The Core, Field, Flight and Message modules capture the content, structure and constraints of flight information and the messages used to communicate information about the flights. This module models the processing of flight plan messages with respect to a state of flights. The specification consists of:
- Definition of a state in which information on known flights is maintained.
- The processing of received messages against the state and how it is updated, including the handling of invalid messages.
- Maintenance activities on the state such as purging of expired flights.
- Querying the state for flight information.
import LeanSpec.FPL.Message
open Temporal Core FPL.Field FPL.Flight
namespace FPL
For auditing purposes it is necessary to record when a message is received.
structure TimestampedMessage where
timestamp : DTG
message : Message
deriving DecidableEq
The <
order relation on TimestampedMessage
. Order by time of reception.
instance : LT TimestampedMessage where
lt tm₁ tm₂ := tm₁.timestamp tm₂.timestamp
The <
relation is decidable.
instance (x y : TimestampedMessage) : Decidable (x < y) :=
inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.timestamp < y.timestamp))
For investigation and analysis purposes, the latest information is maintained together with the sequence of messages received for that flight, hence consists of:
- The current accumulated information on the flight.
- The sequence of messages received for the flight.
structure FlightHistory where
flight : Flight
history : List TimestampedMessage
-- The history must include at least one message.
inv : history ≠ [] ∧
-- Messages are in descending timestamp order (i.e. most recent first).
deriving DecidableEq
The flight time derived from a flight history.
instance : FlightTime FlightHistory where
period fhist := FlightTime.period fhist.flight
Flight identification derived from a flight history.
instance : IsFlight FlightHistory where
idOf fhist := IsFlight.idOf fhist.flight
A flight store is a mapping from flight identifiers to historical information about the flight.
def FlightStore := FlightId ⟹ FlightHistory
deriving DecidableEq, Membership
The reasons why a received message may not match with the flights already held.
inductive FailureReason
| outOfSequence -- the received message is out of sequence with respect to its timestamp
| badMatch -- matching failed; could be failure to match, unexpected match,
-- or match with multiple entries
| inconsistent -- the content of the message, if applied, would be inconsistent
deriving DecidableEq
The information maintained about a received message that failed to process.
structure FailedMessage where
msg : TimestampedMessage
reason : FailureReason
fmatch : Set FlightId -- set of matching messages (if any) that caused the failure
deriving DecidableEq
The fmatch
item is the set of flights that matched the failed message. Such information
is valuable when investigating why messages could not be processed, and may suggest
improvements to how matching is performed.
The State
maintains all information about known flights. The state consists of:
- Currently active flights.
- Inactive flights. That is, flights that have expired or completed but are still maintained for analysis purposes.
- Received messages that could not be processed.
structure State where
active : FlightStore
inactive : FlightStore
failed : Set FailedMessage
-- Two different active flights cannot match.
inv : ∀ x ∈ active.domain, ∀y ∈ active.domain, x ≠ y → ¬ x.match y
deriving DecidableEq
namespace State
The State
constraint is fundamental: two active flights cannot match. Failure to comply
with the constraint would result in duplicate flights, which is a problem encountered in
flight planning systems in operation. Separating active and inactive flights reduces the
opportunity for false matches.
The active flights in a state that match the supplied identifier.
def activeMatches (fid : FlightId) (state : State) : Set FlightHistory := (fid.match ∘ IsFlight.idOf)
The active flights in a state.
def activeFlights (state : State) : Set Flight := (·.flight)
This section specifies how a received message is processed with respect to a state. It is the most complex part of the specification.
Specify the relationship between the pre and post state when a message cannot be processed, given the message, reason for failure, and any matching flights.
def Failure (pre post : State) (ref : DTG) (msg : Message) (reason : FailureReason) (fids : Set FlightId) :=
-- No change to active flights. = ∧
-- No change to inactive flights.
post.inactive = pre.inactive ∧
-- Received message added to failed messages.
(∀f, f ∈ post.failed ↔ f ∈ pre.failed ∨ f = ⟨⟨ref, msg⟩, reason, fids⟩)
Specify the relationship between the pre and post state when a FPL causes a new flight to be added.
def FlightAdded (pre post : State) (ref : DTG) (fpl : FPL) :=
-- New flight added to active store.
