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598 lines (466 loc) · 21.9 KB

title: Pepipost API Docs v1.0

Send Email - JSON ( Edit )

JSON/Email send – this API can be use to send emails.

Basic example

Content-Type: application/json
POST /api/web.send.json HTTP/1.1
    "api_key": "string",
    "email_details": {
        "fromname": "yourfromname",
        "subject": "this is test email subject",
        "from": "[email protected]",
        "content": "<p> hi, this is a test email sent via Pepipost JSON API.</p>"
    "recipients": [
        "[email protected]"

Click here to try the above example with our online API console

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode": "0" ,"errormessage":""}

Example with attributes

Example of sending content personalized email

In order to send personalized content email using Pepipost API, you need to first provide the attribute in your API call along with the place-holders used inside of your HTML content. Like below given example:

Your API Call

POST /api/web.send.json HTTP/1.1
      "fromname":"sender name",
      "subject":"test email subject",
      "from":"[email protected]",
      "content":"<p>Hi [%NAME%], your current balance as on today is [%ACCOUNT_BAL%].</p>"
     "recipients":["[email protected]","[email protected]"],

Click here to try the above example with our online API console

**Mail received by Mike **

<p>Hi Mike, your current balance as on today is 100.</p>

**Mail received by Joe **

<p>Hi Joe, your current balance as on today is 200.</p>

Advance example

Content-Type: application/json
POST /api/web.send.json HTTP/1.1
          "fromname":"sender name",
          "subject":"test email subject",
          "from":"[email protected]",
          "replytoid": "[email protected]",
          "content":"<p>Hi [%NAME%], This is a test email sent using Pepipost JSON/Email API</p>"
     "tags": "AccountDeactivation, Verification", 
     "X-APIHEADER": ["ID3","ID2"],
          "bcc":"[email protected]",
     "recipients":["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
      "files": {
          "attachment_example1.txt": "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgY29udGVudCBvZiBhIHRlc3QgZmlsZS4K",
          "attachment_example2.txt": "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgY29udGVudCBvZiBhIHRlc3QgZmlsZSAyLgo="

Click here to try the above example with our online API console

** NOTES **

  • The fields "NAME" and "AGE" are user defined. One can use any alphanumeric attribute name.
  • The fields "attachment_example1.txt" and "attachment_example2.txt" are user defined. One can use any alphanumeric filename.
  • The value of field "files" needs to be encoded in base64 encoding format. You can attach various types of files including pdf, png, etc in the same as shown above. However, the above example uses txt file example becauase the base64 for other file types (like pdf) will be large and make the example unreadable.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"message":"SUCCESS","errorcode": "0" ,"errormessage":""}


Name Required In Type Description
api_key Yes query string Your API Key
data Yes body Data Data in JSON format


Name Type Required Description
api_key string Yes Your secret API Key
email_details struct Yes
Name Type Required description
fromname string No Email Sender name
subject string Yes subject of the email
from string Yes sender email address.
replytoid string No email address where recipients reply will be received.
tags string No This can be use by user to tag/label their emails, in order to categorize for reports and other purposes. Use comma to separate multiple values.
content string Yes
X-APIHEADER array[string] No This is the user defined ids in order to uniquely identify each emails.
settings struct No
Name Type Required description
footer boolean No To turn on/off the footer addition in the email. User can define footer using dashboard after login.
clicktrack boolean No To turn on/off the click tracking of your recipients.
opentrack boolean No To turn on/off the open tracking of your recipients.
unsubscribe boolean No To turn on/off the unsubscribe link addition in the email.
bcc string No Blind Cardbon Copy - a copy of the email will be sent to the email address mentioned here.
attachmentid string No To add attachment to the email. User can add attachment using dashboard after login.
template integer No Template ID of the HTML template which user has created using dashboard, after login.
recipients array[string] Yes Array of recipients email addresses, to whom the mail will be sent.
attributes struct No
Name Type Required description
NAME string No The key "NAME" is user defined and not fixed. You can put any valid alphanumeric name eg: FIRST_NAME. This needs to be defined per recipients.
AGE string No The key "AGE" is user defined and not fixed. You can put any valid alphanumeric name eg: FIRST_NAME. This needs to be defined per recipients.
files struct No
Name Type Required description
your_attachment1.txt string No The key "your_attachment1.txt" is user defined and not fixed. You can put any valid alphanumeric filename for attachment. This needs NOT to be defined per recipients.
your_attachment2.txt string No The key "your_attachment2.txt" is user defined and not fixed. You can put any valid alphanumeric filename for attachment. This needs NOT to be defined per recipients.

