# Lists some code owners. # # A codeowner just oversees some part of the codebase. If an owned file is changed then the # corresponding codeowner receives a review request. An approval of the codeowner is # not required for merging a PR though. # # **This is pretty much an experiment at the moment**. Feel free to remove yourself at any time if # you do not want to receive review requests any longer. # # For details about syntax, see: # https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners # But here are some important notes: # # - Glob syntax is git-like, e.g. `/core` means the core directory in the root, unlike `core` which # can be everywhere. # - Multiple owners are supported. # - Either handle (e.g, @pepyakin) or email can be used. Keep in mind, that handles might work better because they # are more recognizable on GitHub, you can use them for mentioning unlike an email. # - The latest matching rule, if multiple, takes precedence. # CI /scripts/ci/ @paritytech/ci /.github/ @paritytech/ci /.gitlab-ci.yml @paritytech/ci # Sandboxing capability of Substrate Runtime /primitives/sr-sandbox/ @pepyakin /primitives/core/src/sandbox.rs @pepyakin # GRANDPA, BABE, consensus stuff /frame/babe/ @andresilva /frame/grandpa/ @andresilva /client/finality-grandpa/ @andresilva /client/consensus/babe/ @andresilva /client/consensus/slots/ @andresilva /client/consensus/pow/ @sorpaas /primitives/consensus/pow/ @sorpaas # BEEFY /client/beefy/ @acatangiu /frame/beefy/ @acatangiu /frame/beefy-mmr/ @acatangiu /primitives/beefy/ @acatangiu # Contracts /frame/contracts/ @athei # NPoS and election /frame/staking/ @kianenigma /frame/elections/ @kianenigma /frame/elections-phragmen/ @kianenigma /primitives/npos-elections/ @kianenigma # Fixed point arithmetic /primitives/sp-arithmetic/ @kianenigma # Transaction weight stuff /frame/support/src/weights.rs @shawntabrizi