This is a simple example of the specification of an optimisation problem: the knapsack problem.
import LeanSpec.lib.Util
Given is a set of items each with a weight (cost) and a value. The aim is to choose the optimal set of items that maximises the value but whose weight does not exceed the capacity of the knapsack.
First, define a structure that represents an item in the knapsack.
structure Item where
value : Nat
cost : Nat
deriving BEq
Each item simply has a value and a cost. Note there may be multiple items in the knapsack with the same value and cost.
A structure
is Lean's equivalent of a record
or a struct
in other languages; it
packages separate elements into a single unit. However, as we shall see later, Lean's
structures are rather more powerful.
The cost of an item list is the sum of the costs of the individual items.
def cost (items : List Item) : Nat :=
( Item.cost).add 0
Map the function that extracts the cost of an item over the list, and sum the resulting costs.
The value of an item list is the sum of the values of the individual items.
def value (items : List Item) : Nat :=
( Item.value).add 0
A list as
is a sublist of bs
if every element in as
is also an element of bs
taking account of duplicates. For example, if as
has two copies of an item, bs
contain at least two copies of the same item.
def SubList [BEq α] (as bs : List α) :=
∀ a : α, as.count a ≤ bs.count a
A list of items is a candidate solution to the knapsack problem if its elements are all drawn from the source items, and its cost does not exceed the capacity.
def Candidate₁ (capacity : Nat) (source : List Item) (candidate : List Item) :=
SubList candidate source ∧ cost candidate ≤ capacity
With these definitions, we can specify the knapsack problem.
The optimal solution is a (not necessarily unique) candidate solution such that no better candidate exists.
def Knapsack₁ (capacity : Nat) (source : List Item) :=
{ optimal : List Item
// Candidate₁ capacity source optimal ∧
∀ is : List Item, Candidate₁ capacity source is → value is ≤ value optimal }
This is a nice example of where formal specification works very well. We capture a problem by characterising the properties it must exhibit with no thought for how how it might be implemented. In this case we define the nature of a potential solution, then specify the result as the (not necessarily unique) solution that is at least as good as any other solution. This is a fairly typical pattern for specifying optimisation problems.
There are always multiple ways to specify the same problem. Below, rather than a predicate that determines if a list of items is a potential solution, we define the type of potential solutions.
def Candidate₂ (capacity : Nat) (source : List Item) :=
{ cand : List Item // SubList cand source ∧ cost cand ≤ capacity }
A element of type Candidate₂ capacity source
is any list whose elements are drawn from
and whose cost does not exceed capacity
With this definition of candidate, the knapsack problem can be specified as:
def Knapsack₂ (capacity : Nat) (source : List Item) :=
{ optimal : Candidate₂ capacity source
// ∀ cand : Candidate₂ capacity source, value cand.val ≤ value optimal.val }
In this approach the subtype property can assume optimal
is a candidate solution.
In the first definition the subtype property could only assume optimal
is an
arbitrary list of items.