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General Purpose Functions

This module defines generic functions and types. The nature of the definitions is such that they could reasonably appear in the Lean standard library at a future date. Items are included only if needed in support of the examples in the tutorial.

The focus of this tutorial is specification, not proof or implementation. Most instances where a proof is required are left as sorry.

import Std.Data.AssocList

Restricted Basic Types


Length constrained strings.

def Str (m n : Nat) := { s : String // m ≤ s.length ∧ s.length ≤ n }

Equality of Str is decidable.

instance : DecidableEq (Str m n) :=

The < order relation on Str.

instance (m n : Nat) : LT (Str m n) where
  lt s₀ s₁ := s₀.val < s₁.val

The < relation is decidable.

instance (m n : Nat) (x y : Str m n) : Decidable (x < y) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.val < y.val))


Range restricted natural numbers. Lower limit is inclusive, upper limit is exclusive.

def NatMN (m n : Nat) := { x : Nat // m ≤ x ∧ x < n }

Equality of NatMN is decidable.

instance : DecidableEq (NatMN m n) :=


Range restricted integers. Lower limit is inclusive, upper limit is exclusive.

def IntMN (m n : Int) := { x : Int // m ≤ x ∧ x < n }

Equality of IntMN is decidable.

instance : DecidableEq (IntMN m n) :=


namespace List

The sum of the elements of a list. The base type must be an instance of Add, and the identity is provided as an argument.

def add [Add α] (as : List α) : α → α :=
  as.foldr (· + ·)

The product of the elements of a list. The base type must be an instance of Mul, and the identity is provided as an argument.

def mul [Mul α] (as : List α) : α → α :=
  as.foldr (· * ·)

The maximum of the elements of a list. The base type must be an instance of Max, and the empty case is provided as an argument.

def max [Max α] (as : List α) : α → α :=
  as.foldr Max.max

The minimum of the elements of a list. The base type must be an instance of Min, and the empty case is provided as an argument.

def min [Min α] (as : List α) : α → α :=
  as.foldr Min.min

The minimum element of a list, returning default value for empty list.

def minimumD [Min α] (as : List α) (a : α) : α :=
  match as.minimum? with
  | none   => a
  | some a => a

Are the elements of a list in ascending order?

def ascending [LE α] : List α → Prop
 | [] | [_] => True
 | a::b::as => a ≤ b ∧ ascending (b::as)

Are the elements of a list in strict ascending order?

def ascendingStrict [LT α] : List α → Prop
 | [] | [_] => True
 | a::b::as => a < b ∧ ascendingStrict (b::as)

Are the elements of a list in descending order?

def descending [LE α] : List α → Prop
 | [] | [_] => True
 | a::b::as => a ≥ b ∧ descending (b::as)

Are the elements of a list in strict descending order?

def descendingStrict [LT α] : List α → Prop
 | [] | [_] => True
 | a::b::as => a > b ∧ descendingStrict (b::as)

end List


Finite sets.

Define a set as a list without duplicates. The functions on sets must ensure they are order agnostic.

def Set (α : Type) [DecidableEq α] := { as : List α // as.Nodup }

instance [DecidableEq α] : EmptyCollection (Set α) where
  emptyCollection := ⟨[], sorryinstance [DecidableEq α] : Membership α (Set α) where
  mem a as := a ∈ as.val

instance [DecidableEq α] : HasSubset (Set α) where
  Subset s₁ s₂ := ∀ a ∈ s₁, a ∈ s₂

instance [DecidableEq α] : HasSSubset (Set α) where
  SSubset s₁ s₂ := s₁ ⊆ s₂ ∧ ∃ a ∈ s₁, a ∉ s₂

instance [DecidableEq α] : Union (Set α) where
  union s₁ s₂ := ⟨(s₁.val ++ s₂.val).eraseDup, sorryinstance [DecidableEq α] : Inter (Set α) where
  inter s₁ s₂ := sorry

instance [DecidableEq α] : SDiff (Set α) where
  sdiff s₁ s₂ := sorry

instance [DecidableEq α] : Insert (α : Type) (Set α) where
  insert a as := ⟨if a ∈ as.val then as.val else a :: as.val, sorryinstance [DecidableEq α] : Singleton (α: Type) (Set α) where
  singleton a := ⟨[a], sorryinstance [DecidableEq α] : DecidableEq (Set α) :=

namespace Set

The number of elements in a set.

def card [DecidableEq α] (s : Set α) : Nat :=

Map a function over a set. The result set may have fewer elements than the argument set.

def map [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (f : α → β) (as : Set α) : Set β :=
  ⟨( f).eraseDup, sorry

Filter the elements in a set that satisfy a boolean predicate.

def filter [DecidableEq α] (p : α → Bool) (as : Set α) : Set α :=
  ⟨as.val.filter p, sorry

