From 24b2105c17989682b8610176eb59d82796f3b32b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Anders=20Sandstro=CC=88m?= <>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 22:00:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] cleanup

 hugo/content/manual/PLC_cfg/         | 1484 ++++++++---------
 hugo/content/manual/                  |    2 +-
 .../manual/general_cfg/       |    2 +-
 .../content/manual/general_cfg/ |   93 +-
 hugo/content/manual/knowledgebase/     |   10 +-
 5 files changed, 796 insertions(+), 795 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hugo/content/manual/PLC_cfg/ b/hugo/content/manual/PLC_cfg/
index 19977bc5d..6ce81b439 100644
--- a/hugo/content/manual/PLC_cfg/
+++ b/hugo/content/manual/PLC_cfg/
@@ -61,372 +61,370 @@ Custom plc functions can be written in c in plugins.
 ### general
-#  1. Assignment:
-#     ec0.s1.VALUE:=100;
-#  2. if-else (note the equal sign):
-#     if(ec0.s1.VALUE=100) {
-#       # code
-#     }
-#     else {
-#       # code
-#     };
-#   3. for loop:
-#     for (static.i := 0; static.i < static.elements; static.i += 1) {
-#       # code
-#     };
-#   4. printouts (minimize printouts or use only for debug):
-#      print("The value of ec0.s1.VALUE is: ",ec0.s1.VALUE);  # Without line feed
-#      println("The value of ec0.s1.VALUE is: ",ec0.s1.VALUE);  # With line feed
-#      Also see the "ec_print_bin()" and "ec_print_hex()" below.
+  1. Assignment:
+     ec0.s1.VALUE:=100;
+  2. if-else (note the equal sign):
+     if(ec0.s1.VALUE=100) {
+       # code
+     }
+     else {
+       # code
+     };
+   3. for loop:
+     for (static.i := 0; static.i < static.elements; static.i += 1) {
+       # code
+     };
+   4. printouts (minimize printouts or use only for debug):
+      print("The value of ec0.s1.VALUE is: ",ec0.s1.VALUE);  # Without line feed
+      println("The value of ec0.s1.VALUE is: ",ec0.s1.VALUE);  # With line feed
+      Also see the "ec_print_bin()" and "ec_print_hex()" below.
 ### variables
 #### generic
-# 1.  static.<varname>             Static variable. Initiated to 0. (rw)                                    
-#                                  Access only in the PLC where defined.
-#                                  Will keep value between execution
-#                                  loops.
-# 2.  global.<varname>             Global variable. Initiated to 0. (rw)
-#                                  Access from all PLCs.
-#                                  Will keep value between execution
-#                                  loops.
-# 3.  var <varname>                Local variable (exprtk syntax)   (rw)
-#                                  Will NOT keep value between
-#                                  execution loops.
+ 1.  static.<varname>             Static variable. Initiated to 0. (rw)                                    
+                                  Access only in the PLC where defined.
+                                  Will keep value between execution
+                                  loops.
+ 2.  global.<varname>             Global variable. Initiated to 0. (rw)
+                                  Access from all PLCs.
+                                  Will keep value between execution
+                                  loops.
+ 3.  var <varname>                Local variable (exprtk syntax)   (rw)
+                                  Will NOT keep value between
+                                  execution loops.
 #### EtherCAT
-#  1.  ec<ecid>.s<sid>.<alias>      ethetcat data                (rw)
-#                                   ecid:  ethercat master index
-#                                   sid:   ethercat slave bus position
-#                                   alias: entry name as defined in
-#                                          "Cfg.EcAddEntryComplete()
-#  2.  ec<ecid>.masterstatus        Status of master (1=OK)
+  1.  ec<ecid>.s<sid>.<alias>      ethetcat data                (rw)
+                                   ecid:  ethercat master index
+                                   sid:   ethercat slave bus position
+                                   alias: entry name as defined in
+                                          "Cfg.EcAddEntryComplete()
+  2.  ec<ecid>.masterstatus        Status of master (1=OK)
 #### motion
-# 1.  ax<id>.id                    axis id                          (ro)
-# 2.  ax<id>.reset                 reset axis error                 (rw)
-# 3.  ax<id>.counter               execution counter                (ro)
-# 4.  ax<id>.error                 error                            (ro)
-# 5.  ax<id>.allowplccmd           Allow writes to axis from PLC    (rw)
-# 6.  ax<id>.enc.actpos            actual position                  (rw)
-# 7.  ax<id>.enc.extactpos         actual position from plc sync.
-#                                  expression                       (ro)
-# 8.  ax<id>.enc.actvel            actual velocity                  (ro)
-# 9.  ax<id>.enc.rawpos            actual raw position              (ro)
-# 10.  ax<id>.enc.source           internal source or expressions   (rw)
-#                                  source = 0: internal encoder
-#                                  source > 0: actual pos from expr
-# 11. ax<id>.enc.homed             encoder homed                    (rw)
-# 12. ax<id>.enc.homepos           homing position                  (rw)
-# 13. ax<id>.traj.setpos           curent trajectory setpoint       (rw)
-# 14. ax<id>.traj.targetpos        target position                  (rw)
-# 15. ax<id>.traj.extsetpos        current trajecrory setpoint from
-#                                  plc sync. expression             (rw) 
-# 16. ax<id>.traj.targetvel        target velocity setpoint         (rw)
-# 17. ax<id>.traj.targetacc        target acceleration setpoint     (rw)
-# 18. ax<id>.traj.targetdec        target deceleration setpoint     (rw)
-# 19. ax<id>.traj.setvel           current velocity setpoint        (ro)
-# 20. ax<id>.traj.setvelffraw      feed forward raw velocity        (ro)
-# 21. ax<id>.traj.command          command                          (rw)
-#                                  command=1: move velocity  
-#                                  command=2: move rel. pos
-#                                  command=3: move abs. pos
-#                                  command=10: homing
-# 22. ax<id>.traj.cmddata          cmddat. Homing procedure
-#                                  only valid if ax<id>.traj.command=10
-#                                  cmddata=1 : ref low limit
-#                                  cmddata=2 : ref high limit
-#                                  cmddata=3 : ref home sensor
-#                                              (via low limit)
-#                                  cmddata=4 : ref home sensor
-#                                              (via high limit)
-#                                  cmddata=5 : ref center of home sensor
-#                                              (via low limit)
-#                                  cmddata=6 : ref center of home sensor
-#                                              (via high limit)
-#                                  cmddata=15 : direct homing
-#                                  cmddata=21 : ref partly abs. encoder
-#                                               (via low limit).
-#                                               ref at abs bits.
-#                                               over/under-flow..
-#                                  cmddata=22 : ref partly abs. encoder
-#                                               (via high limit).
-#                                               ref at abs bits.
-#                                               over/under-flow..