(∀ flt, flt ∈ ↔ flt ∈ ∨ (flt.key = IsFlight.idOf flt.value ∧
flt.value.flight = ToFlight.toFlight fpl ∧
flt.value.history = [⟨ref, .fpl fpl⟩])) ∧
-- No change to inactive flights.
post.inactive = pre.inactive ∧
-- No change to failed messages.
post.failed = pre.failed
Specify the relationship between pre and post state for update of an existing flight.
def FlightUpdated (pre post : State) (ref : DTG) (prehist : FlightHistory) (msg : Message) (modFlight : Flight → Flight) :=
-- Matching flight updated in active store.
(∀ flt, flt ∈ ↔ let isMatch := flt.key.match (IsFlight.idOf msg)
(isMatch ↔ flt.key = IsFlight.idOf flt.value ∧
flt.value.flight = modFlight prehist.flight ∧
flt.value.history = ⟨ref, msg⟩ :: prehist.history) ∧
(¬ isMatch ↔ flt ∈ ∧
-- No change to inactive flights.
post.inactive = pre.inactive ∧
-- No change to failed messages.
post.failed = pre.failed
Process a message that, if successful, adds a new flight to the state. The message must not match with an existing active flight.
def ProcessAdd (ref : DTG) (fpl : FPL) (pre : State) :=
{ post : State // -- Match received message against active flights.
let fs := pre.activeMatches (IsFlight.idOf fpl)
if fs = ∅ then
-- New flight added to active store.
FlightAdded pre post ref fpl
-- Record as a failed message.
Failure pre post ref (.fpl fpl) .badMatch ( IsFlight.idOf) }
Process a message that, if successful, modifies an existing flight in the state. The message must match with exactly one flight in the active store.
def ProcessMod (ref : DTG) (msg : Message) (pre : State) (modFlight : Flight → Flight) :=
{ post : State // -- Match received message against active flights.
let fs := pre.activeMatches (IsFlight.idOf msg)
if h : fs.card = 1 then
-- Single matching flight.
let fh := h
let inSeq := -- Is the message temporally sequenced wrt matching flight?
ref > (fh.history.head fh.inv.left).timestamp
let consistent := -- Is the message consistent wrt matching flight?
IsConsistent.isConsistent fh.flight msg
(inSeq ∧ consistent →
FlightUpdated pre post ref fh msg modFlight) ∧
(inSeq ∧ ¬ consistent →
Failure pre post ref msg .inconsistent {IsFlight.idOf fh}) ∧
(¬ inSeq →
Failure pre post ref msg .outOfSequence {IsFlight.idOf fh})
-- No or multiple matching flights.
Failure pre post ref msg .badMatch ( IsFlight.idOf) }
How a CHG
modifies a Flight
. A field in the CHG replaces the corresponding field in the
flight, otherwise the field in the flight is unchanged.
def chgFlight (chg : CHG) (flt : Flight) : Flight :=
let ⟨f7, f8, f9, f10, f13, f15, f16, f18, _⟩ := chg.f22
{ flt with f7 := chg.f22.f7 ▹ flt.f7 ‖ id,
f8 := chg.f22.f8 ▹ flt.f8 ‖ id,
f9 := chg.f22.f9 ▹ flt.f9 ‖ id,
f10 := chg.f22.f10 ▹ flt.f10 ‖ id,
f13 := chg.f22.f13 ▹ flt.f13 ‖ id,
f15 := chg.f22.f15 ▹ flt.f15 ‖ id,
f16 := chg.f22.f16 ▹ flt.f16 ‖ id,
f18 := chg.f22.f18 ▹ flt.f18 ‖ id,
inv := sorry }
How a DLA
modifies a Flight
def dlaFlight (dla : DLA) (flt : Flight) : Flight :=
{ flt with f13.f13b := (IsFlight.idOf dla).period.starts,
f16.f16a := dla.f16,
inv := sorry }
How a CNL
modifies a Flight
def cnlFlight (cnl : CNL) (flt : Flight) : Flight :=
{ flt with status := .cancelled,
f13.f13b := (IsFlight.idOf cnl).period.starts,
f16.f16a := cnl.f16,
inv := sorry }
How a DEP
modifies a Flight
def depFlight (dep : DEP) (flt : Flight) : Flight :=
{ flt with status := .airborne,
f13.f13b := (IsFlight.idOf dep).period.starts,
f16.f16a := dep.f16,
inv := sorry }
How an ARR
modifies a Flight
def arrFlight (arr : ARR) (flt : Flight) : Flight :=
{ flt with status := .completed,
f13.f13b := (IsFlight.idOf arr).period.starts,
f16.f16a := arr.f16 ▹ flt.f16.f16a ‖ (fun _ ↦ arr.f16)
f17 := arr.f17,
inv := sorry }
Given a message and its time of reception, how is the state transformed.
