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MonicaGran edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 61 revisions

Hello, we are glad you’re here! We need contributors to help PatternFly improve and grow. There are many ways to participate in the PatternFly community, from design concepts and ideas to code and research!

If you have some time to contribute by grabbing a known issue, have an idea, or a pattern and want to create an issue, you can contribute!

This page explains:

  • What is a PatternFly contribution?
  • How to make a contribution

PatternFly adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. As a PatternFly community member, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct, whether that be attending a community meeting, replying to the mailing list or contributing.

What is a PatternFly Contribution?

There are many ways you can contribute to PatternFly design. You don't need to have years of expertise to make a contribution, just a desire to learn about design and become part of a community of designers and developers working top create a better experience for enterprise users.

Learn the Terms
If you are new to GitHub and the contribution process, we've provided an overview, of some of the base GitHub lingo, to help you get started, Terminology

1. A proposal for a new pattern or an enhancement, to an existing pattern

Start by opening a new GitHub issue, here, and labeling it as “Change Request” to modify an existing component or as “New Pattern” to propose something new. A design proposal may have many forms, but it should answer these questions:

  • What is the name of the design pattern or component (new or existing)?
  • What problem does it solve and what are the relevant use cases or other requirements?
  • Are there products or projects that are in need of this component and who are the stakeholders that should be included in the review?
  • What is the scope of this work (if known)?

All proposals will be reviewed, and if accepted, assigned for follow-up work. If you are available to perform this work, please feel free to assign yourself. Otherwise, accepted requests will be placed in a queue waiting for available resources.

2. Report a Bug

Before creating a bug report, check the list of known bugs and open issues, on the "patternfly-design" list of issues, in GitHub. Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues. When you create a bug report, include as many details as possible, use a clear and descriptive title, and remember that an image is worth a thousand words, so try to add images and links to rawgit when possible.

3. Fix a Bug

You can browse Open Issues and assign one to yourself. You can make updates and send a pull request (PR) when done, to submit your changes for review. See the [GitHub Contribution Guide](@GitHub Contribution Guide) for instructions on how to do this.

4. Conduct a Usability Test

Usability testing is essential to the practice of user experience design. Within the PatternFly project, our goal is to base design recommendations on empirical data. A good way to get started as a design contributor for PatternFly is to offer to conduct a usability test of existing content. If you are interested in performing usability testing, please contact us on the mailing list ([email protected]) and we will make some suggestions on where to start.

How to Make a Contribution

We use GitHub to manage contributions to PatternFly.
If you don’t know how to contribute, using GitHub, don’t worry! We are aware that GitHub was created by and for developers. That’s why we’ve created guides, to get you up and running. If you need additional help, contact us.