-# 23. ax<id>.traj.source           internal source or expressions   (rw)
-#                                  source = 0: internal traj
-#                                  source > 0: setpoints from expr
-# 24. ax<id>.traj.execute          execute motion command           (rw)
-# 25. ax<id>.traj.busy             axis busy                        (ro)
-# 26. ax<id>.traj.dir              axis setpoint direction          (ro)
-#                                  ax<id>.traj.dir>0: forward
-#                                  ax<id>.traj.dir<0: backward
-#                                  ax<id>.traj.dir=0: standstill
-# 27. ax<id>.cntrl.error           actual controller error          (ro)
-# 28. ax<id>.cntrl.poserror        actual position error            (ro)
-# 29. ax<id>.cntrl.output          actual controller output         (ro)
-# 30. ax<id>.drv.setvelraw         actual raw velocity setpoint     (ro)
-# 31. ax<id>.drv.enable            enable drive command             (rw)
-# 32. ax<id>.drv.enabled           drive enabled                    (ro)
-# 33. ax<id>.seq.state             sequence state (homing)          (ro)
-# 34. ax<id>.mon.ilock             motion interlock (both dir)      (rw)
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilock=1: motion allowed
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilock=0: motion not allowed        
-# 35. ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd          motion interlock bwd dir         (rw)
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd=1: motion allowed
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd=0: motion not allowed        
-# 36. ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd          motion interlock fwd dir         (rw)
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd=1: motion allowed
-#                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd=0: motion not allowed        
-# 37. ax<id>.mon.attarget          axis at taget                    (ro)
-# 38. ax<id>.mon.lowlim            low limit switch                 (ro)
-# 39. ax<id>.mon.highlim           high limit switch                (ro)
-# 40. ax<id>.mon.homesensor        home sensor                      (ro)
-# 41. ax<id>.mon.lowsoftlim        low soft limit                   (rw)
-# 42. ax<id>.mon.highsoftlim       high soft limit                  (rw)
-# 43. ax<id>.mon.lowsoftlimenable  low soft limit enable            (rw)
-# 44. ax<id>.mon.highsoftlimenable high soft limit enable           (rw)
-# 45. ax<id>.blockcom              Enables/disables "set" commands  (rw)
-#                                  via command parser (ascii commands)
-#                                  Statuses can still be read.
-#                                  Exceptions ("set"-commands) that 
-#                                  will work: 
-#                                  - "StopMotion(axid)"
-#                                  - "Cfg.SetAxisBlockCom(axid,block)"
-# 46. ax<id>               Set PID-controller kp            (rw)
-# 47. ax<id>               Set PID-controller ki            (rw)
-# 48. ax<id>.ctrl.kd               Set PID-controller kd            (rw)
-# 49. ax<id>.ctrl.kff              Set PID-controller kff           (rw)
+ 1.  ax<id>.id                    axis id                          (ro)
+ 2.  ax<id>.reset                 reset axis error                 (rw)
+ 3.  ax<id>.counter               execution counter                (ro)
+ 4.  ax<id>.error                 error                            (ro)
+ 5.  ax<id>.allowplccmd           Allow writes to axis from PLC    (rw)
+ 6.  ax<id>.enc.actpos            actual position                  (rw)
+ 7.  ax<id>.enc.extactpos         actual position from plc sync.
+                                  expression                       (ro)
+ 8.  ax<id>.enc.actvel            actual velocity                  (ro)
+ 9.  ax<id>.enc.rawpos            actual raw position              (ro)
+ 10.  ax<id>.enc.source           internal source or expressions   (rw)
+                                  source = 0: internal encoder
+                                  source > 0: actual pos from expr
+ 11. ax<id>.enc.homed             encoder homed                    (rw)
+ 12. ax<id>.enc.homepos           homing position                  (rw)
+ 13. ax<id>.traj.setpos           curent trajectory setpoint       (rw)
+ 14. ax<id>.traj.targetpos        target position                  (rw)
+ 15. ax<id>.traj.extsetpos        current trajecrory setpoint from
+                                  plc sync. expression             (rw) 
+ 16. ax<id>.traj.targetvel        target velocity setpoint         (rw)
+ 17. ax<id>.traj.targetacc        target acceleration setpoint     (rw)
+ 18. ax<id>.traj.targetdec        target deceleration setpoint     (rw)
+ 19. ax<id>.traj.setvel           current velocity setpoint        (ro)
+ 20. ax<id>.traj.setvelffraw      feed forward raw velocity        (ro)
+ 21. ax<id>.traj.command          command                          (rw)
+                                  command=1: move velocity  
+                                  command=2: move rel. pos
+                                  command=3: move abs. pos
+                                  command=10: homing
+ 22. ax<id>.traj.cmddata          cmddat. Homing procedure
+                                  only valid if ax<id>.traj.command=10
+                                  cmddata=1 : ref low limit
+                                  cmddata=2 : ref high limit
+                                  cmddata=3 : ref home sensor
+                                              (via low limit)
+                                  cmddata=4 : ref home sensor
+                                              (via high limit)
+                                  cmddata=5 : ref center of home sensor
+                                              (via low limit)
+                                  cmddata=6 : ref center of home sensor
+                                              (via high limit)
+                                  cmddata=15 : direct homing
+                                  cmddata=21 : ref partly abs. encoder
+                                               (via low limit).
+                                               ref at abs bits.
+                                               over/under-flow..
+                                  cmddata=22 : ref partly abs. encoder
+                                               (via high limit).
+                                               ref at abs bits.
+                                               over/under-flow..
+ 23. ax<id>.traj.source           internal source or expressions   (rw)
+                                  source = 0: internal traj
+                                  source > 0: setpoints from expr
+ 24. ax<id>.traj.execute          execute motion command           (rw)
+ 25. ax<id>.traj.busy             axis busy                        (ro)
+ 26. ax<id>.traj.dir              axis setpoint direction          (ro)
+                                  ax<id>.traj.dir>0: forward
+                                  ax<id>.traj.dir<0: backward
+                                  ax<id>.traj.dir=0: standstill
+ 27. ax<id>.cntrl.error           actual controller error          (ro)
+ 28. ax<id>.cntrl.poserror        actual position error            (ro)
+ 29. ax<id>.cntrl.output          actual controller output         (ro)
+ 30. ax<id>.drv.setvelraw         actual raw velocity setpoint     (ro)
+ 31. ax<id>.drv.enable            enable drive command             (rw)
+ 32. ax<id>.drv.enabled           drive enabled                    (ro)
+ 33. ax<id>.seq.state             sequence state (homing)          (ro)
+ 34. ax<id>.mon.ilock             motion interlock (both dir)      (rw)
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilock=1: motion allowed
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilock=0: motion not allowed        
+ 35. ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd          motion interlock bwd dir         (rw)
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd=1: motion allowed
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockbwd=0: motion not allowed        
+ 36. ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd          motion interlock fwd dir         (rw)
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd=1: motion allowed
+                                  ax<id>.mon.ilockfwd=0: motion not allowed        
+ 37. ax<id>.mon.attarget          axis at taget                    (ro)
+ 38. ax<id>.mon.lowlim            low limit switch                 (ro)
+ 39. ax<id>.mon.highlim           high limit switch                (ro)
+ 40. ax<id>.mon.homesensor        home sensor                      (ro)
+ 41. ax<id>.mon.lowsoftlim        low soft limit                   (rw)
+ 42. ax<id>.mon.highsoftlim       high soft limit                  (rw)
+ 43. ax<id>.mon.lowsoftlimenable  low soft limit enable            (rw)
+ 44. ax<id>.mon.highsoftlimenable high soft limit enable           (rw)
+ 45. ax<id>.blockcom              Enables/disables "set" commands  (rw)
+                                  via command parser (ascii commands)
+                                  Statuses can still be read.