Responses format

Name Description
message Its can have only 2 values - "SUCCESS" or "ERROR"
errorcode Pepipost API error code. Its value will be - 0 (zero) in case of success. In case of error it will be non-zero integer value.
errormessage Error specific error messages.

Integrating with PHP

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for PHP in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in PHP. You can get Pepipost SDK for PHP by clicking here .

Basic Example


require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use PepipostAPIV10Lib\Controllers\Email;

$email = new Email();

$data = array(
    'api_key'        =>  'yoursecretapikey',
    'recipients'    =>  array('[email protected]'),
    'email_details' => array(
        'content'       =>  'this mail is sent via PHP SDK',
        'from'          =>  '[email protected]',
        'subject'       =>  'this mail is sent via PHP SDK',
        'fromname'      =>  'SDK Sender Name ',    

try {
    $response = $email->sendJson( $data );
        print "Email sent successfully.\n";
    else {
        print "Email sent Failed.\n";
        print "errormessage(" . $response->errormessage . ") \n";
        print "errorcode(" . $response->errorcode . ").\n";
catch(Exception $e){
    print 'Call failed due to unhandled exception/error('. $e->getMessage().')'."\n";

Advance Example


require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use PepipostAPIV10Lib\Controllers\Email;

$email = new Email();

$data = array(
    'api_key'   =>  'yoursecretkey',
    'recipients'    =>  array('[email protected]','[email protected]'),
    'email_details' => array(
        'from'          =>  '[email protected]',
        'subject'       =>  'Hi [% NAME %], here is your account balance.',
        'content'       =>  '<p>Hi [%NAME%],</p><p>Your account balance is [% ACCOUNT_BAL %].</p>',
        'fromname'      =>  'SDK Sender Name ',
        'replytoid'     =>  '[email protected]',
    'tags'          	=>  'AccountDeactivation, Verification',
    'X-APIHEADER' => array('UserID1','UserID2'),
    'settings' => array(
        'footer'        =>  true,
        'clicktrack'    =>  true,
        'opentrack'     =>  true,
        'unsubscribe'   =>  true,
        'bcc'           =>  '[email protected]',
    'attributes' => array(
        'NAME'          => array('NameOfRecipient1','NameOfRecipient2'),
        'ACCOUNT_BAL'   => array('100','200'),
    'files' => array(
        'example_attachment1.txt' => base64_encode(trim(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.txt'))),
        'example_attachment2.pdf' => base64_encode(trim(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.pdf'))),

try {
    $response = $email->sendJson( $data );
        print "Email sent successfully.\n";
    else {
        print "Email sent Failed.\n";
        print "errormessage(" . $response->errormessage . ") \n";
        print "errorcode(" . $response->errorcode . ").\n";
catch(Exception $e){
    print 'Call failed due to unhandled exception/error('. $e->getMessage().')'."\n";

Integrating with Python

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for Python in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in Python. You can get Pepipost SDK for Python by clicking here .

Basic Example

from PepipostAPIV10Lib.Controllers.Email import *
import json

controller = Email()

#data = ()
data = { 
    'api_key' : 'yoursecretapikey',
    'recipients' : ['[email protected]','[email protected]'],
    'email_details' : { 
        'fromname' : 'sender name',
        'subject' : 'test email subject sent using Pepipost SDK - Python',
        'from' : '[email protected]',
        'content' : '<p>This is a test email sent using Pepipost JSON/Email Python SDK</p>'

response = controller.send(data)

print response

Integrating with Ruby

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for Ruby in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in Ruby. You can get Pepipost SDK for Ruby by clicking here .

Basic Example

require 'pepipost_apiv_10'

data = {
    "recipients"=> ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "email_details" => {
        "fromname" => "sender name",
        "subject" => "This is a test email sent usig Pepipost SDK for Ruby",
        "from" => "[email protected]",
        "content" => "<p>This is a test email sent using Pepipost SDK for Ruby</p>",

email =
response = email.send data

print response

Integrating with NodeJS

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for NodeJS in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in NodeJS.

You can install it using npm "npm install pepipost-sdk-nodejs".

You can get its source code by clicking here .

Basic Example

var PepipostSDK = require('pepipost-sdk-nodejs');

var Email = PepipostSDK.EmailController;

var data = {
    "api_key": "yoursecretapikey",
    "email_details": {
        "fromname": "yourfromname",
        "subject": "this is test email subject",
        "from": "[email protected]",
        "content": "<p> hi, this is a test email sent via Pepipost JSON API.</p>"
    "recipients": [
        "[email protected]"


function callback_mail_sent(err_msg,parsed,context){
        console.log("mail sent successfully.\n");
        console.log("Email sent Failed.\n");

Integrating with NodeJS - Nodemailer

Nodemailer is a famous NodeJS library to send email.

