aminesnow: Migrate API docs generation tool
- 7710 periklis: Fix LokiStackController watches for cluster-scoped resources
- 7682 periklis: Refactor cluster proxy to use configv1.Proxy on OpenShift
- 7711 Red-GV: Remove default value from replicationFactor field
- 7617 Red-GV: Modify ingestionRate for respective shirt size
- 7592 aminesnow: Update API docs generation using gen-crd-api-reference-docs
- 7448 periklis: Add TLS support for compactor delete client
- 7596 periklis: Fix fresh-installs with built-in cert management enabled
- 7064 periklis: Add support for built-in cert management
- 7471 aminesnow: Expose and migrate query_timeout in limits config
- 7437 aminesnow: Fix Custom TLS profile setting for LokiStack on OpenShift
- 7415 aminesnow: Add alert relabel config
- 7418 Red-GV: Update golang to v1.19 and k8s dependencies to v0.25.2
- 7322 Red-GV: Configuring server and client HTTP and GRPC TLS options
- 7272 aminesnow: Use cluster monitoring alertmanager by default on openshift clusters
- 7295 xperimental: Add extended-validation for rules on OpenShift
- 6951 Red-GV: Adding operational Lokistack alerts
- 7254 periklis: Expose Loki Ruler API via the lokistack-gateway
- 7214 periklis: Fix ruler GRPC tls client configuration
- 7201 xperimental: Write configuration for per-tenant retention
- 7037 xperimental: Skip enforcing matcher for certain tenants on OpenShift
- 7106 xperimental: Manage global stream-based retention
- 7092 aminesnow: Configure kube-rbac-proxy sidecar to use Intermediate TLS security profile in OCP
- 6870 aminesnow: Configure gateway to honor the global tlsSecurityProfile on Openshift
- 6999 Red-GV: Adding LokiStack Gateway alerts
- 7000 xperimental: Configure default node affinity for all pods
- 6923 xperimental: Reconcile owner reference for existing objects
- 6907 Red-GV: Adding valid subscription annotation to operator metadata
- 6479 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.6.1
- 6748 periklis: Update go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc to latest
- 6741 aminesnow: Golang version to 1.18 and k8s client to 1.24
- 6669 xperimental: Set minimum TLS version to 1.2 to support FIPS
- 6663 aminesnow: Generalize live tail fix to all clusters using TLS
- 6443 aminesnow: Fix live tail of logs not working on OpenShift-based clusters
- 6646 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.6.0
- 6594 xperimental: Disable client certificate authentication on gateway
- 6551 periklis: Add operator docs for object storage
- 6549 periklis: Refactor feature gates to use custom resource definition
- 6514 Red-GV Update all pods and containers to be compliant with restricted Pod Security Standard
- 6531 periklis: Use default interface_names for lokistack clusters (IPv6 Support)
- 6411 aminesnow: Support TLS enabled lokistack-gateway for vanilla kubernetes deployments
- 6504 periklis: Disable usage report on OpenShift
- 6474 periklis: Bump loki.grafana.com/LokiStack from v1beta to v1
- 6411 Red-GV: Extend schema validation in LokiStack webhook
- 6334 periklis: Move operator cli flags to component config
- 6224 periklis: Add support for GRPC over TLS for Loki components
- 5952 Red-GV: Add api to change storage schema version
- 6363 periklis: Allow optional installation of webhooks (Kind)
- 6362 periklis: Allow reduced tenant OIDC authentication requirements
- 6288 aminesnow: Expose only an HTTPS gateway when in openshift mode
- 6195 periklis: Add ruler config support
- 6198 periklis: Add support for custom S3 CA
- 6199 Red-GV: Update GCP secret volume path
- 6125 sasagarw: Add method to get authenticated from GCP
- 5986 periklis: Add support for Loki Rules reconciliation
- 5987 Red-GV: Update logerr to v2.0.0
- 5907 xperimental: Do not include non-static labels in pod selectors
- 5893 periklis: Align PVC storage size requests for all lokistack t-shirt sizes
- 5884 periklis: Update Loki operand to v2.5.0
- 5748 Red-GV: Update Prometheus go client to 12.1
- 5739 sasagarw: Change UUIDs to tenant name in doc
- 5729 periklis: Add missing label matcher for openshift logging tenant mode (OpenShift)
- 5691 sasagarw: Fix immediate reset of degraded condition
- 5704 xperimental: Update operator-sdk to 1.18.1
- 5693 periklis: Replace frontend_worker parallelism with match_max_concurrent
- 5699 Red-GV: Configure boltdb_shipper and schema to use Azure, GCS, and Swift storage
- 5701 sasagarw: Make ReplicationFactor optional in LokiStack API
- 5695 xperimental: Update Go to 1.17
- 5615 sasagarw: Document how to connect to LokiStack gateway component
- 5655 xperimental: Update Loki operand to 2.4.2
- 5579 Red-GV: Add playbook for responding to operator alerts
- 5640 sasagarw: Update CSV to point to candidate channel and use openshift-operators-redhat ns (OpenShift)
- 5551 sasagarw: Document how to connect to distributor component
- 5624 periklis: Use tenant name as id for mode openshift-logging (OpenShift)
- 5621 periklis: Use recommended labels for LokiStack components
- 5607 periklis: Use lokistack name as prefix for owned resources
- 5588 periklis: Add RBAC for Prometheus service discovery to Loki component metrics (OpenShift)
- 5576 xperimental: Change endpoints for generated liveness and readiness probes
- 5560 periklis: Fix service monitor's server name for operator metrics
- 5345 ronensc: Add flag to create Prometheus rules
- 5432 Red-GV: Provide storage configuration for Azure, GCS, and Swift through common_config
- 4975 periklis: Provide saner default for loki-operator managed chunk_target_size