+                                  Exceptions ("set"-commands) that 
+                                  will work: 
+                                  - "StopMotion(axid)"
+                                  - "Cfg.SetAxisBlockCom(axid,block)"
+ 46. ax<id>               Set PID-controller kp            (rw)
+ 47. ax<id>               Set PID-controller ki            (rw)
+ 48. ax<id>.ctrl.kd               Set PID-controller kd            (rw)
+ 49. ax<id>.ctrl.kff              Set PID-controller kff           (rw)
 #### PLC 
-# 1.  plc<id>.enable               plc enable                       (rw)
-#                                  (end exe with "plc<id>.enable:=0#"
-#                                  Could be use full for startup
-#                                  sequences)
-# 2.  plc<id>.error                plc error                        (rw)
-#                                  Will be forwarded to user as
-#                                  controller error.
-# 3.  plc<id>.scantime             plc sample time in seconds       (ro)
-# 4.  plc<id>.firstscan            true during first plc scan only  (ro)
-#                                  use full for initiations of variables
-# 5.  ax<id>.plc.enable            Same as plc<id>.enable but for
-#                                  axis <id> sync plc.
-# 6.  ax<id>.plc.error             Same as plc<id>.error but for
-#                                  axis <id> sync plc.
-# 7.  ax<id>.plc.scantime          Same as plc<id>.scantime but for
-#                                  axis<id> sync plc.
-# 8.  ax<id>.plc.firstscan         Same as plc<id>.firstscan but for
-#                                  axis <id> sync plc.
+ 1.  plc<id>.enable               plc enable                       (rw)
+                                  (end exe with "plc<id>.enable:=0#"
+                                  Could be use full for startup
+                                  sequences)
+ 2.  plc<id>.error                plc error                        (rw)
+                                  Will be forwarded to user as
+                                  controller error.
+ 3.  plc<id>.scantime             plc sample time in seconds       (ro)
+ 4.  plc<id>.firstscan            true during first plc scan only  (ro)
+                                  use full for initiations of variables
+ 5.  ax<id>.plc.enable            Same as plc<id>.enable but for
+                                  axis <id> sync plc.
+ 6.  ax<id>.plc.error             Same as plc<id>.error but for
+                                  axis <id> sync plc.
+ 7.  ax<id>.plc.scantime          Same as plc<id>.scantime but for
+                                  axis<id> sync plc.
+ 8.  ax<id>.plc.firstscan         Same as plc<id>.firstscan but for
+                                  axis <id> sync plc.
 ### data storage
-# 1.  ds<id>.size                  Set/get size of data storage     (rw)
-#                                  Set will clear the data storage
-# 2.  ds<id>.append                Add new data at end              (rw)
-#                                  Current position index will be
-#                                  increased
-# 3.  ds<id>.data                  Set/get data ar current position (rw)
-# 4.  ds<id>.index                 Set/get current position index   (rw)
-# 5.  ds<id>.error                 Data storage class error         (ro)
-# 6.  ds<id>.clear                 Data buffer clear (set to zero)  (ro)
-# 7.  ds<id>.full                  True if data storage is full     (ro)
+ 1.  ds<id>.size                  Set/get size of data storage     (rw)
+                                  Set will clear the data storage
+ 2.  ds<id>.append                Add new data at end              (rw)
+                                  Current position index will be
+                                  increased
+ 3.  ds<id>.data                  Set/get data ar current position (rw)
+ 4.  ds<id>.index                 Set/get current position index   (rw)
+ 5.  ds<id>.error                 Data storage class error         (ro)
+ 6.  ds<id>.clear                 Data buffer clear (set to zero)  (ro)
+ 7.  ds<id>.full                  True if data storage is full     (ro)
 ### functions
 ####  EtherCAT
-#  1. retvalue = ec_set_bit(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Sets bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
-#  2. retvalue = ec_wrt_bit(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <wrtValue>,      : Value of bit to write
-#                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Write wrtValue to a bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
-#  3. retvalue = ec_wrt_bits(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <wrtValue>,      : Value of bit to write
-#                          <startBit>       : Start bit index (lsb is bit 0)
-#                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Write wrtValue to a range of bits (statBit..stopBit) of value. Returns the new value.
-#  4. retvalue = ec_clr_bit(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Clears bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
-#  5. retvalue = ec_flp_bit(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Flips bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
-#  6. retvalue = ec_chk_bit(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Checks bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the value of bit.
-#  7. retvalue = ec_chk_bits(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to change
-#                          <startBit>       : Start bit index (lsb is bit 0)
-#                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Checks range of bits (startBit..stopBit) of value. Returns the value of bits.
-#  8. retvalue = ec_print_hex(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to print
-#                          <startBit>       : Start bit index 
-#                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Prints <startBit> to <stopBit> of <value> in hex format 
-#     Returns error code or 0 if success.
-#  9. retvalue = ec_print_bin(
-#                          <value>,         : Value to print
-#                          <startBit>       : Start bit index 
-#                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
-#                          );
-#     Prints <startBit> to <stopBit> of <value> in bin format 
-#     Returns error code or 0 if success.
-#  10. retvalue = ec_mm_cp(
-#                          <srcId>,         : Source memmap index
-#                          <sdestId>        : Dest memmap index
-#                          );
-#     Copies data from source memmap to dest memmap. The memmap ids are defined by the 
-#     order they are created (starting at 0). The smallest memmap size will define the
-#     amount of data copied. Returns 0 for success or an error code.
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrieved by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  11. retvalue = ec_get_mm_type(
-#                          <srcId>,         : Source memmap index
-#                          );
-#     Returns data type of memmap:
-#         0  = Not defined (Use "Cfg.EcAddMemMapDT()" instead of "Cfg.EcAddMemMap()")
-#         1  = (Not valid for memmap)
-#         2  = (Not valid for memmap)
-#         3  = (Not valid for memmap)
-#         4  = (Not valid for memmap)
-#         5  = U8
-#         6  = S8
-#         7  = U16
-#         8  = S16
-#         9  = U32
-#         10 = S32
-#         11 = U64
-#         12 = S64
-#         13 = F32
-#         14 = F64
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  12. retvalue = ec_get_mm_data(
-#                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
-#                          <index>        : Index of data element 
-#                          );
-#     Reads data element at index from memmap with srcId and returns value.
