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- Enhancement: Dependency Injection micro-framework now allows relative qualifiers: #75
- Introduced: Python 3.9 support: #79
- Introduced: PyPy3.7 support: #79
- Introduced: Modern tools for code quality in CI process (black, isort, twine, GitHub Actions): #79
- Reworked: test & dev environments supplied with standalone Docker containers, tox-based multi-env container depreciated
- Introduced: Architectural Decisions Log
- Reworked: Entity and its Id concept
- Introduced: examples/meetapp as THE example and the showcase
- Introduced: now contains useful descriptors: frozen & reify
- Introduced: Python 3.8 support
- Introduced FileDao: config file as a DAO
- Modification: Dependency Injection microframework explicitly defines dependencies between the components
- Docs - the Principles & updates in #56
- Management commands - publish & bump version: #14
- Dependency injection: #1, #2, #9, #27, #35
- DAO pattern: #3, #31
- InMemoryDao: #21
- Repository pattern: #3
- TinyDB integration: #22
- functional interactor: #4
- class-based interactor: #51
- error catalogs: #26
- examples: #18
- CI services integration: #11, #12
- "spring cleaning": #8, #17
- Initial release to PyPI