1.0.5 - 2018-10-08
- Fix reqcoco runner shaded jar which were not runnable
- Possibility to limit the report to some specific versions (issue #25)
- Add requirement status for code and test (issue #26)
- Add 'group' information into requirements declarations (issue #28)
- Add more infos to excel and html report (issue #29)
- Set default status to TODO for all requirements (issue #30)
1.0.4 - 2018-09-24
- Retrieve requirements declarations recursively from files of a directory (issue #20)
- Add Aggregator Parser (issue #21)
- Generate JSON output coverage report (issue #22)
1.0.3 - 2018-09-19
- GitHub: add support for parsing GitHub issues
- Do not stop the requirement computation when unable to read files (issue #19)
1.0.2 - 2017-06-20
- Redmine: Now it is not compatible to use a tag & a custom field (issue #16)
1.0.1 - 2017-06-15
- Runner : aggregate all reports (excel, html, ...) into a single ZIP file on top of all reports subfolders (issue #5)
- Redmine : set requirement tag in a custom field (issue #7)
- Maven plugin : add skip option (issue #6)
- Redmine : strip tag, if they are used, from the generated all reports (issue #4)
- Maven plugin : set default report name to ${artifactId}-requirements-coverage (issue #2)
- Maven plugin : add more documentation for 'sourceType' and other fields (issue #3)
- The name of the field containing the ID of the requirements is now named 'name' rather than 'id' (for all reports)
- Excel report : the zoom is set by default to 100% rather than 150%
- Initial version