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  13. retvalue = ec_set_mm_data(
-#                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
-#                          <index>        : Index of data element 
-#                          <data>         : Data to write
-#                          );
-#     Writes data element at index from memmap with srcId. Returns 0 for success or an error code.
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  14. retvalue = ec_get_mm_size(
-#                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
-#                          );
-#     Returns number of elements (of type "ec_get_mm_type()")in memmap with srcId. 
-#     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  14. retvalue = ec_mm_ds_append(
-#                          <mmId>,       : Source memmap index
-#                          <dsId>);      : Destination data storage index
-#     Returns Error code or zero if success
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  15. retvalue = ec_mm_append_to_ds_scale_offset(
-#                          <mmId>,       : Source memmap index
-#                          <dsId>        : Destination data storage index
-#                          <scale>       : Scale 
-#                          <offset>);    : Offset  
-#     Returns Error code or zero if success
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  16. retvalue = ec_mm_push_asyn(
-#                        <mmId>)       : Source memmap index.
-#      push memap data to epics (can be used if T_SMP_MS=-1 for the param)
-#     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
-#        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
-#        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
-#  17. retvalue = ec_get_time();
-#     Returns current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
-#     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
-#  18. retvalue = ec_get_time_l32();
-#     Returns lower 32 bits of current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
-#     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
-#  19. retvalue = ec_get_time_u32();
-#     Returns upper 32 bits of current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
-#     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
-#  20. retvalue=ec_get_err():
-#      Returns error code from last lib call.
-#  21. retvalue=ec_err_rst():
-#      Resets error code for ec_lib.
+  1. retvalue = ec_set_bit(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
+                          );
+     Sets bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
+  2. retvalue = ec_wrt_bit(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <wrtValue>,      : Value of bit to write
+                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
+                          );
+     Write wrtValue to a bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
+  3. retvalue = ec_wrt_bits(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <wrtValue>,      : Value of bit to write
+                          <startBit>       : Start bit index (lsb is bit 0)
+                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
+                          );
+     Write wrtValue to a range of bits (statBit..stopBit) of value. Returns the new value.
+  4. retvalue = ec_clr_bit(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
+                          );
+     Clears bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
+  5. retvalue = ec_flp_bit(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
+                          );
+     Flips bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the new value.
+  6. retvalue = ec_chk_bit(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <bitindex>       : Bit index 
+                          );
+     Checks bit at bitindex position of value. Returns the value of bit.
+  7. retvalue = ec_chk_bits(
+                          <value>,         : Value to change
+                          <startBit>       : Start bit index (lsb is bit 0)
+                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
+                          );
+     Checks range of bits (startBit..stopBit) of value. Returns the value of bits.
+  8. retvalue = ec_print_hex(
+                          <value>,         : Value to print
+                          <startBit>       : Start bit index 
+                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
+                          );
+     Prints <startBit> to <stopBit> of <value> in hex format 
+     Returns error code or 0 if success.
+  9. retvalue = ec_print_bin(
+                          <value>,         : Value to print
+                          <startBit>       : Start bit index 
+                          <stopBit>        : Stop bit index 
+                          );
+     Prints <startBit> to <stopBit> of <value> in bin format 
+     Returns error code or 0 if success.
+  10. retvalue = ec_mm_cp(
+                          <srcId>,         : Source memmap index
+                          <sdestId>        : Dest memmap index
+                          );
+     Copies data from source memmap to dest memmap. The memmap ids are defined by the 
+     order they are created (starting at 0). The smallest memmap size will define the
+     amount of data copied. Returns 0 for success or an error code.
+     Note: The mmId can be retrieved by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  11. retvalue = ec_get_mm_type(
+                          <srcId>,         : Source memmap index
+                          );
+     Returns data type of memmap:
+         0  = Not defined (Use "Cfg.EcAddMemMapDT()" instead of "Cfg.EcAddMemMap()")
+         1  = (Not valid for memmap)
+         2  = (Not valid for memmap)
+         3  = (Not valid for memmap)
+         4  = (Not valid for memmap)
+         5  = U8
+         6  = S8
+         7  = U16
+         8  = S16
+         9  = U32
+         10 = S32
+         11 = U64
+         12 = S64
+         13 = F32
+         14 = F64
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  12. retvalue = ec_get_mm_data(
+                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
+                          <index>        : Index of data element 
+                          );
+     Reads data element at index from memmap with srcId and returns value.
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  13. retvalue = ec_set_mm_data(
+                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
+                          <index>        : Index of data element 
+                          <data>         : Data to write
+                          );
+     Writes data element at index from memmap with srcId. Returns 0 for success or an error code.
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  14. retvalue = ec_get_mm_size(
+                          <srcId>,       : Source memmap index
+                          );
+     Returns number of elements (of type "ec_get_mm_type()")in memmap with srcId. 
+     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  14. retvalue = ec_mm_ds_append(
+                          <mmId>,       : Source memmap index
+                          <dsId>);      : Destination data storage index
+     Returns Error code or zero if success
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  15. retvalue = ec_mm_append_to_ds_scale_offset(
+                          <mmId>,       : Source memmap index
+                          <dsId>        : Destination data storage index
+                          <scale>       : Scale 
+                          <offset>);    : Offset  
+     Returns Error code or zero if success
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  16. retvalue = ec_mm_push_asyn(
+                        <mmId>)       : Source memmap index.
+      push memap data to epics (can be used if T_SMP_MS=-1 for the param)
+     Note: The mmId can be retrived by the bellow ecmc command (and feed into plc via macro):
+        ecmcConfig "EcGetMemMapId("
+        epicsEnvSet(MM_CH_1_IN,${ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL})
+  17. retvalue = ec_get_time();
+     Returns current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
+     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
+  18. retvalue = ec_get_time_l32();
+     Returns lower 32 bits of current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
+     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
+  19. retvalue = ec_get_time_u32();
+     Returns upper 32 bits of current time in nano seconds (from 1 Jan 2000, same as EtherCAT DC:s).
+     If return value is less than zero it should be considered to be an error code.
+  20. retvalue=ec_get_err():
+      Returns error code from last lib call.
+  21. retvalue=ec_err_rst():
+      Resets error code for ec_lib.
 #### Master to Master communication (within same host)
@@ -434,412 +432,412 @@ Custom plc functions can be written in c in plugins.
 Support for communication between different ecmc ioc:s running on the same host.
 A shared memory buffer of 120 doubles can be accessed for read and write operations by alll ecmc ioc running on the same master.
-# 1. retvalue = m2m_write(
-#                       <index>,       : Mem buffer index (index must be 0..119)
-#                       <value>):      : value to write
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-#    Write a value to an index of a common memory buffer accessible by all masters running on same host
-# 2. retvalue = m2m_read(<index>);     : Mem buffer index (index must be 0..119)
-#    returns the value stored at index in the shared mem buffer.
