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A pallet crate to install and configure net-rules.

Dependency Information

:dependencies [[com.palletops/net-rules-crate "0.8.0-alpha.3"]]


PalletCrate VersionRepoGroupId
0.8.0-RC.7 0.8.0-alpha.3 clojars com.palletops Release Notes Source
0.8.0-RC.4 0.8.0-alpha.1 clojars com.palletops Release Notes Source


The net-rules crate provides a mechanism to control network port access. The implementation varies by provider (by default). Currently there is only an implementation for AWS EC2 via jclouds.

The net-rules crate provides a server-spec function that returns a server-spec. This server spec will install anything necessary and configure the network rules..

The server-spec provides an easy way of using the crate functions, and you can use the following crate functions directly if you need to. The server-spec accepts a map of settings as used with settings.

The settings function provides a plan function that should be called in the :settings phase. The :implementation key can be used to select a non-default implementation of net-rules. The only currently supported implementation is for the jclouds :aws-ec2 provider.

The install function is responsible for installing anything necessary for the net-rules implementation..

The permit-group function is called to permit access to the current node from a pallet group.

The permit-role function is called to permit access to the current node from all nodes with the specified pallet role .

The permit-source function is called to permit access to the current node from an IP address range (using a CIDR string).


Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hugo Duncan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.


A pallet crate for controlling network port access






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