diff --git a/docs/sdk/src/guides/async_backing_guide.rs b/docs/sdk/src/guides/async_backing_guide.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f2f4dcabfd29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sdk/src/guides/async_backing_guide.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+//! # Upgrade Parachain for Asynchronous Backing Compatibility
+//! This guide is relevant for cumulus based parachain projects started in 2023 or before, whose
+//! backing process is synchronous where parablocks can only be built on the latest Relay Chain
+//! block. Async Backing allows collators to build parablocks on older Relay Chain blocks and create
+//! pipelines of multiple pending parablocks. This parallel block generation increases efficiency
+//! and throughput. For more information on Async backing and its terminology, refer to the document
+//! on [the Polkadot Wiki.](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/maintain-guides-async-backing)
+//! > If starting a new parachain project, please use an async backing compatible template such as
+//! > the
+//! > [parachain template](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/tree/master/templates/parachain).
+//! The rollout process for Async Backing has three phases. Phases 1 and 2 below put new
+//! infrastructure in place. Then we can simply turn on async backing in phase 3.
+//! ## Prerequisite
+//! The relay chain needs to have async backing enabled so double-check that the relay-chain
+//! configuration contains the following three parameters (especially when testing locally e.g. with
+//! zombienet):
+//! ```json
+//! "async_backing_params": {
+//! "max_candidate_depth": 3,
+//! "allowed_ancestry_len": 2
+//! },
+//! "scheduling_lookahead": 2
+//! ```
`scheduling_lookahead` must be set to 2, otherwise parachain block times
+//! will degrade to worse than with sync backing!
+//! ## Phase 1 - Update Parachain Runtime
+//! This phase involves configuring your parachain’s runtime `/runtime/src/lib.rs` to make use of
+//! async backing system.
+//! 1. Establish and ensure constants for `capacity` and `velocity` are both set to 1 in the
+//! runtime.
+//! 2. Establish and ensure the constant relay chain slot duration measured in milliseconds equal to
+//! `6000` in the runtime.
+//! ```rust
+//! // Maximum number of blocks simultaneously accepted by the Runtime, not yet included into the
+//! // relay chain.
+//! pub const UNINCLUDED_SEGMENT_CAPACITY: u32 = 1;
+//! // How many parachain blocks are processed by the relay chain per parent. Limits the number of
+//! // blocks authored per slot.
+//! pub const BLOCK_PROCESSING_VELOCITY: u32 = 1;
+//! // Relay chain slot duration, in milliseconds.
+//! pub const RELAY_CHAIN_SLOT_DURATION_MILLIS: u32 = 6000;
+//! ```
+//! 3. Establish constants `MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK` and `SLOT_DURATION` if not already present in the
+//! runtime.
+//! ```ignore
+//! // `SLOT_DURATION` is picked up by `pallet_timestamp` which is in turn picked
+//! // up by `pallet_aura` to implement `fn slot_duration()`.
+//! //
+//! // Change this to adjust the block time.
+//! pub const MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK: u64 = 12000;
+//! ```
+//! 4. Configure `cumulus_pallet_parachain_system` in the runtime.
+//! - Define a `FixedVelocityConsensusHook` using our capacity, velocity, and relay slot duration
+//! constants. Use this to set the parachain system `ConsensusHook` property.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs", ConsensusHook)]
+//! ```ignore
+//! impl cumulus_pallet_parachain_system::Config for Runtime {
+//! ..
+//! type ConsensusHook = ConsensusHook;
+//! ..
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! - Set the parachain system property `CheckAssociatedRelayNumber` to
+//! `RelayNumberMonotonicallyIncreases`
+//! ```ignore
+//! impl cumulus_pallet_parachain_system::Config for Runtime {
+//! ..
+//! type CheckAssociatedRelayNumber = RelayNumberMonotonicallyIncreases;
+//! ..
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! 5. Configure `pallet_aura` in the runtime.
+//! - Set `AllowMultipleBlocksPerSlot` to `false` (don't worry, we will set it to `true` when we
+//! activate async backing in phase 3).
+//! - Define `pallet_aura::SlotDuration` using our constant `SLOT_DURATION`
+//! ```ignore
+//! impl pallet_aura::Config for Runtime {
+//! ..
