from abc import abstractmethod import numpy as np from numba import jit, njit, prange from ctapipe.core import Component from ctapipe.core.traits import Unicode class CameraR1Calibrator(Component): """ The base R1-level calibrator. Fills the r1 container. The R1 calibrator performs the camera-specific R1 calibration that is usually performed on the raw data by the camera server. This calibrator exists in ctapipe for testing and prototyping purposes. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool or None Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs """ def __init__(self, config=None, tool=None, **kwargs): """ Parent class for the r1 calibrators. Fills the r1 container. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool or None Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs """ super().__init__(config=config, parent=tool, **kwargs) self._r0_empty_warn = False @abstractmethod def calibrate(self, event): """ Abstract method to be defined in child class. Perform the conversion from raw R0 data to R1 data (ADC Samples -> PE Samples), and fill the r1 container. Parameters ---------- event : container A `ctapipe` event container """ def check_r0_exists(self, event, telid): """ Check that r0 data exists. If it does not, then do not change r1. This ensures that if the containers were filled from a file containing r0 data, it is not overwritten by non-existant data. Parameters ---------- event : container A `ctapipe` event container telid : int The telescope id. Returns ------- bool True if[telid].waveform is not None, else false. """ r0 =[telid].waveform if r0 is not None: return True else: if not self._r0_empty_warn: self.log.warning("Encountered an event with no R0 data. " "R1 is unchanged in this circumstance.") self._r0_empty_warn = True return False class LSTR1Calibrator(CameraR1Calibrator): pedestal_path = Unicode( '', allow_none=True, help='Path to the LST pedestal file' ).tag(config=True) def __init__(self, config=None, tool=None, **kwargs): """ The R1 calibrator for LST data. Fills the r1 container. Parameters ---------- config : traitlets.loader.Config Configuration specified by config file or cmdline arguments. Used to set traitlet values. Set to None if no configuration to pass. tool : ctapipe.core.Tool Tool executable that is calling this component. Passes the correct logger to the component. Set to None if no Tool to pass. kwargs """ super().__init__(config=config, tool=tool, **kwargs) self.telid = 0 self.pedestal_value_array = None self.n_pixels = 7 self.size4drs = 4 * 1024 self.roisize = 40 self.offset = 300 self.high_gain = 0 self.low_gain = 1 self._load_calib() self.offset = 300 self.first_cap_array = np.zeros((self.number_of_modules_from_file, 2, 7)) self.fc_old_array = np.zeros((self.number_of_modules_from_file, 2, 7)) self.last_time_array = np.zeros((self.number_of_modules_from_file, 2, 7, 4096)) def calibrate(self, event): """ Perform calibration on event using pedestal file. Parameters ---------- event : `ctapipe` event-container """[self.telid].waveform = np.zeros([self.telid].waveform.shape, dtype=np.uint16) self.fc_old_array[:, :, :] = self.first_cap_array[:, :, :] number_of_modules =[0].svc.num_modules for nr_module in range(0, number_of_modules): self.first_cap_array[nr_module, :, :] = self._get_first_capacitor(event, nr_module)[self.telid].waveform[:, :, :] = self.calibrate_jit([self.telid].waveform, self.first_cap_array, self.pedestal_value_array, number_of_modules) EVB =[0].evt.counters for nr_clus in range(0, number_of_modules): time_now = int64(EVB[14 + (nr_clus * 22): 22 + (nr_clus * 22)]) for gain in range(0, 2): for pixel in range(0, 7): posads0 = int((0 + self.first_cap_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel]) % self.size4drs) if posads0 + 40 < 4096: self.time_corr_version1(event, nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads0, time_now) else: self.time_corr_version2(event, self.first_cap_array[nr_clus, :, :], nr_clus, gain, pixel, time_now) for k in range(0, 4): abspos = int( 1024 - self.roisize - 2 - self.fc_old_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] + k * 1024 + self.size4drs) pos = int((abspos - self.first_cap_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] + self.size4drs) % self.size4drs) if (pos > 2 and pos < 38): self.interpolate_spike_A(event, gain, pos, pixel, nr_clus) abspos = int( self.roisize - 2 + self.fc_old_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] + k * 1024 + self.size4drs) pos = int((abspos - self.first_cap_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] + self.size4drs) % self.size4drs) if (pos > 2 and pos < 38): self.interpolate_spike_A(event, gain, pos, pixel, nr_clus) spike_b_pos = int((self.fc_old_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] - 1 - self.first_cap_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel] + 2 * self.size4drs) % self.size4drs) if spike_b_pos < self.roisize - 1: self.interpolate_spike_B(event, gain, spike_b_pos, pixel, nr_clus) @staticmethod @njit(parallel=True) def calibrate_jit(event_waveform, fc_cap, pedestal_value_array, nr_clus): ev_waveform = np.zeros(event_waveform.shape) size4drs = 4096 for nr in prange(0, nr_clus): for gain in prange(0, 2): for pixel in prange(0, 7): position = int((fc_cap[nr, gain, pixel]) % size4drs) ev_waveform[gain, pixel + nr * 7, :] = \ (event_waveform[gain, pixel + nr * 7, :] - pedestal_value_array[nr, gain, pixel, position:position+40]) return ev_waveform def time_corr_version2(self, ev, first_cap, nr_clus, gain, pixel, time_now): for k in range(0, 40): posads = int((k + first_cap[gain, pixel]) % self.size4drs) if self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads] > 0: time_diff = time_now - self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads] val =[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, k] - ped_time(time_diff / (133.e3))[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, k] = val if (k < 39): self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads] = time_now def time_corr_version1(self, ev, nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads0, time_now): position_array = (np.where(self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads0:(posads0 + 40)]))[0] if position_array.any(): time_diff_array = time_now - self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads0:(posads0 + 40)] val =[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, position_array] - ped_time( time_diff_array[position_array] / (133.e3))[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, position_array] = val self.last_time_array[nr_clus, gain, pixel, posads0:(posads0 + 39)] = time_now def interpolate_spike_A(self, event, gain, pos, pixel, nr_clus): samples =[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, :] a = int(samples[pos-1]) b = int(samples[pos+2]) value1 = samples[pos - 1] + (0.33 * (b-a)) value2 = samples[pos - 1] + (0.66 * (b-a))[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, pos] = value1[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, pos+1] = value2 def interpolate_spike_B(self, event, gain, spike_b_pos, pixel, nr_clus): samples =[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, :] value = 0.5 * (samples[spike_b_pos - 1] + samples[spike_b_pos + 1])[0].waveform[gain, pixel + nr_clus * 7, spike_b_pos] = value def _load_calib(self): """ If a pedestal file has been supplied, create a array with pedestal value . If it hasn't then point calibrate to fake_calibrate, where nothing is done to the waveform. """ if self.pedestal_path: with open(self.pedestal_path, "rb") as binary_file: data = file_version = int.from_bytes(data[0:1], byteorder='big') self.number_of_modules_from_file = int.from_bytes(data[7:9], byteorder='big') self.pedestal_value_array = np.zeros((self.number_of_modules_from_file, 2, self.n_pixels, self.size4drs+40))"Load binary file with pedestal version {}: {} ".format( file_version, self.pedestal_path))"Number of modules in file: {}".format( self.number_of_modules_from_file)) start_byte = 9 for i in range(0, self.number_of_modules_from_file): for gain in range(0, 2): for pixel in range(0, self.n_pixels): for cap in range(0, self.size4drs): value = int.from_bytes(data[start_byte:start_byte + 2], byteorder='big') - self.offset self.pedestal_value_array[i, gain, pixel, cap] = value start_byte += 2 self.pedestal_value_array[i, gain, pixel, self.size4drs:self.size4drs+40] = self.pedestal_value_array[i, gain, pixel, 0:40] else: self.log.warning("No pedestal path supplied, " "r1 samples will equal r0 samples.") self.calibrate = self.fake_calibrate def _get_first_capacitor(self, event, nr_module): """ Get first capacitor values from event for nr module. Parameters ---------- event : `ctapipe` event-container nr_module : number of module """ fc = np.zeros((2, 7)) first_cap =[0].evt.first_capacitor_id[nr_module * 8: (nr_module + 1) * 8] for i, j in zip([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]): fc[self.high_gain, i] = first_cap[j] for i, j in zip([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7]): fc[self.low_gain, i] = first_cap[j] return fc def fake_calibrate(self, event): """ Don't perform any calibration on the waveforms, just fill the R1 container. Parameters ---------- event : `ctapipe` event-container """ for telid in event.r0.tels_with_data: if self.check_r0_exists(event, telid): samples =[telid].waveform[telid].waveform = samples.astype('float32') def int64(x): return x[0] + x[1] * 256 + x[2] * 256 ** 2 + x[3] * 256 ** 3 + x[4] * 256 ** 4 + x[5] * 256 ** 5 + x[ 6] * 256 ** 6 + x[7] * 256 ** 7 def ped_time(timediff): return 29.3 * np.power(timediff, -0.2262) - 12.4 def get_first_capacitor(event, nr): hg = 0 lg = 1 fc = np.zeros((2, 7)) first_cap =[0].evt.first_capacitor_id[nr * 8:(nr + 1) * 8] for i, j in zip([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]): fc[hg, i] = first_cap[j] for i, j in zip([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7]): fc[lg, i] = first_cap[j] return fc