-# 3. retvalue = m2m_stat();
-#    returns 1 if connection to shared memory is OK, else 0 or a negative value with an errro code.
-# 4. m2m_err_rst();
-#    reset any m2m error codes.
-# 5. retvalue = m2m_err_rst();
-#    returns current m2m error code.
-# 6. retvalue = m2m_ioc_ec_ok(<master_index>);
-#    returns status etehrcat status of another ecmc ioc (1==op, 0==not op, -1==error).
-# 7. retvalue = m2m_ioc_run(<master_index>);
-#    checks of a certian master is running (negative master id is ioc:s without ec master).
+ 1. retvalue = m2m_write(
+                       <index>,       : Mem buffer index (index must be 0..119)
+                       <value>):      : value to write
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+    Write a value to an index of a common memory buffer accessible by all masters running on same host
+ 2. retvalue = m2m_read(<index>);     : Mem buffer index (index must be 0..119)
+    returns the value stored at index in the shared mem buffer.
+ 3. retvalue = m2m_stat();
+    returns 1 if connection to shared memory is OK, else 0 or a negative value with an errro code.
+ 4. m2m_err_rst();
+    reset any m2m error codes.
+ 5. retvalue = m2m_err_rst();
+    returns current m2m error code.
+ 6. retvalue = m2m_ioc_ec_ok(<master_index>);
+    returns status etehrcat status of another ecmc ioc (1==op, 0==not op, -1==error).
+ 7. retvalue = m2m_ioc_run(<master_index>);
+    checks of a certian master is running (negative master id is ioc:s without ec master).
 #### Motion
-# 1. retvalue = mc_move_abs(
-#                       <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         <pos>,           : Target position
-#                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
-#                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
-#                         <dec>            : Deceleration
-#                         ):
-#    Absolute motion of axis.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 2. retvalue = mc_move_rel(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         <pos>,           : Target position
-#                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
-#                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
-#                         <dec>            : Deceleration
-#                         );
-#    Relative motion of axis <axIndex>.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 3. retvalue = mc_move_ext_pos(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
-#                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
-#                         <dec>            : Deceleration
-#                         );
-#    Move to current external plc position. Functions intended use is to 
-#    move to the start position for syncronized axes. This command is exactly 
-#    the same as issueing "mc_move_pos()" with the target postion ax<id>.traj.extsetpos.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 4. retvalue = mc_move_vel(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
-#                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
-#                         <dec>            : Deceleration
-#                         );
-#    Constant velocity motion of axis <axIndex>.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 5. retvalue = mc_home(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         <seqId>,         : Motion sequence
-#                         <velTwoardsCam>, : Target Velocity twords cam
-#                         <velOffCam>      : Target velocity off cam
-#                         );
-#    Perform a homing sequence of axis <axIndex>.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 6. retvalue = mc_home_pos(
-#                      <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                      <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                      <seqId>,         : Motion sequence
-#                      <velTwoardsCam>, : Target Velocity twords cam
-#                      <velOffCam>      : Target velocity off cam
-#                      <homePos>        : Homing position
-#                      );
-# Perform a homing sequence of axis <axIndex>
-# Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-# returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 7. retvalue = mc_halt(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <execute>,       : Trigger
-#                         );
-#    Stop motion of axis <axIndex>.
-#    Command is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 8. retvalue = mc_power(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
-#                         <enable>,        : Enable power
-#                         );
-#    Enable power of  axis <axIndex>.
-#    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 9. retvalue = mc_get_busy(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index#                           
-#                         );
-#    Check if axis is busy.
-#    returns busy state of axis (1 if busy and 0 if not busy).
-# 10. retvalue = mc_get_homed(
-#                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index#                           
-#                         );
-#    Check if axis is homed.
-#    returns state of homed flag of axis (1 if homed and 0 if not homed).
-# 11. retvalue = mc_get_err();
-#    Returns error code for last lib call.
-# 12. retvalue = mc_reset(<axIndex>);
-#    Resets error of motion axis.
-# 13. retvalue = mc_get_axis_err(<axIndex>);
-#    Returns motion axis error code.
-# 14. retvalue = mc_set_enable_motion_funcs(
-#                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
-#                         <enablePos>,       : Enable positioning
-#                         <enableVelo>,      : Enable const velo
-#                         <enableHome>,      : Enable const homing
-#                         );
-#    Enables/disables motion functionalities. Returns error code.
-# 15. retvalue = mc_get_act_pos(
-#                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
-#                         <encIndex>         : Encoder index                        
-#                         );
-#    Returns encoder position for any of the configured encoders of an axis.
-# 16. retvalue = mc_set_prim_enc(
-#                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
-#                         <encIndex>         : Encoder index                        
-#                         );
-#    Sets primary and homing encoder index of the axis (the encoder used for control). 
-#    The primary encoder can only be changed when the axis is not busy.
-#    Returns motion axis error code.
-# 17. retvalue = mc_get_prim_enc(
-#                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index        
-#                         );
-#    Returns primary encoder index of the axis (the encoder used for control).
-# 18. mc_set_axis_error(
-#                         <axis_id>,         : Axis index
-#                         <error_code>       : Error code to set
-#                         );
-#    Sets an arbitrary error code to an axis object.
-# 19. mc_set_slaved_axis_in_error(
-#                         <axis_id>,         : Axis index
-#                         );
-#    Set axis error that indicates that a slaved axis is in error state (ERROR_AXIS_SLAVED_AXIS_IN_ERROR 0x1432B).
+ 1. retvalue = mc_move_abs(
+                       <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         <pos>,           : Target position
+                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
+                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
+                         <dec>            : Deceleration
+                         ):
+    Absolute motion of axis.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 2. retvalue = mc_move_rel(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         <pos>,           : Target position
+                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
+                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
+                         <dec>            : Deceleration
+                         );
+    Relative motion of axis <axIndex>.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 3. retvalue = mc_move_ext_pos(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
+                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
+                         <dec>            : Deceleration
+                         );
+    Move to current external plc position. Functions intended use is to 
+    move to the start position for syncronized axes. This command is exactly 
+    the same as issueing "mc_move_pos()" with the target postion ax<id>.traj.extsetpos.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 4. retvalue = mc_move_vel(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         <vel>,           : Target velocity
+                         <acc>,           : Acceleration
+                         <dec>            : Deceleration
+                         );
+    Constant velocity motion of axis <axIndex>.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 5. retvalue = mc_home(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         <seqId>,         : Motion sequence
+                         <velTwoardsCam>, : Target Velocity twords cam
+                         <velOffCam>      : Target velocity off cam
+                         );
+    Perform a homing sequence of axis <axIndex>.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 6. retvalue = mc_home_pos(
+                      <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                      <execute>,       : Trigger
+                      <seqId>,         : Motion sequence
+                      <velTwoardsCam>, : Target Velocity twords cam
+                      <velOffCam>      : Target velocity off cam
+                      <homePos>        : Homing position
+                      );
+ Perform a homing sequence of axis <axIndex>
+ Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+ returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 7. retvalue = mc_halt(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <execute>,       : Trigger
+                         );
+    Stop motion of axis <axIndex>.
