This example looks at searching for paths through a graph.
import LeanSpec.lib.Util
Before we get on to graphs, sometimes it is useful to know when working with lists that a list is guaranteed to be non-empty. A possible model of such lists is:
structure List₁ (α : Type) where
list : List α
inv : list ≠ []
An element of List₁
is a structure containing a core Lean list (which may be empty),
and a proof the list is non-empty.
This example shows how Lean structure
s are more powerful than records of traditional languages.
The second element inv : list ≠ []
is not data, but rather a constraint on the first element.
The empty list is not a member of the type because we can never prove [] ≠ []
If a type is an instance of the HasSubset
class, we can use ⊆
instance : HasSubset (List₁ α) where
Subset l₁ l₂ := l₁.list ⊆ l₂.list
The definition simply delegates to the underlying List
, which is already an instance of HasSubset
Since the list is guaranteed non-empty, functions that extract the first and last element are total.
def List₁.first : List₁ α → α
| ⟨a::_, _⟩ => a
def List₁.last : List₁ α → α
| ⟨[a], _⟩ => a
| ⟨_::a::as, _⟩ => last ⟨a::as, by simp⟩
All we need for a node in the graph is to be able to distinguish it from other nodes,
so String
is adequate for our needs.
abbrev Node := String
example : Node := "N1"
An edge has a start and an end node, hence is directed, and has a cost to traverse from the start to the end.
structure Edge where
starts : Node
ends : Node
cost : Nat
deriving DecidableEq
example : Edge := {
starts := "N1"
ends := "N2"
cost := 4
A graph is simply a set of edges.
abbrev Graph := Set Edge
def exampleGraph : Graph := {⟨"N1","N2",4⟩, ⟨"N1","N3",7⟩, ⟨"N2","N3",2⟩}
With the above definitions we can define a path over a graph.
structure Path (g : Graph) where
path : List₁ Edge
inv : path.list ⊆ g.val ∧ path.list.Chain' (·.ends = ·.starts)
is dependent on Graph
, so given g : Graph
, Path g
is the type of paths
over the graph g
. The elements are:
is the ordered list of edges that constitute the path;inv.left
states every edge in the path is also in the graph; andinv.right
states that given two consecutive edges, the end node of the first is the start node of the second. (Refer to propostionList.Chain'
defined in std4.)
- Fields named
specify invariants. That is, they specify the constraints any instance of the type must satisfy. Theinv
fields themselves contain no data or computational content, they serve to restrict the values allowed in the other fields. - In subsequent definitions, the convention adopted is that fields named
always capture constraints on the type. - Where there are multiple constraints, there is a single
field that is the conjunction of the constraints.
Let's define a couple of convenience functions to identify the nodes at the start and end of a path.
def Path.start (p : Path g) : Node :=
def Path.end (p : Path g) : Node :=
An example of a path, with respect to graph exampleGraph
defined earlier, is:
example : Path exampleGraph := {
path := ⟨[⟨"N1","N2",4⟩, ⟨"N2","N3",4⟩], by simp⟩,
inv := sorry
As noted in Introduction, a program derived directly from a specification
contains the non-computational content that is evidence of the correctness of the program, but which
is of no interest when the program is run. In the case of data definitions, the non-computational content
is the evidence the data satisfies the structure constraints (by simp
and sorry
If we are only interested in the data, the non-computational content starts to become intrusive,
especially when we have many, nested subtypes. However, that is only because we are
constructing example data, it has minimal impact on the specification itself.
We can now specify a function that finds a path through a graph. A first attempt might be:
def FindPath₁ (g : Graph) (s e : Node) :=
{ p : Path g // p.start = s ∧ p.end = e }
Given a graph g
and a pair of nodes s
and e
, find a path over g
whose start is s
and end is e
Seems reasonable, but a program meeting this specification cannot be derived. The goal is to find a path
but there is no guarantee such a path exists. The are two possible reasons:
- the specification does not require
to be in the graph; - even if
are in the graph, there is no guarantee a path between them exists.
What about:
def FindPath₂ (g : Graph) (s e : Node) :=
Option { p : Path g // p.start = s ∧ p.end = e }
This at least accommodates the failure cases described above, but it has a trivial implementation that is not what is intended:
def findPath (g : Graph) (s e : Node) :
Option { p : Path g // p.start = s ∧ p.end = e } := none
If we always choose the none
option the specification is satisfied.
Going back to the first attempt, FindPath₁
, let's give it a more meaningful name since it doesn't
guarantee a solution exists:
def IsPath (g : Graph) (s e : Node) := { p : Path g // p.start = s ∧ p.end = e }
In the case a path exists we want to create an element of IsPath g s e
(the type of paths from
to e
over g
). If no path exists, we need to provide evidence for said fact. At the
propositional level this would be ¬ P
, which is definitionally equal to P → False
, and when
working at the type level this becomes T → Empty
. Consequently, we are led to the definition:
def FindPath₃ (g : Graph) (s e : Node) :=
IsPath g s e ⊕ (IsPath g s e → Empty)
is the disjoint/discriminated union type, also called Sum
returns a disjoint sum. If a path exists it is returned as the left injection.
If no path exists, evidence is returned as the right injection (which in essence corresponds
to an error message).
The cost of a path is the sum of the cost of the edges in the path.
def Path.cost (p : Path g) : Nat :=
( (·.cost)).add 0
Finding the shortest path through a graph is an optimisation problem so we have
the same pattern as Knapsack
def ShortestPath (g : Graph) (s e : Node) (_ : IsPath g s e) :=
{ p : IsPath g s e // ∀ q : IsPath g s e, p.val.cost ≤ q.val.cost }
The solution is a path over g
from s
to e
with the constraint that any other path
costs at least as much as the solution.
One difference here is the precondition (_ : IsPath g s e)
. We have avoided the disjoint
sum in the specification of ShortestPath
by requiring there is at least one path.
Modify the specification of
such that it does not assume the existence of a path. -
Specify the property that a graph has no edges with identical start and end nodes.
Specify the property that a graph is acyclic.
Define non-empty lists as a subtype instead of a structure, and modify the remainder of the specification as necessary.