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Command Reference

All commands are in the namespace psi::sim, so either a fully qualified name (psi::sim::) must be used to access them or the namespace psi::sim must be imported (see example in README).

Beroe using the commands, type the following line in modelsim to import the commands into the golbal workspace:

namespace import psi::sim::*

Command Links

General Commands



init [-ghdl|-vivado]

This command clears the PSI simulation environment. This means all libraries, testbenches and files added are removed. As a result this command should be called once in every script before using any other commands.


Parameter Optional Description
-ghdl Yes Use GHDL instead of Modelsim (if the parameter is not given, Modelsim is used). For Modelsim, all commands must be executed in the Modelsim TCL shell. For GHDL, a standalone TCL shell (e.g. Active TCL) must be used
-vivado Yes Use Vivado Simulator instead of Modelsim (if the parameter is not given, Modelsim is used). All commands must be executed in the Vivado TCL shell.

Configuration Commands



add_library <lib>

Adds a library to the simultion project. At least one library must be specified since there is no library to compile files into otherwise.


Parameter Optional Description
lib No Name of the library to create



add_sources <directory> <file> [-lib <lib>] [-tag <tag>] [-language <lang>] [-version <ver>] [-options <cmd>]

Adds one or more source files. All source files added are compiled outomatically in the order they are added (i.e. files must be added in compile order). Files are not compiled when they are added but when the psi::sim::compile command is called.

Multiple files from the same directory can be added with one call of the command. This is also shown in the example code in the main


Parameter Optional Description
directory No Directory the file(s) to add is/are in
file No Name of one or more files to add
lib Yes Library to compile the file into. If no library is given, the file is compiled into the last library added using the add_library command
tag Yes Tags are optional and can be use to selectively only compile files with the same tag.
lang Yes By default VHDL is assumed as language. By passing -lang verilog, verilog files can be integrated. However, the verilog support is only roughly tested.
ver Yes By default VHDL files are compiled with version 2008. If any other version is desired pass it as argument. 2008|2002|93|87|
cmd Yes Additional Modelsim commands can be passed as a string with the options switch. E.g. a macro for a Verilog manufacturer model -options +define+MacroName



create_tb_run <tb> [<lib>] 

Create a testbench run. A testbench run consists of the testbench to execute (mandatory) and optionally different arguments to pass to the simulation as well as scripts to execute before and after the run. If different arguments are passed to the simulation, the scripts are ran only once befor/after all simulations with different arguments and not before/after each simulation.

Note that the TB-run is only added to the project with the add_tb_run command.


Parameter Optional Description
tb No Name of the testbench to execute
lib Yes Library the testbench is in. If no library is given, the last library added using the add_library is used.




Add the last TB-run created using create_tb_run to the project. Optionally the TB run can be configured between these two commands (e.g. using tb_run_add_arguments).

Note that it is possible to add multiple runs for the same testbench (e.g. with different pre- and post-scripts).




tb_run_add_arguments <arguments>

This command allows defining additional arguments to pass to the vsim command of modelsim. Details can be found in the modelsim documentation but one useful argument is the -gMyGeneric=MyValue option to set generics. If a list of strings is passed, the simulation is executed once for each argument string. So this command is ideal to run a testbench with different sets of generics.

The command must be called between the create_tb_run and the add_tb_run commands.


Parameter Optional Description
arguments No String or list of strings to be passed to the simulation run(s)



tb_run_add_time_limit <limit>

Specify an end-time for a tb-run. Usually testbenches should stop on their own but in some cases (e.g. if Xilinx primitives do keep the simulation running and run -all is not workgin), it may be required to limit the runtime.

The command must be called between the create_tb_run and the add_tb_run commands.


Parameter Optional Description
limit No Timelimit in the form "100 us" (the double-quotes are important)



tb_run_add_pre_script <cmd> [<args>] [<path>]

This command allows defining a script to be executed at the beginning of the TB-run.

The command must be called between the create_tb_run and the add_tb_run commands.


Parameter Optional Description
cmd No Command to execute
args Yes Arguments to pass to the command (by default no arguments are passed)
path Yes Working directory to call the command from (by default the simulation directory is used)


This command is equal to tb_run_add_pre_script but the script is executed after the simulations.



tb_run_skip [<simulator>]

This command allows skipping the testbench for all simulators or only for one simulator. This can be used if bugs in a simulator tool lead to crashes.