+    Command is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 8. retvalue = mc_power(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index
+                         <enable>,        : Enable power
+                         );
+    Enable power of  axis <axIndex>.
+    Motion is triggerd with a positive edge on <execute> input.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 9. retvalue = mc_get_busy(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index#                           
+                         );
+    Check if axis is busy.
+    returns busy state of axis (1 if busy and 0 if not busy).
+ 10. retvalue = mc_get_homed(
+                         <axIndex>,       : Axis index#                           
+                         );
+    Check if axis is homed.
+    returns state of homed flag of axis (1 if homed and 0 if not homed).
+ 11. retvalue = mc_get_err();
+    Returns error code for last lib call.
+ 12. retvalue = mc_reset(<axIndex>);
+    Resets error of motion axis.
+ 13. retvalue = mc_get_axis_err(<axIndex>);
+    Returns motion axis error code.
+ 14. retvalue = mc_set_enable_motion_funcs(
+                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
+                         <enablePos>,       : Enable positioning
+                         <enableVelo>,      : Enable const velo
+                         <enableHome>,      : Enable const homing
+                         );
+    Enables/disables motion functionalities. Returns error code.
+ 15. retvalue = mc_get_act_pos(
+                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
+                         <encIndex>         : Encoder index                        
+                         );
+    Returns encoder position for any of the configured encoders of an axis.
+ 16. retvalue = mc_set_prim_enc(
+                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index
+                         <encIndex>         : Encoder index                        
+                         );
+    Sets primary and homing encoder index of the axis (the encoder used for control). 
+    The primary encoder can only be changed when the axis is not busy.
+    Returns motion axis error code.
+ 17. retvalue = mc_get_prim_enc(
+                         <axIndex>,         : Axis index        
+                         );
+    Returns primary encoder index of the axis (the encoder used for control).
+ 18. mc_set_axis_error(
+                         <axis_id>,         : Axis index
+                         <error_code>       : Error code to set
+                         );
+    Sets an arbitrary error code to an axis object.
+ 19. mc_set_slaved_axis_in_error(
+                         <axis_id>,         : Axis index
+                         );
+    Set axis error that indicates that a slaved axis is in error state (ERROR_AXIS_SLAVED_AXIS_IN_ERROR 0x1432B).
 #### Motion Group
-# 1.  mc_grp_get_enable(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if all axes in the group have the enable bit set, else false.
-#    Note: The axes do not need to be enabled if this function returns true, see mc_grp_get_enabled().
-# 2.  mc_grp_get_any_enable(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group has the enable bit set, else false.
-# 3.  mc_grp_get_enabled(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if all axes in the group are in enabled state, else false.
-# 4.  mc_grp_get_any_enabled(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group is in enabled state, else false.
-# 5.  mc_grp_get_busy(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if all axes in the group are in busy state, else false.
-# 6.  mc_grp_get_any_busy(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group is in busy state, else false.
-# 7.  mc_grp_get_any_error_id(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns error id if atleast one axis in the group is in error state, else zero.
-# 8.  mc_grp_set_enable(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      <enable>          : Enable state
-#                      );
-#    Sets enable for all axes in group.
-#    Returns 0 or error id.
-# 9.  mc_grp_set_traj_src(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      <source>          : Trajectory source (0 = internal, 1 = external/PLC )
-#                      );
-#    Sets trajectory source for all axes in group.
-#    Returns 0 or error id.
-# 10.  mc_grp_set_enc_src(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      <source>          : Encoder source (0 = internal, 1 = external/PLC )
-#                      );
-#    Sets encoder source for all axes in group.
-#    Returns 0 or error id.
-# 11.  mc_grp_reset_error(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Resets error of all axes in group.   
-# 12.  mc_grp_set_error(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      <error_id>        : Error Id
-#                      );
-#    Set error id of all axes in group.
-# 13.  mc_grp_set_slaved_axis_in_error(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Set error id of all axes in group to ERROR_AXIS_SLAVED_AXIS_IN_ERROR (0x1432B)
-# 14.  mc_grp_halt(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Halt all axes in group (only works if traj source = internal/0)
-# 15.  mc_grp_axis_in_grp(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      <axis_id>,        : Axis index
-#                      );
-#    Returns true if axis is in group, else false.
-# 16.  mc_grp_size(
-#                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
-#                      );
-#    Returns the number of axes in group.
-# 17.  mc_grp_get_traj_src_ext(
-#                       <grp_id>, : Group index
-#                       );
-#    Returns true if all axes in the group have trajectory source set to external.
-# 18.  mc_grp_get_any_traj_src_ext(
-#                       <grp_id>, : Group index
-#                       );
-#     Returns true if atleast one axis in the group have trajectory source set to external.
-# 19.  mc_grp_set_allow_src_change_when_enabled(
-#                       <grp_id>, : Group index
-#                       <allow>,  : Allow change of source
-#                       );
-#     Allow source change for trajectory and encoder when axis is enabled.
-# 20.  mc_grp_sync_act_set(
-#                       <grp_id>, : Group index
-#                       <sync>,   : Sync yes or no
-#                       );
-#     1. Sync ecmc current setpoint with actual value (if not enabled and internal mode)
-#     2. Sync MR at next poll (maximum once).
+ 1.  mc_grp_get_enable(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if all axes in the group have the enable bit set, else false.
+    Note: The axes do not need to be enabled if this function returns true, see mc_grp_get_enabled().
+ 2.  mc_grp_get_any_enable(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group has the enable bit set, else false.
+ 3.  mc_grp_get_enabled(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if all axes in the group are in enabled state, else false.
+ 4.  mc_grp_get_any_enabled(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group is in enabled state, else false.
+ 5.  mc_grp_get_busy(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if all axes in the group are in busy state, else false.
+ 6.  mc_grp_get_any_busy(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns true if atleast one axis in the group is in busy state, else false.
+ 7.  mc_grp_get_any_error_id(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns error id if atleast one axis in the group is in error state, else zero.
+ 8.  mc_grp_set_enable(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      <enable>          : Enable state
+                      );
+    Sets enable for all axes in group.
+    Returns 0 or error id.
+ 9.  mc_grp_set_traj_src(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      <source>          : Trajectory source (0 = internal, 1 = external/PLC )
+                      );
+    Sets trajectory source for all axes in group.
+    Returns 0 or error id.
+ 10.  mc_grp_set_enc_src(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      <source>          : Encoder source (0 = internal, 1 = external/PLC )
+                      );
+    Sets encoder source for all axes in group.
+    Returns 0 or error id.
+ 11.  mc_grp_reset_error(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Resets error of all axes in group.   
+ 12.  mc_grp_set_error(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      <error_id>        : Error Id
+                      );
+    Set error id of all axes in group.
