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baderkhane oussama edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 1 revision

The Paytrail Android SDK provides pre-built solutions that simplify payment integration in your app. Our SDK offers flexibility - use just the payment API definitions with your custom views, or take advantage of our complete SDK experience with our ready-to-use components.

Getting started

Our MSDK comprises two modules:

  1. api-client-retrofit2 - Responsible for server-side operations and hosting all Paytrail API definitions.
  2. payment-sdk - Contains ready-to-use views and implements calls from the api-client-retrofit2 module.

If your app has specific network configurations, logging mechanisms, or security requirements, our SDK easily integrates them. But, if you have no such specifications, our SDK uses a default client for smooth integration. For the SDK to utilize your http client, initialize it through your Application class:

override fun onCreate() {  
    //Your own httpclient 
	val okHttpClientBuilder = OkHttpClient.Builder()  
	// Customize your own httpclient   
	val httpLogger = HttpLoggingInterceptor { Log.i("OkHttp", it) }  
	httpLogger.level = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) BODY else BASIC  
	//Then assign it to our sdk

What does the API client module contain?

Payment APIs

Method API Call Description Parameters Response Type
POST createPayment(@Body paymentRequest: PaymentRequest) Create a normal payment transaction. paymentRequest: PaymentRequest PaymentRequestResponse
GET getPaymentByTransactionId(@Path("transactionId") transactionId: UUID) Retrieve an existing payment by transaction ID. transactionId: UUID Payment
GET getGroupedPaymentProviders(@Query("amount") amount: Long? = null, @Query("groups") groups: List<Groups>? = null, @Query("language") language: Language? = null,) Retrieve payment group data containing localized names, icon URLs, and grouped providers. amount: Long?, groups: List<Groups>?, language: Language? GroupedPaymentProvidersResponse

Token Payment APIs

API Method Name Description Parameters Expected Response
requestTokenForTokenizationId Request a card token for given tokenization id checkoutTokenizationId: String TokenizationRequestResponse
tokenCitAuthorizationHold Request CIT authorization hold on token TokenPaymentRequest TokenPaymentResponse
tokenCitCharge Request CIT charge on token TokenPaymentRequest TokenPaymentResponse
tokenMitAuthorizationHold Request MIT authorization hold on token TokenPaymentRequest TokenPaymentResponse
tokenMitCharge Request MIT Charge on token TokenPaymentRequest TokenPaymentResponse
tokenCommit Request committing of previously created authorization hold on token transactionId: UUID, TokenPaymentRequest TokenPaymentResponse
tokenRevert Revert of previously created authorization hold on token transactionId: UUID TokenPaymentResponse
payAndAddCard Create a transaction & pay while adding the payment card simultaneously PaymentRequest PayAndAddCardResponse

Please consult our Detailed API Documentation for further explanations on API definitions. You can download OpenAPI 3 specification for the API from here.

API Usage Example

If you want to handle API calls manually:

  1. Setup the api client
private  val apiClient: PaytrailApiClient by lazy { PaytrailApiClient(merchantAccount = YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT) }   
  1. Create the PaymentApi service
// You can replace tha parameter isnide create Service with your desired Paytrail API, like
private val api by lazy { apiClient.createService( } 
  1. Example Call for Creating Payment:
	var response = api.createPayment(paymentRequest = "Your payment request"))

What does the Payment-sdk module contain?

The payment-sdk module offers a suite of pre-built views designed to facilitate seamless payment integration into your app. These views are a reflection of some key features provided by the Paytrail API.

Supported Views:

  1. PaytrailPayment:

    • Description: This view displays available payment providers. Once a user selects a provider, they are directed to the corresponding payment provider's webview.
    • Parameters: MerchantAccount, PaymentRequest, and an optional custom OkHttpClient (defaults to our internal client if not provided).
    • Callback: onPaymentStateChanged returns a PaytrailPaymentState.
  2. PayAndAddCard:

    • Description: An integrated view allowing users to tokenize a card and make a payment in a single step, streamlining the payment and card saving process.
    • Parameters: MerchantAccount and PaymentRequest.
    • Callback: onPaymentStateChanged returns a PaytrailPaymentState.
  3. AddCardForm:

    • Description: This view focuses solely on card tokenization without initiating a payment. It provides a form for users to save their payment card information.
    • Parameters: MerchantAccount, AddCardRequest (which defines success and failure callback URLs), and a callback to capture AddCardResult.
    • Callback: If successful, a tokenizationId is provided to save the tokenized card ID. You can refer to the TokenizedCreditCardsScreen in the demo project for a practical implementation.
  4. PayWithTokenizationId:

    • Description: This view facilitates payments using a saved card.
    • Parameters: PaymentRequest, tokenizationId (obtained from the selected saved card), paymentType (CIT/MIT), chargeType (AUTH_HOLD or CHARGE), and MerchantAccount.
    • Callbacks: PaytrailPaymentState and onTokenAvailable.

Saved Card Details and Security

For those curious about how card details are stored:

  • Client-side: Your client app only retains the token ID, ensuring minimal data exposure.

  • Server-side: The comprehensive details of the tokenized payment card are stored securely on Paytrail servers. This layered security ensures data integrity and user privacy.

  • Displaying Saved Cards: In your app, when presenting saved cards, you'll see a masked version of the card number. This representation will resemble: "**** **** **** ${card.partialPan}". Additional data, like card type and card image, are also available, enhancing user familiarity without compromising security.

Handling Payment States with PaytrailPaymentState Callback

This callback serves as an informant throughout the payment process. It details the different stages, their results, and aids in proactive management and reaction to user actions:

  • State: Reflects the ongoing phase such as:

  • PaytrailPaymentRedirect: Contains parameters derived from the checkout redirect link in the webview. Notably, it includes details like transactionId, settlementReference, and more.

  • TokenPaymentResponse: This is the response for a successful customer-initiated transaction payment request. It provides the transactionId and, if necessary, a threeDSecureUrl. This URL is for situations when a merchant needs to redirect a customer for 3DS authentication.

  • PaytrailApiErrorResponse: Represents error responses when interfacing with the Paytrail API. This is particularly beneficial when using views like PayWithTokenizationId or PayAndAddCard.

  • Exception: Captures any exceptions that might emerge during operations, ensuring robust error handling.

Merchant Account Configuration

The Merchant account information is pivotal across all views. A recommended practice is to formulate a static object that encapsulates merchant account details. This object can then be conveniently passed throughout the app, fostering consistency and ease of access.

val SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT = MerchantAccount(id = 375917, secret = "SAIPPUAKAUPPIAS")

Using MSDK

Creating Payment

Making payments with MSDK is easy. There are two approaches:

Using MSDK PaytrailPayment View

Utilize the PaytrailPayment view from our MSDK for a simplified payment process. From displaying available payment providers to processing the final payment, everything's handled:

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(horizontal = 24.dp),
    paymentRequest = paymentRequest,
    onPaymentStateChanged = { state ->
        when (state.state) {
            // Navigate to the last screen for success, failure, etc.
                navController.navigate("Your result screen")
            else -> {
                // Handle other payment progress states.
    merchantAccount = SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT

Example: Creating a Static Payment Request

 * Create a static payment request for demonstration purposes.
fun createStaticPaymentRequest(): PaymentRequest {
    return PaymentRequest(
        stamp = "your_stamp_here",
        reference = "your_reference_here",
        amount = 10000L,  // Adjust the amount as needed
        currency = Currency.EUR,  // Set the currency
        language = Language.EN,  // Set the language
        customer = Customer(
            // Provide customer details
        redirectUrls = Callbacks(
            // Provide redirect URL details

Your personal implementation

  1. Setup the API Client & Create a Payment Request:
private val api by lazy {
    PaytrailApiClient(merchantAccount = SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT)

val createPaymentResponse: LiveData<Response<PaymentRequestResponse>> = liveData {
    try {
        emit(api.createPayment(paymentRequest = createStaticPaymentRequest()))
    } catch (e: Exception) {
  1. Render Payment Providers:
    The createPaymentResponse provides available payment methods. Payments are categorized (e.g., banks, mobile payments, cards). Display them using each method's name and SVG.

