- updated citation
- added warning when specified size is more than 1000 times smaller than the y-axis range (mostly useful for when making maps with coord_sf) (#86)
- changed the defaults and behavior of the color and fill argument/aesthetics to better maintain backwards compatibility but also prevent unnecessary outlines (#87)
- added resolve_phylopic (#66)
- pick_phylopic now accepts a list of uuids via the uuid argument (#95)
- fixed check behavior on CRAN (all tests and examples are now skipped)
- caught a rare error when nothing matched
- vignettes are now precompiled
- updated rphylopic to work with grImport2 version 0.3.0 and rsvg version 2.6.0
- rphylopic now requires grImport2 >= 0.3.0 and rsvg >= 2.6.0
- added text argument to get_attribution (#56)
- get_attribution now handles multiple uuids
- added browse_phylopic function (#60)
- added preview argument to get_phylopic (#59)
- switched to {maps} package in base R advanced vignette
- geom_phylopic now properly handles a single unlisted image object passed to the "img" parameter (#75)
- added filter (license) argument to get_uuid, pick_phylo, add_phylopic_base, add_phylopic, and geom_phylopic (#72)
- added img argument to get_uuid and get_attribution
- added verbose argument (calls get_attribution) to geom_phylopic, add_phylopic, and add_phylopic_base (#71)
- split out the functionality of the color argument/aesthetic to color (silhouette outline) and fill (silhouette) arguments/aesthetics in add_phylopic, geom_phylopic, and add_phylopic_base (#58)
- when only the color argument/aesthetic is specified, it is copied to the fill argument/aesthetic (maintaining mostly backwards compatibility with old code)
- added plot and print methods for silhouette objects (#73)
- fixed the behavior of geom_phylopic when used with coord_sf
- added phylopic_key_glyph for using silhouettes inside ggplot legends (#57)
- Minor fixes for Fedora
- Better handling of malformed Picture objects
- added functions for transforming PhyloPic silhouettes (flipping and rotating)
- save_phylopic bg argument updated to be "transparent" by default
- added geom_phylopic (#25)
- vectorized add_phylopic and add_phylopic_base (#42)
- recolor_phylopic now removes white backgrounds by default
- fixed the handling of alpha values
- get_phylopic can now return any size raster image (#50)
- removed the "thumbnail" and "twitter" format options for get_phylopic
- fixed how silhouettes are gathered from PhyloPic (#51)
- pick_phylopic updated to allow visualization of multiple silhouettes at once (#43)
- fixed add_phylopic_base for multi-panel figures
- added three vignettes (#49, #55)
- rphylopic has now been transferred to the Palaeoverse community (new maintainer: William Gearty and author: Lewis Jones)
- The package has been updated to work with PhyloPic API ver. >=2.1.1
- The package has been reworked to its core functionality of fetching silhouettes and plotting them in base R and ggplot2:
- get_uuid: this function enables users to get uuid(s) associated with a taxonomic name (new function)
- get_phylopic: this function enables users to get the PhyloPic silhouette associated with a specific uuid (replaces image_get)
- pick_phylopic: this function enables users to pick specific PhyloPic silhouettes when multiple are available for a given taxonomic name (new function)
- add_phylopic_base: this function retains it's core functionality and is used to add a silhouette to a base R plot (updated from add_phylopic_base)
- add_phylopic: this function retains it's core functionality and is used to add a silhouette to a ggplot2 (updated from add_phylopic)
- get_attribution: this function enables users to get the attribution data associated with a specific uuid (new function)
- save_phylopic: this function enables users to save PhyloPic silhouettes using various formats (replaces save_png)
- New exported function:
- New internal functions in zzz.R:
- PDF cheatsheet and hex sticker added, from @GabsPalomo (#24)
- fix to
: remove use ofpar()
internally, better behavior (#26) (#28)
was removed, see?add_phylopic_base
(#27) (#28)
- released to CRAN