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This is the Open Dylan website.

It is built using Sphinx. All content is written using ReStructured Text with Sphinx extensions.


Installing dependencies

Some system dependencies need to be satisfied first:

  • Python 3 and its package manager pip3.
  • Git
  • Make

On a Debian-derivative, they're quite easy to fetch:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git make

Now you need the Python dependencies. The easiest way to do this is to use pip3:

sudo pip3 install -U Sphinx furo

You may also need python-dateutil.

sudo pip3 install python-dateutil

And sphinx-copybutton to show a copy button in code blocks:

sudo pip3 install sphinx-copybutton


Get the source if you haven't already:

git clone --recursive

Building the website:

cd opendylan/documentation
mkdir -p /tmp/
./ /tmp/      # for testing
./ /var/www/  # for realz

The generated site will be in _build/html and then copied to the output directory you specified, along with package docs and the DRM files.

If you are tweaking non-package doc pages you can test your changes by running make html again, but the output will only be in _build/html. To build the full website you must use ````.

Test your changes by running a web server:

python3 -m http.server --directory /tmp/   # or _build/html

or you can eat our own Dylan dogfood and run our HTTP server!

git clone --recursive
cd http
make install
cd ...back to website dir...
http-server --directory /tmp/   # or _build/html

Link Validation

Sphinx also makes it easy to check that all of the links to external sites are valid. You can run the link checker by:

make linkcheck | grep -v ' ok '

Site Maintenance

  1. Update the appropriate info on the download page when a new version of Open Dylan is released.

  2. The :file:`` script is run periodically via a systemd timer to update the documentation in various repositories by essentially doing a git pull and make html.

    Note that the script copies the DRM's .html files to /var/www/ directly. /var/www/ is maintained by hand so keep a backup of it somewhere.

Section Header Markup

We are following the Sphinx suggestions for header markup, which are as follows:

  • # with overline, for parts
  • * with overline, for chapters
  • =, for sections
  • -, for subsections
  • ^, for subsubsections
  • ", for paragraphs

Note that most files will correspond to a chapter and hence will start with "*". By convention we use over and under markup at this level.

Dylan Language Markup

There is a Dylan language Sphinx domain to make it easier to document and refer to Dylan language entities.