def Process (ref : DTG) (msg : Message) (state : State) :=
match msg with
| .fpl fpl => ProcessAdd ref fpl state
| .chg chg => ProcessMod ref msg state (chgFlight chg)
| .dla dla => ProcessMod ref msg state (dlaFlight dla)
| .cnl cnl => ProcessMod ref msg state (cnlFlight cnl)
| .dep dep => ProcessMod ref msg state (depFlight dep)
| .arr arr => ProcessMod ref msg state (arrFlight arr)
Note the definition is a dependent type. Given a reference timestamp (ref
), a message (msg
and a state (state
), Process ref msg state
is a type, the type of states that result from
processing msg
at time ref
against state
. An element of the type is an updated state that
satisfies all the constraints.
Two examples of state management are presented.
How long is a flight held in the active store after it expires.
def expirePeriod := Duration.oneHour
Transform a state by moving expired active flights to the inactive store.
def Expire (ref : DTG) (pre : State) :=
let threshold := -- Threshold below which active flights are expired.
ref - expirePeriod
let expired := -- The active flights that have expired. (·.period.ends < threshold)
{ post : State // (∀ idh, idh ∈ ↔ idh ∈ ∧ idh ∉ expired) ∧
(∀ idh, idh ∈ post.inactive ↔ idh ∈ pre.inactive ∨ idh ∈ expired ) ∧
post.failed = pre.failed }
How long is a data held in the state when it is no longer active.
def purgePeriod := Duration.oneDay
Transform a state by purging entries (inactive flights and failed messages) that have expired.
def Purge (ref : DTG) (pre : State) :=
let threshold := -- Threshold below which inactive and failed flights are purged.
ref - purgePeriod
{ post : State // = ∧
(∀ idh, idh ∈ post.inactive ↔ idh ∈ pre.inactive ∧ idh.key.period.ends > threshold) ∧
(∀ f, f ∈ post.failed ↔ f ∈ pre.failed ∧ f.msg.timestamp > threshold) }
The final section specifies a simple querying function. Retrieve all active flights from the state that match query parameters. Something very similar to this occurs in operation on a daily basis.
The query parameters are:
- aircraft identification;
- departure point;
- take off interval;
- destination point.
structure Query where
acid : Option AircraftIdentification
adep : Option Doc7910.Designator
eobt : Option Interval
ades : Option Doc7910.Designator
deriving DecidableEq
Any of the query fields may be omitted, in which case any value matches that field.
Does a flight match against a query?
def QueryMatch (q : Query) (f : Flight) : Prop :=
-- ACID identical match
(q.acid ▹ (· = f.f7.f7a)) ∧
-- ADEP identical match
(q.adep ▹ (· = f.f13.desigOf)) ∧
-- EOBT match with interval in query.
(q.eobt ▹ (f.f13.f13b ∈ ·)) ∧
-- ADES identical match
(q.ades ▹ (· = f.f16.f16a))
The active flights in the state that match a query.
def MatchFlights (state : State) (query : Query) :=
{ fs : Set Flight // ∀ f, f ∈ fs ↔ f ∈ activeFlights state ∧ QueryMatch query f }
end State