The command must be called between the create_tb_run and the add_tb_run commands.

For skipping a run for multiple simulators, use teh form tb_run_skip "Vivado Ghdl".


Parameter Optional Description
simulator Yes Simulator to skip simulation for. Use **all**, **Modelsim** or **GHDL**



compile_suppress <msgNos> 

This command allows to suppress one or more warning messages during compilation. For suppression of warning messages during simulations, use run_suppress.


Parameter Optional Description
msgNos No One or more message numbers to suppress. Multiple message numbers must be delimited using a comma.


This command is equal to compile_suppress but the messages are suppressed during simulations instead of compilation.

Run Commands



clean_libraries [-all] [-lib <lib>] 

This command cleans either one specific libraries or all libraries. Cleaning means all contents are deleted, so entities compiled earlier are no more visible.


Parameter Optional Description
-all Yes All libraries in the project are cleaned.
lib Yes Name of one specific library to clean. Passing no library has the same effect as using -all (i.e. all libraries are cleaned).



compile_files [-all] [-lib <lib>] [-tag <tag>] [-contains <str>] [-clean]

This command compiles source files. Depending on the arguments, either all files or only a selection of themare compiled. Optionally the All libraries can be cleaned prior to compilation.

Note that the command is also available as psi::sim::compile but this name is not exported to prevent name clashes with the compile command of modelsim. It is therefore recommended to only use compile_files.


Parameter Optional Description
-all Yes Compile all source files.
-lib Yes Only compile files that belong to a given library.
-tag Yes Only compile files that have a given tag. This option can for example be used to only re-compile files that are related to a certain part of the project.
-contains Yes Only compile files if their path contains a given string
-clean Yes Clean all libraries before compiling. Note that this option should only be used together with the -all switch.



run_tb [-all] [-lib <lib>] [-name <name>] [-contains <str>]

This command executes the specified testbench runs.


Parameter Optional Description
-all Yes Run all TB runs in the projet.
-lib Yes Only run TB runs for testbenches in a given library.
-name Yes Only execute TB runs for a testbench with a given name.
-contains Yes Only execute testbenches that contain a given string in their name



run_check_errors <string>

This command checks whether a given error string occurs in the transcript. If yes, simulations are regarded as failed. If the string does not occur, simulations are regarded as successul.

It is recommended to use a very distinctive error pattern (e.g. "###ERROR###"). If a less distinctive pattern such as "Error" is used, there is a probability that the pattern occurs in messages that are not errors (e.g. "Checking Correct Operation for zero Position Error").

Note that all libraries use the error pattern ###ERROR###.


Parameter Optional Description
str No Error string to search for



launch_tb -contains <str> [-argidx <index>] [-wave [<file>]] [-show]

Description This command launches the specified TB run but it does not execute it (without the -wave and -show options used). Instead it stops after launching, so the user can execute the simulation interactively and view the waveform. So this command is intended for interactive debugging.

The user can optionally choose to use a specific set of testbench arguments (see tb_run_add_arguments) by using the -argidx option. If the option is not used, the testbench is started with the default generics from the source code.


Parameter Optional Description
-contains No Execute only the first testbench that contains the given string in its name
-argidx Yes Index of the TB arguments to use (see [tb_run_add_arguments](#tb_run_add_arguments)). Index is zero based (i.e. passing 0 leads to the first argument set being used). If this option is omitted, the testbench is started with its default arguments as given in the source code.
-wave Yes Modelsim: Optionally a do-file can be passed for a desired waveform view. In case -wave is passed without argument, all signals are added to the waveform, the simulation is run and the zoom is set to the complete run.
GHDL: When executing this option in GHDL, a vcd file is generated with the naming pattern .vcd. The parameter is not implemented in GHDL.
-show Yes GTKwave is opened (forked) with the generated vcd file. Only implemented in GHDL.

GHDL/GTK Workflow

  • Execute the first run with -wave and -show options
  • A gtkwave window opens -> forked to keep tclsh interaction active
  • Rerun the testbench in the tclsh without the -show option
  • Reload the waveform in the gtkwave menu: File -> Reload Waveform
  • Optional: Run with different -argidx to compare different waveforms