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Midi IO

Send and receive Midi Messages on Android, iOS, and MacOS!

This plugin provides flutter bindings to interact with MIDI devices. The API design is draws heavily from the Web MIDI spec, providing a common API that wraps Core Midi on iOS and MacOS, and on Android.


In order to provide a unified, platform agnostic Flutter API, the plugin uses the following terms:

  • Device A device is Midi hardware or software that provides one or more Midi input and output ports. This plugin abstracts Devices away from you and simply provides a unified list of source and destination ports you can read from and write to. If you are coming from Web MIDI or Core MIDI this is regular practice, but Android has the Device abstraction, so this way of working may be new.

  • Source A Source is a port your app can listen to midi messages from. This is equivalent to a MIDIInput in WebMIDI.

  • Destination A Destination is a port your app can send messages to. This is equivalent to a MIDIOutput in WebMIDI.

Getting Started

The Midi class is the main entry point into the MIDI system.

final midi = Midi():

Listing Connected Ports

You can get the list of connected sources and destinations like so:

final midi = Midi();

final List<MidiSourcePort> sources = await midi.getSources();
final List<MidiDestinationPort> destinations = await midi.getDestinations();

In addition, you can also listen to a stream of connection events that occur when devices are plugged in and unplugged:

await for (ConnectionEvent event in midi.onDevicesChanged) {
  // process event

Use cases for the onDevicesChanged stream include automatically connecting to a particular device, etc.

Sending Messages

To send midi messages to an DestinationPort, first open it, then use the send method:

final List<MidiDestinationPort> destinations = await midi.getDestinations();
final myDestination = destinations.first;

// Key down on middle C
await myDestination.send([0x90, 0x3C, 0x40]);

Listening to Messages

Listening to messages from a Midi Source requires opening and subscribing to the messages Stream:

final List<MidiSourcePort> sources = await midi.getSources();
final mySource = sources.first;

await for (let message of mySource.messages) {
  // process Midi message here


Since messages are sent as a Stream, you can filter midi messages using standard Dart techniques.

For example, we provide a built in filter to hide MIDI clock messages:

await for (let message of mySource.messages.where(excludeClock)) {
  // process Midi message here


This plugin is a work in progress, and due to the scope of how MIDI can be used, and different platform specifics, There's plenty of room to help. Bug reports and Pull Requests are welcome!