  2. Handle User Selection:
    When a user selects a payment method, execute the payment in a webview:

val url = selectedPaymentMethod.paymentMethod.provider.url
val postParameters = selectedPaymentMethod.formParameters.joinToFormBodyString().toByteArray()
webview.postUrl(url, postParameters) 

Card tokenization and add card

  1. Add card form:
    Using Jetpack compose code here you can easily call this view in your app by calling :
    request = AddCardRequest(
        redirectUrls = Callbacks(
            success = "",
            cancel = "",
    onAddCardResult = { result ->
        // Call state.redirectRequest.url if necessary.
        // The WebView in SDK for adding a card does not follow the final HTTP
        // redirect to AddCardRequest.redirectUrls.success/cancel URLs. If your
        // system depends on the call to these URLs happening, the application needs to
        // make this call. This can be done either by opening a WebView to the URL,
        // or using an HTTP client (e.g. OkHttp) to call the URL.
        coroutineScope.launch {
            if (result.result == AddCardResult.Result.SUCCESS) {
                // Store the tokenization ID securely for later use. The tokenization ID
                // can be used for retrieving the actual payment token and masked card
                // details.

            // Once the tokenization result is available, remove the view from
            // composition/view tree.
    merchantAccount = SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT,

For Your personal implementation You will have to create a WebView that load add card form url, you will need to pass postParameters that you can get after creating AddCardFormRequest.

val request = AddCardRequest(
    redirectUrls = Callbacks(
        success = "",
        cancel = "",

val addCardFormRequest = AddCardFormRequest(
    checkoutAccount = "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID",
    checkoutMethod = "POST",
    checkoutAlgorithm = PaytrailHmacCalculator.ALGORITHM_SHA512,
    checkoutRedirectSuccessUrl = request.redirectUrls.success,
    checkoutRedirectCancelUrl = request.redirectUrls.cancel,
    checkoutCallbackSuccessUrl = request.callbackUrls?.success,
    checkoutCallbackCancelUrl = request.callbackUrls?.cancel,
    language = request.language,
    checkoutNonce = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
    checkoutTimestamp = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.format(
).withSignature(account = merchantAccount)


val url = ""
val postParameters = addCardFormRequest.asPostParams()
webview.postUrl(url, postParameters)
  1. PayAndAddCard:
// You create a payment request
val paymentRequest = createStaticPaymentRequest()
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    paymentRequest = paymentRequest,
    onPaymentStateChanged = YOUR_CALL_BACK,
    merchantAccount = SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT

For custom implementation

  • Create Payment requests as show in previous examples
  • Send request this api request
  val response = api.payAndAddCard(paymentRequest = paymentRequest)  
  • If the response is successful, get response.body().redirectUrl that you will pass to your webview
  • Note the token is not included in the redirect URL parameters, as we don't want the user to be able to see the token.

3. PayWithTokenizationId

This component allows you to process a charge using a token, which you've previously saved after the user added their card. In line with the European PSD2 directive, electronic payments are classified into two categories: MIT (Merchant Initiated Transactions) and CIT (Customer Initiated Transactions). Learn more about charging with a token here.

By using the PayWithTokenizationId view component, we've made it simple for you to charge your customer based on the charge type and payment type. We also manage the 3D secure authentication process if required.

Example of using PayWithTokenizationId:

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),  
    paymentRequest = paymentRequest,  
    tokenizationId = tokenizationId,  
    paymentType = "Either AUTH_HOLD or CHARGE",  
    chargeType = "Either MIT or CIT",  
    onPaymentStateChanged = { state -> handlePaymentState(paymentId, state) },  
    onTokenAvailable = { token -> saveToken(paymentId, token) },  
    merchantAccount = SAMPLE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT

For Custom Implementations:

  • Start by getting the saved card token from your local database.
  • Request a usable token for payment with:
val response = api.requestTokenForTokenizationId("CARD_TOKEN") 
  • Next, set up a token payment request.
  • Depending on your needs, call one of these APIs:
// For a CIT charge

// For a CIT authorization hold

// For an MIT charge

// For an MIT authorization hold
  • Review the response. If threeDSecureUrl is present, redirect the customer to this URL for 3D Secure authentication using a WebView.


Demo application |

OpenAPI 3 specification |

Create a normal payment |