+ 13.  mc_grp_set_slaved_axis_in_error(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Set error id of all axes in group to ERROR_AXIS_SLAVED_AXIS_IN_ERROR (0x1432B)
+ 14.  mc_grp_halt(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Halt all axes in group (only works if traj source = internal/0)
+ 15.  mc_grp_axis_in_grp(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      <axis_id>,        : Axis index
+                      );
+    Returns true if axis is in group, else false.
+ 16.  mc_grp_size(
+                      <grp_id>,         : Group index
+                      );
+    Returns the number of axes in group.
+ 17.  mc_grp_get_traj_src_ext(
+                       <grp_id>, : Group index
+                       );
+    Returns true if all axes in the group have trajectory source set to external.
+ 18.  mc_grp_get_any_traj_src_ext(
+                       <grp_id>, : Group index
+                       );
+     Returns true if atleast one axis in the group have trajectory source set to external.
+ 19.  mc_grp_set_allow_src_change_when_enabled(
+                       <grp_id>, : Group index
+                       <allow>,  : Allow change of source
+                       );
+     Allow source change for trajectory and encoder when axis is enabled.
+ 20.  mc_grp_sync_act_set(
+                       <grp_id>, : Group index
+                       <sync>,   : Sync yes or no
+                       );
+     1. Sync ecmc current setpoint with actual value (if not enabled and internal mode)
+     2. Sync MR at next poll (maximum once).
 #### Data Storage
-# 1. retvalue = ds_append_data(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         <data>,          : Data
-#                         );
-#    Append data to data storage.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 2. retvalue = ds_clear_data(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Clear data to data storage.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 3. retvalue = ds_get_data(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
-#                         );
-#    Returns data from buffer.
-# 4. retvalue = ds_set_data(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
-#                         );
-#    Sets data in data storage buffer.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 5. retvalue = ds_get_buff_id(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns current buffer index.
-# 6. retvalue = ds_set_buff_id(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
-#                         );
-#    Sets current buffer index in data storage buffer.
-#    returns 0 if success or error code.
-# 7. retvalue = ds_is_full(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns true if buffer is full.
-# 8. retvalue = ds_get_size(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns buffer size of data storage.
-# 9. retvalue = ds_get_err()
-#    Returns error code for last lib call.
-# 10. retvalue = ds_push_asyn(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Triggers push of all asyn parameters in ds to EPICS (including data). 
-# 11. retvalue = ds_get_avg(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns average of the values in the data storage.
-# 12. retvalue = ds_get_min(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns minimum of the values in the data storage.
-# 13. retvalue = ds_get_max(
-#                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Returns maximum of the values in the data storage.
-# 14. retvalue=ds_append_to_ds(
-#                         <dsFromId>,       : Source data storage index
-#                         <dsFromDataId>,   : Source data element index
-#                         <elements>,       : Number of elements to copy 
-#                         <dsToId>          : Destination data storage index
-#                         );
-#    Appends data at the current position of the destination data storage (dsToId). The data source is defined by (dsFromId) and the selected tion (dsFromDataId) and element count (elements).
-# 15. retvalue=ds_err_rst():
-#    Resets error code for ds_lib.
+ 1. retvalue = ds_append_data(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         <data>,          : Data
+                         );
+    Append data to data storage.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 2. retvalue = ds_clear_data(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Clear data to data storage.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 3. retvalue = ds_get_data(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
+                         );
+    Returns data from buffer.
+ 4. retvalue = ds_set_data(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
+                         );
+    Sets data in data storage buffer.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 5. retvalue = ds_get_buff_id(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns current buffer index.
+ 6. retvalue = ds_set_buff_id(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         <bufferIndex>,   : Buffer index
+                         );
+    Sets current buffer index in data storage buffer.
+    returns 0 if success or error code.
+ 7. retvalue = ds_is_full(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns true if buffer is full.
+ 8. retvalue = ds_get_size(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns buffer size of data storage.
+ 9. retvalue = ds_get_err()
+    Returns error code for last lib call.
+ 10. retvalue = ds_push_asyn(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Triggers push of all asyn parameters in ds to EPICS (including data). 
+ 11. retvalue = ds_get_avg(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns average of the values in the data storage.
+ 12. retvalue = ds_get_min(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns minimum of the values in the data storage.
+ 13. retvalue = ds_get_max(
+                         <dsIndex>,       : Data storage index
+                         );
+    Returns maximum of the values in the data storage.
+ 14. retvalue=ds_append_to_ds(
+                         <dsFromId>,       : Source data storage index
+                         <dsFromDataId>,   : Source data element index
+                         <elements>,       : Number of elements to copy 
+                         <dsToId>          : Destination data storage index
+                         );
+    Appends data at the current position of the destination data storage (dsToId). The data source is defined by (dsFromId) and the selected tion (dsFromDataId) and element count (elements).
+ 15. retvalue=ds_err_rst():
+    Resets error code for ds_lib.
diff --git a/hugo/content/manual/ b/hugo/content/manual/
index 473d58c28..fca00e7f0 100644
--- a/hugo/content/manual/
+++ b/hugo/content/manual/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ These instructions only work at PSI!
 {{% /notice %}}
 ## Build at PSI, using driver.makefile
-by default this module is only build for RHEL7 and Epics >=R7.0.5
+by default this module is only build for Debian 10 and Epics >=R7.0.6
 ### build on login cluster
diff --git a/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/ b/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
index af7c9afe4..f8c15d627 100644
--- a/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
+++ b/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ As a comparison, TwinCAT default EtherCAT rates are:
 See [host/ecmc_server](../../knowledgebase/host/) for more information.
 ## ecmc server setup
-* If possible, make sure you use the native igb ethercat driver.
+* If possible, make sure the native igb ethercat driver is used.
 For more information see:
diff --git a/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/ b/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
index 8476b0d55..4e3f0a617 100644
--- a/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
+++ b/hugo/content/manual/general_cfg/
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ chapter = false
 ## ECMC Iocsh Utilities
-### Iocsh function "ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc()"
- "ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc()" is used to evaluate expressions and set result to EPCIS environment variables. Usefull for calculate:
+### ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc
+ "ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc()" is used to evaluate expressions and set result to EPCIS environment variables. Useful for calculate:
   * slave offsets
-  * sdo/pdo adresses (also in hex)
-  * scalings in motion
+  * sdo/pdo addresses (also in hex)
+  * motion scaling
   * record fields
   * ...
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc -h
          - Some flags and/or width/precision combinations might not be supported.
          - Hex numbers in the expression is not allowed (but hex as output by formating is OK).
-         - Non floatingpoint values will be rounded to nearest int.
+         - Non floating point values will be rounded to nearest int.
 #### Examples:
 #### Calculate addresses in HEX with specified width
 # ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc("test2", "$(test1)+1+2+3+4+5*10.1", "%03x")
 ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc("test2", "061+1+2+3+4+5*10.1", "%03x")
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalc("result", "if('ecmcEL3002.cmd'='test.script') {RESULT:=1;}el
-### Iocsh function "ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTernary()"
+### ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTernary
  "ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTernary()" is used o evaluate expressions and set EPCIS environment variables to different strings.
  depending on if the expression evaluates to "true" or "false". Can be useful for:
  * Choose different files to load like plc-files, axis configurations, db-files or..
