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chenweizhu edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 83 revisions

Let's use this wiki to keep a reading list of interesting papers. You can edit it

* NLP with Deep Learning

The Sequence to Sequence Model

Attention Model and Another one and Conversation Model

Memory Network and [End-to-End Memory Network] (

NN Models for NLP

NLP with Distributed Representation

NLP from scratch - deeptext model

* Deep Learning General

AI Go Introduction in Chinese,Google AlphaGo, FB Darkforest

The Atari and RL paper and its Nature paper, [Google Atari RL Architecture] (,and the paper Google distributed RL paper,

Baidu's DNN based speech recognition system

ImageNet 2015 winning solution, Deep Residual Learning

Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth

Clipping & Regularizer to alleviate gradient exploding & vanishing

A good introduction of LSTM and its variants and a good lecture(

Colah's Blog The author has a way to explain neural network concepts via a clear way. Specially, i like the way he described LSTM

Batch Normalization

Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks

Distributed Training with SSP by Xing's group

Deep Compression

The original CNN paper. Although this paper was written at 1998, it is still great to read the first two sections of the paper today.

A list of deep learning papers, a little bit old and some other list

Bengio's Deep Learning book

A DL talk with introduction to Application by Yann and 2015 NIPS DL tutorial

####* Deep Learning Framework comparison By Bartvm

By Kent

By Wiki




##* Compression of deep learning [Binary Connect] ( Binarize weights and quantize (hidden or raw) inputs to save multiplication.

[BinaryNet] ( Binary weights and activation

[1-bit compression] ( good for dense data like speech but doubt for sparse data like text ##* Embedding Glove in standford NLP

Large Target in LSTM, Importance Sampling

##* Linear Model

[FTRL: Follow the Regularizered Leader] (, Google's LR using FTRL

VL-BFGS: Vector-free LBFGS

##* Recommendation An extensive study by Xavier

##* Others Bayesian Program Learning

A Kaggle Winner story

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