You can know more about Nodemailer by clicking here .

Please follow the below steps, in order to integerate Pepipost with Nodemailer:

You can install it using npm "npm install nodemailer".

Basic Example for Nodemailer version above v0.7.1

var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
//below var smtpTransport not required for Nodemailer version equal or below v0.7.1
var smtpTransport = require("nodemailer-smtp-transport");

// Create a SMTP transport object
var transport = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport( {
        host: "",
        port: 2525,
        auth: {
            user: "yoursmtpusername",
            pass: "yoursmtppassword"
//Use this code for Nodemailer version equal or below v0.7.1
var transport = nodemailer.createTransport("SMTP", {
        //service: 'Pepipost',
        host: "",
        port: 2525,
        auth: {
            user: "yoursmtpusername",
            pass: "yoursmtppassword"
console.log('SMTP Configured');

// Message object
var message = { 

    // sender info
    from: 'Sender Name <[email protected]>',

    // Comma separated list of recipients
    to: '"Receiver Name" <[email protected]>',

    // Subject of the message
    subject: 'Nodemailer is unicode friendly ✔', 

    // plaintext body
    text: 'Test mail sent using Nodemailer with Pepipost',

    // HTML body
    html:'<p><b>Hello</b> Test mail sent using Nodemailer with Pepipost</p>'+
         '<p>Thank you.</p>'

    //For adding X-APIHEADER, uncomment the blow lines
    ,headers: {

console.log('Sending Mail');
transport.sendMail(message, function(error){
      console.log('Error occured');
  console.log('Message sent successfully!');

  // if you don't want to use this transport object anymore, uncomment following line
  //transport.close(); // close the connection pool

Integrating with Java

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for Java in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in Java. You can get Pepipost SDK for Java by clicking here .

Basic Example

import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.EmailApi;

import java.util.*;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Getting the SDK object
        EmailApi pepipostSDK = new EmailApi();

        //Getting the data object
        Emailv1 data = new Emailv1(); // Emailv1 | Data in JSON format

        //setting the apikey

        //setting the data
        EmailDetails email_details = new EmailDetails(); // Emailv1 | Data in JSON format
        email_details.setFrom("[email protected]");
        email_details.subject("This is the test email subject sent via Pepipost Java SDK");
        email_details.setContent("<p> hi, this is a test email sent via Pepipost Java SDK using its JSON API.</p>");

        //adding recipients
        List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>();
        recipients.add("[email protected]");

        //making the call
        try {
            System.out.println("Email sent successfully.");
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred while calling Pepipost API");

Integrating with Perl

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for Perl in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in Perl. You can get Pepipost SDK for Perl by clicking here .

Basic Example

use lib 'lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
# load the API package
use WWW::Pepipost::EmailApi;

# load the models
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Attributes;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::EmailDetails;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Emailv1;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Files;
use WWW::Pepipost::Object::Settings;

# for displaying the API response data
use Data::Dumper;

my $email = WWW::Pepipost::EmailApi->new();
my $data = WWW::Pepipost::Object::Emailv1->new(); # Emailv1 | Data in JSON format

$data->{'api_key'} = 'yoursecretkey';
$data->{'recipients'} = ['[email protected]'];
$data->{'email_details'}{'subject'} = 'This is a test email subject sent using Pepipost SDK for Perl';
$data->{'email_details'}{'from'} = '[email protected]';
$data->{'email_details'}{'content'} = 'This is a test email content sent using Pepipost SDK for Perl';

eval {
    my $response = $email->send(data => $data);
    print "response($response)\n";
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmailApi->send: $@\n";

Integrating with C#

Its recommended to use Peipost SDK for C# in order to integrate Pepipost services with applications written in C#. You can get Pepipost SDK for C# by clicking here .

Basic Example

using System;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace youconsoleapp
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            //Prepare the data
            Emailv1 data = new Emailv1 ();
            data.ApiKey = "yoursecretapikey";

            //email_details Model
            EmailDetails email_details = new EmailDetails ();
            email_details.Fromname = "sender name";
            email_details.From = "[email protected]";
            email_details.Subject = "Test email sent using Pepiopst Csharp SDK";
            email_details.Content = "<p>This email is sent using Pepipost CSharp SDK</p>";

            System.Collections.Generic.List<string> recipients = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> {"[email protected]"};

            //Combine all
            data.Recipients = recipients;
            data.EmailDetails = email_details;

            //Call the API method
            EmailApi email = new EmailApi ();

            //For debug print outgoing json
            //String data_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (data);
            //System.Console.WriteLine ("Data JSON "+ data_json);

            var response = email.CreateApiWebSendJson (data);
            System.Console.WriteLine ("response"+response.ToString());