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTernary -h
 #### Examples:
 ### Simple true false
 # ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTernary("test_var", "${VALUE}+2+5/10","True","False")
@@ -134,32 +134,6 @@ epicsEnvShow("result")
-### Use return value of ecmcConfig(OrDie):
-The return value from ecmcConfig(OrDie) is stored in the EPICS environment variable
-"ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL". This value can be used to make som dynamic configuration.
-All ASCII configuration commands for ecmcConfig(OrDie) can be used in the same way.
-#### Example: Read firmware version of an EL7037 stepper drive
-Note: SDO reads need to be before "SetAppMode(1)"
-ecmcConfig "EcReadSdo(${ECMC_SLAVE_NUM},0x100a,0x0,2)"
-The variable "ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL" then can be used to set record fields, name or alias for instance.. 
-### Example: Read "ID" PDO from EK1101 (shown in detail in aliasRecordFromPdoData.script)
-Note: PDO reads need to be after "SetAppMode(1)" since cyclic value
-ecmcConfig "ReadEcEntryIDString(${ECMC_SLAVE_NUM},"ID")"
-## This is the value of the EK1101 ID switch
-The variable "ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL" then can be used to set record fields, name or alias for instance.. 
 ### ecmcIf(\<expression\>,\<optional true macro\>,\<optional false macro\>)
 ecmcIf() set two macros depending on the value of the evaluated expression. If it evaluates to true:
 1. IF_TRUE=""        Allows execution of a line of code   
@@ -169,20 +143,19 @@ If expression evaluates to false:
 1. IF_TRUE="#-"      Block execution of a line of code
 2. IF_FALSE= ""      Allows execution of a line of code
-Note: These macros is the default names for the macros (but can be changed by assignment of the 2 last params in call to ecmcIf()):
+Note: These macros are the default names for the macros (but can be changed by assignment of the 2 last params in call to ecmcIf()):
 1. IF_TRUE for true
 2. IF_FALSE for false
-### ecmcIf
-ecmcEndIf(\<optional true macro\>,\<optional false macro\>)
+### ecmcEndIf
 The ecmcEndIf() command unsets the last used macros (for true and false), if different names are passed as arguments then then these macros are unset (for nested if statements).
-#### Example of of syntax
+#### Example of syntax
 Example 1:
 ${IF_TRUE} # Code to execute if expression eval true
 #- else
@@ -190,7 +163,7 @@ ${IF_FALSE} # Code to execute if expression eval false
 Example 2:
 #- else
@@ -204,7 +177,7 @@ Useful for:
 * Large systems with many similar sub systems
 * Configuring hardware with many PDOs (oversampling)
 "ecmcForLoop(<filename>, <macros>, <loopvar>, <from>, <to>, <step>)" to loop execution of file with a changing loop variable.
              <filename> : Filename to execute in for loop.
              <macros>   : Macros to feed to execution of file.
@@ -216,7 +189,7 @@ Useful for:
 Example ("ECMC_LOOP_IDX" as loop variable):
@@ -235,7 +208,7 @@ epicsEnvShow("TESTING")
 where "loopStep.cmd" file looks like this (note the use of "ECMC_LOOP_IDX"):
 #- Commands tp execute in each loop of example ecmcForLoop.script
@@ -243,7 +216,7 @@ epicsEnvShow("TESTING")
 ### ecmcFileExist
 Useful for checking that configuration files really exist and then can be loaded.
 ecmcFileExist(<filename>, <die>, <check EPICS dirs>, <dirs>)" to check if a file exists.
               <filename>          : Filename to check.
               <die>               : Exit EPICS if file not exist. Optional, defaults to 0.
@@ -252,7 +225,7 @@ ecmcFileExist(<filename>, <die>, <check EPICS dirs>, <dirs>)" to check if a file
 result will be stored in the EPICS environment variable "ECMC_FILE_EXIST_RETURN_VAL"
@@ -268,6 +241,32 @@ ecmcFileExist("ecmcEK1100.substitutions",0,0,"/home/")
+### Use return value of ecmcConfig(OrDie):
+The return value from ecmcConfig(OrDie) is stored in the EPICS environment variable
+"ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL". This value can be used to make som dynamic configuration.
+All ASCII configuration commands for ecmcConfig(OrDie) can be used in the same way.
+#### Example: Read firmware version of an EL7037 stepper drive
+Note: SDO reads need to be before "SetAppMode(1)"
+ecmcConfig "EcReadSdo(${ECMC_SLAVE_NUM},0x100a,0x0,2)"
+The variable "ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL" then can be used to set record fields, name or alias for instance.. 
+### Example: Read "ID" PDO from EK1101 (shown in detail in aliasRecordFromPdoData.script)
+Note: PDO reads need to be after "SetAppMode(1)" since cyclic value
+ecmcConfig "ReadEcEntryIDString(${ECMC_SLAVE_NUM},"ID")"
+## This is the value of the EK1101 ID switch
+The variable "ECMC_CONFIG_RETURN_VAL" then can be used to set record fields, name or alias for instance.. 
 ### Todo
 Add docs for:
 * ecmcConfigOrDie
diff --git a/hugo/content/manual/knowledgebase/ b/hugo/content/manual/knowledgebase/
index 86cbc012e..74b57bb4d 100644
--- a/hugo/content/manual/knowledgebase/
+++ b/hugo/content/manual/knowledgebase/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ chapter = false
 ### latency issues / lost frames
-High latency, more than 10% of the ethercat cycle time, can in worse case result, in lost ethercat frames, which of course is not an ideal situation. High latency of the ecmc_rt thread can be related to:
+High latency, more than 30% of the ethercat cycle time, can result in lost ethercat frames, which means data are lost. High latency of the ecmc_rt thread can be related to:
 1. The generic device driver is used
 2. High load on system
 3. ...
@@ -61,12 +61,16 @@ epicsThreadSetAffinity ecmc_rt 5
 If more than one ecmc ioc is running on the server, then make sure the ecmc_rt threads run on different cores.
-Also other threads might take a lot of resources, for instance the epics thread "cbLow": 
+Further tuning might include moving other cpu intensive threads to dedicated cores, for instance the epics thread ```cbLow```: 
 afterInit "epicsThreadSetAffinity cbLow 6"
 {{% notice info %}}
-cbLow is created at iocInit, therefore the "epicsThreadSetAffinity" must be executed with the "afterInit" command.
+```cbLow``` is created at iocInit, therefore the "epicsThreadSetAffinity" must be executed with the "afterInit" command.
+{{% /notice %}}
+{{% notice note %}}
+The affinity can also be set with the tools accessible in the EPICS module MCoreUtils.
 {{% /notice %}}
 ### EtherCAT rate (EC_RATE)