+//! type AllowMultipleBlocksPerSlot = ConstBool;
+//! #[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
+//! type SlotDuration = ConstU64;
+//! ..
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! 6. Update `sp_consensus_aura::AuraApi::slot_duration` in `sp_api::impl_runtime_apis` to match
+//! the constant `SLOT_DURATION`
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs", impl_slot_duration)]
+//! 7. Implement the `AuraUnincludedSegmentApi`, which allows the collator client to query its
+//! runtime to determine whether it should author a block.
+//! - Add the dependency `cumulus-primitives-aura` to the `runtime/Cargo.toml` file for your
+//! runtime
+//! ```ignore
+//! ..
+//! cumulus-primitives-aura = { path = "../../../../primitives/aura", default-features = false }
+//! ..
+//! ```
+//! - In the same file, add `"cumulus-primitives-aura/std",` to the `std` feature.
+//! - Inside the `impl_runtime_apis!` block for your runtime, implement the
+//! `cumulus_primitives_aura::AuraUnincludedSegmentApi` as shown below.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs", impl_can_build_upon)]
+//! **Note:** With a capacity of 1 we have an effective velocity of ½ even when velocity is
+//! configured to some larger value. This is because capacity will be filled after a single block is
+//! produced and will only be freed up after that block is included on the relay chain, which takes
+//! 2 relay blocks to accomplish. Thus with capacity 1 and velocity 1 we get the customary 12 second
+//! parachain block time.
+//! 8. If your `runtime/src/lib.rs` provides a `CheckInherents` type to `register_validate_block`,
+//! remove it. `FixedVelocityConsensusHook` makes it unnecessary. The following example shows how
+//! `register_validate_block` should look after removing `CheckInherents`.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs", register_validate_block)]
+//! ## Phase 2 - Update Parachain Nodes
+//! This phase consists of plugging in the new lookahead collator node.
+//! 1. Import `cumulus_primitives_core::ValidationCode` to `node/src/service.rs`.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs", cumulus_primitives)]
+//! 2. In `node/src/service.rs`, modify `sc_service::spawn_tasks` to use a clone of `Backend` rather
+//! than the original
+//! ```ignore
+//! sc_service::spawn_tasks(sc_service::SpawnTasksParams {
+//! ..
+//! backend: backend.clone(),
+//! ..
+//! })?;
+//! ```
+//! 3. Add `backend` as a parameter to `start_consensus()` in `node/src/service.rs`
+//! ```text
+//! fn start_consensus(
+//! ..
+//! backend: Arc,
+//! ..
+//! ```
+//! ```ignore
+//! if validator {
+//! start_consensus(
+//! ..
+//! backend.clone(),
+//! ..
+//! )?;
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! 4. In `node/src/service.rs` import the lookahead collator rather than the basic collator
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs", lookahead_collator)]
+//! 5. In `start_consensus()` replace the `BasicAuraParams` struct with `AuraParams`
+//! - Change the struct type from `BasicAuraParams` to `AuraParams`
+//! - In the `para_client` field, pass in a cloned para client rather than the original
+//! - Add a `para_backend` parameter after `para_client`, passing in our para backend
+//! - Provide a `code_hash_provider` closure like that shown below
+//! - Increase `authoring_duration` from 500 milliseconds to 1500
+//! ```ignore
+//! let params = AuraParams {
+//! ..
+//! para_client: client.clone(),
+//! para_backend: backend.clone(),
+//! ..
+//! code_hash_provider: move |block_hash| {
+//! client.code_at(block_hash).ok().map(|c| ValidationCode::from(c).hash())
+//! },
+//! ..
+//! authoring_duration: Duration::from_millis(1500),
+//! ..
+//! };
+//! ```
+//! **Note:** Set `authoring_duration` to whatever you want, taking your own hardware into account.
+//! But if the backer who should be slower than you due to reading from disk, times out at two
+//! seconds your candidates will be rejected.