Filter the elements in a set that satisfy a proposition.

def filterp [DecidableEq α] (p : α → Prop) (as : Set α) : Set α :=
  sorry--⟨as.val.filter p, sorry⟩

Fold a binary function over a set.

def foldr [DecidableEq α] (f : α → β → β) (init : β) (as : Set α) : β :=
  as.val.foldr f init

Seelct the unique element from a singleton set.

def select [DecidableEq α] : (as : Set α) → (as.card = 1) → α :=

The minimum element of a set, returning default value for empty set.

def minimumD [DecidableEq α] [Min α] (as : Set α) (a : α) : α :=
  as.val.minimumD a

The sum of the elements of a set. The base type must be an instance of Add, and the identity is provided as an argument.

def add [DecidableEq α] [Add α] (as : Set α) : α → α :=
  as.foldr (· + ·)

The sum of the elements of a set under the image of a function. The base type must be an instance of Add, and the identity is provided as an argument.

def add' [DecidableEq α] [Add β] (as : Set α) (f : α → β) : β → β :=
  as.foldr (f · + ·)

Instance of Sep; allows notation { a ∈ A | P a }.

instance [DecidableEq α] : Sep (α : Type) (Set α) where
  sep p as := filterp p as

end Set

The set whose elements are those of a given list.

def List.toSet [DecidableEq α] (as : List α) : Set α :=
   ⟨as.eraseDup, sorry


Definition of a type of finite maps.

Map is defined in terms of a set of key/value of pairs in which the keys are unique.

namespace Std

An entry in a finite map is an association of a key with a value.

structure Map.Entry (α β : Type) where
  key   : α
  value : β
deriving DecidableEq

A Map is a Set of pairs such that the first element of each pair is unique.

def Map α β [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] := { s : Set (Map.Entry α β) // s.card = ( (·.key)).card }

Infix operator for finite maps. Precedence just lower than ×.

infixr:34 ""  => Map

Equality of Map is decidable.

instance [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] : DecidableEq (α ⟹ β) :=

Instance of EmptyCollection; allows notation for empty map.

instance [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] : EmptyCollection (α ⟹ β) where
  emptyCollection := ⟨∅, rfl⟩

Instance of Union; allows notation m₁ ∪ m₂. If m₁ and m₂ have a common key, m₁ takes precedence.

instance [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] : Union (α ⟹ β) where
  union s₁ s₂ := sorry

Instance of Inter; allows notation m₁ ∩ m₂. The values in the result are drawn from m₁.

instance [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] : Inter (α ⟹ β) where
  inter s₁ s₂ := sorry

namespace Map

Map is an instance of Membership, allowing notation entry ∈ map. Note membership is based on the full entry, not just the key.

instance [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] : Membership (Entry α β) (α ⟹ β)  where
  mem ab m := sorry

Does a map contain a key?

def contains [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (a : α) (m : α ⟹ β) : Prop :=
  ∃ x ∈ m, x.key = a

Remove an entry with a key from a map.

def erase [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (m : α ⟹ β) (a : α) : α ⟹ β :=

Add an item to a map.

def insert [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (m : α ⟹ β) (a : α) (b : β) : α ⟹ β :=

Find the entry (key and value) associated with a key, if in the map.

def findEntry?  [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (a : α) (m : α ⟹ β) : Option (Entry α β) :=

Find the entry (key and value) associated with a key, knowing the key is in the map.

def findEntry [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (a : α) (m : α ⟹ β) (h : m.contains a) : Entry α β :=

Find the value associated with a key, if the key is in the map.

def find? [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (a : α) (m : α ⟹ β) : Option β :=

Find the value associated with a key, knowing the key is in the map.

def find [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (a : α) (m : α ⟹ β) (h : m.contains a) :  β :=
  (m.findEntry a h).value

Is a map empty?

def isEmpty [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (m : α ⟹ β) : Prop :=
  m = ∅

Filter a map by a predicate on the key.

def filter [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (p : α → Bool) (m : α ⟹ β) : α ⟹ β :=

The domain of a finite map: guaranteed to contain no duplicates.

def domain {α: Type} [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (m : α ⟹ β) : Set α :=

The range of a finite map.

def range [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] (m : α ⟹ β) : Set β :=

end Map


The following notation captures the common pattern:

match term with
| none   => noneResult
| some x => someResult x

If an Option is none, return a fixed expression, otherwise apply a function to the some value.

notation t "" n "" s => match t with | none => n | some x => s x

The following notation captures the common pattern:

match term with
| none   => True
| some x => p x

Does the value embedded in an Option, if there is such a value, satisfy a predicate. If there is no value default to True. Special case of previous notation.

notation t "" p => match t with | none => True | some x => p x

end Std