This file is a manually maintained list of changes for each release. Feel free to add your changes here when sending pull requests. Also send corrections if you spot any mistakes.
- Features:
- Added methods to retrieve campaign reports
- Now able to delete assets and templates.
- Fixed JSON errors when displaying attributes with a single error (non-array-format).
- Fixed file upload issue cause by sending the wrong content-type.
- Better exception and error handling
- Added campaign resource's merge call, for propagating campaign pass data changes to all of it's passes.
- Fixing collection_uuid on PassResource
- Updated gemspec information
- Updated SDK for version 2 of the API
- Added possibility of listing certificates.
- Bug fix: Pagination bug regression found when fetching resources with only one page
- Bug fix: Missing 'event_tickets' namespace for from client
- Bug fix: Passworks::Response#ok? now returning correct information
- Feature: Implemented custom push message in the PassResource#push via :push_message attribute
# @pass is a PassResource instance that maps to a pass in the system
@pass.push({push_message: "hello world"})
- Bug fix: Fixed typo in the code that prevent creating an Asset
- Initial release