+//! 6. In `start_consensus()` replace `basic_aura::run` with `aura::run`
+//! ```ignore
+//! let fut =
+//! aura::run::(
+//! params,
+//! );
+//! task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn("aura", None, fut);
+//! ```
+//! ## Phase 3 - Activate Async Backing
+//! This phase consists of changes to your parachain’s runtime that activate async backing feature.
+//! 1. Configure `pallet_aura`, setting `AllowMultipleBlocksPerSlot` to true in
+//! `runtime/src/lib.rs`.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/configs/mod.rs", aura_config)]
+//! 2. Increase the maximum `UNINCLUDED_SEGMENT_CAPACITY` in `runtime/src/lib.rs`.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs", async_backing_params)]
+//! 3. Decrease `MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK` to 6000.
+//! - Note: For a parachain which measures time in terms of its own block number rather than by
+//! relay block number it may be preferable to increase velocity. Changing block time may cause
+//! complications, requiring additional changes. See the section “Timing by Block Number”.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs", block_times)]
+//! 4. Update `MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT` to reflect the increased time available for block production.
+#![doc = docify::embed!("../../templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs", max_block_weight)]
+//! 5. Add a feature flagged alternative for `MinimumPeriod` in `pallet_timestamp`. The type should
+//! be `ConstU64<0>` with the feature flag experimental, and `ConstU64<{SLOT_DURATION / 2}>`
+//! without.
+//! ```ignore
+//! impl pallet_timestamp::Config for Runtime {
+//! ..
+//! #[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
+//! type MinimumPeriod = ConstU64<0>;
+//! #[cfg(not(feature = "experimental"))]
+//! type MinimumPeriod = ConstU64<{ SLOT_DURATION / 2 }>;
+//! ..
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! ## Timing by Block Number
+//! With asynchronous backing it will be possible for parachains to opt for a block time of 6
+//! seconds rather than 12 seconds. But modifying block duration isn’t so simple for a parachain
+//! which was measuring time in terms of its own block number. It could result in expected and
+//! actual time not matching up, stalling the parachain.
+//! One strategy to deal with this issue is to instead rely on relay chain block numbers for timing.
+//! Relay block number is kept track of by each parachain in `pallet-parachain-system` with the
+//! storage value `LastRelayChainBlockNumber`. This value can be obtained and used wherever timing
+//! based on block number is needed.
diff --git a/docs/sdk/src/guides/mod.rs b/docs/sdk/src/guides/mod.rs
index 485cdc30636f2..8296ed447e143 100644
--- a/docs/sdk/src/guides/mod.rs
+++ b/docs/sdk/src/guides/mod.rs
@@ -36,5 +36,8 @@ pub mod your_first_runtime;
/// How to enable storage weight reclaiming in a parachain node and runtime.
pub mod enable_pov_reclaim;
+/// How to enable Async Backing on parachain projects that started in 2023 or before.
+pub mod async_backing_guide;
/// How to enable metadata hash verification in the runtime.
pub mod enable_metadata_hash;
diff --git a/templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs b/templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs
index 587dd19faf3e8..bf44207acc9c6 100644
--- a/templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs
+++ b/templates/parachain/node/src/service.rs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use parachain_template_runtime::{
// Cumulus Imports
use cumulus_client_collator::service::CollatorService;
use cumulus_client_consensus_aura::collators::lookahead::{self as aura, Params as AuraParams};
use cumulus_client_consensus_common::ParachainBlockImport as TParachainBlockImport;
use cumulus_client_consensus_proposer::Proposer;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ use cumulus_client_service::{
BuildNetworkParams, CollatorSybilResistance, DARecoveryProfile, ParachainHostFunctions,
use cumulus_primitives_core::{
relay_chain::{CollatorPair, ValidationCode},
diff --git a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs
index 107956ded4104..bc3c3808fb78b 100644
--- a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs
+++ b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/apis.rs
@@ -47,10 +47,26 @@ use super::{
+// we move some impls outside so we can easily use them with `docify`.
+impl Runtime {
+ #[docify::export]
+ fn impl_slot_duration() -> sp_consensus_aura::SlotDuration {
+ sp_consensus_aura::SlotDuration::from_millis(SLOT_DURATION)
+ }
+ #[docify::export]
+ fn impl_can_build_upon(
+ included_hash: ::Hash,
+ slot: cumulus_primitives_aura::Slot,
+ ) -> bool {
+ ConsensusHook::can_build_upon(included_hash, slot)
+ }
impl_runtime_apis! {
impl sp_consensus_aura::AuraApi for Runtime {
fn slot_duration() -> sp_consensus_aura::SlotDuration {
- sp_consensus_aura::SlotDuration::from_millis(SLOT_DURATION)
+ Runtime::impl_slot_duration()
fn authorities() -> Vec {
@@ -63,7 +79,7 @@ impl_runtime_apis! {
included_hash: ::Hash,
slot: cumulus_primitives_aura::Slot,
) -> bool {
- ConsensusHook::can_build_upon(included_hash, slot)
+ Runtime::impl_can_build_upon(included_hash, slot)
diff --git a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/configs/mod.rs b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/configs/mod.rs
index 8a410a27e4a7b..204e74a11e6a1 100644
--- a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/configs/mod.rs
+++ b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/configs/mod.rs
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ impl pallet_session::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = ();
impl pallet_aura::Config for Runtime {
type AuthorityId = AuraId;
type DisabledValidators = ();
diff --git a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs
index 6e6491a19adf6..3a9fee38f245d 100644
--- a/templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs
+++ b/templates/parachain/runtime/src/lib.rs
@@ -168,17 +168,21 @@ pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
state_version: 1,
-/// This determines the average expected block time that we are targeting.
-/// Blocks will be produced at a minimum duration defined by `SLOT_DURATION`.
-/// `SLOT_DURATION` is picked up by `pallet_timestamp` which is in turn picked
-/// up by `pallet_aura` to implement `fn slot_duration()`.
-/// Change this to adjust the block time.
-pub const MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK: u64 = 6000;
-// NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the slot duration after the chain has started.
-// Attempting to do so will brick block production.
+mod block_times {
+ /// This determines the average expected block time that we are targeting. Blocks will be
+ /// produced at a minimum duration defined by `SLOT_DURATION`. `SLOT_DURATION` is picked up by
+ /// `pallet_timestamp` which is in turn picked up by `pallet_aura` to implement `fn
+ /// slot_duration()`.
+ ///
+ /// Change this to adjust the block time.
+ pub const MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK: u64 = 6000;
+ // NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the slot duration after the chain has started.
+ // Attempting to do so will brick block production.
+pub use block_times::*;
// Time is measured by number of blocks.
pub const MINUTES: BlockNumber = 60_000 / (MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK as BlockNumber);
@@ -201,21 +205,27 @@ const AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(5);
/// `Operational` extrinsics.
const NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75);
/// We allow for 2 seconds of compute with a 6 second average block time.
const MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT: Weight = Weight::from_parts(
cumulus_primitives_core::relay_chain::MAX_POV_SIZE as u64,
-/// Maximum number of blocks simultaneously accepted by the Runtime, not yet included
-/// into the relay chain.
-/// How many parachain blocks are processed by the relay chain per parent. Limits the
-/// number of blocks authored per slot.
-/// Relay chain slot duration, in milliseconds.
+mod async_backing_params {
+ /// Maximum number of blocks simultaneously accepted by the Runtime, not yet included
+ /// into the relay chain.
+ pub(crate) const UNINCLUDED_SEGMENT_CAPACITY: u32 = 3;
+ /// How many parachain blocks are processed by the relay chain per parent. Limits the
+ /// number of blocks authored per slot.
+ pub(crate) const BLOCK_PROCESSING_VELOCITY: u32 = 1;
+ /// Relay chain slot duration, in milliseconds.
+ pub(crate) const RELAY_CHAIN_SLOT_DURATION_MILLIS: u32 = 6000;
+pub(crate) use async_backing_params::*;
/// Aura consensus hook
type ConsensusHook = cumulus_pallet_aura_ext::FixedVelocityConsensusHook<
@@ -293,6 +303,7 @@ mod runtime {
pub type TemplatePallet = pallet_parachain_template;
cumulus_pallet_parachain_system::register_validate_block! {
Runtime = Runtime,
BlockExecutor = cumulus_pallet_aura_ext::BlockExecutor::,