To ease the development of our HTML-based training materials, we have created a Textmate bundle. It contains various easily-insertable snippets of code that you can use to add new slides, slide elements, or language strings. You can install this bundle into TextMate, Titanium Studio, or Sublime Text 2.
- Download the tmbundle file to a convenient location on your computer
- In Finder, choose Go, Go To Folder then type ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate and click Go
- If necessary, create a folder named Bundles. Otherwise, show the contents of that folder
- Drag the .tmbundle file to the Bundles folder
- Open TextMate and choose Bundles, Bundle Editor, Reload Bundles
- Download the tmbundle file to a convenient location on your computer
- In Titanium Studio, choose Commands, Bundle Development, Convert TextMate Bundle
- Select the tmbundle file you downloaded and click Open
To install, simply drop the .tmbundle file into the Packages folder in your Sublime Text 2 installation. Restart Sublime Text 2 and the bundle's snippets should be available.
Our bundle includes only snippets (no commands, macros, etc.). Each has a tab-shortcut, though you can insert the snippets manually. To use the tab-shortcuts, you enter the snippets name and press the [TAB] key on your keyboard. For example, to add a new slide, you'd position your insertion point on a new line after a </section>
tag, type slide
and press [TAB].
For this, you'll probably need TextMate. Perhaps you can edit the tmbundle file in other applications, dunno. In
- In TextMate, choose Bundles, Bundle Editor
- Expand the Appcelerator HTML Slides bundle
- Edit as desired:
- To edit an existing snippet
- Select it
- Modify the code in the Edit Snippet box
- Click on one of the other snippet items to save your changes.
- To create a new snippet
- Write and test the HTML/text your snippet will insert first, then select it and copy it to your clipboard
- In the Bundle Editor, with the Appcelerator HTML Slides bundle selected, click the + (plus) button and choose New Snippet
- Enter a name for your snippet
- In the Edit Snippet box, paste your code
- Click on one of the other snippet items to save your changes.
- To edit an existing snippet
- (Optional) If you want to submit your changes to our repo for others to use, you'll need to export the bundle:
- Open Finder and navigate to the folder that holds the local copy of your fork of the presentation-engine repo
- From the Bundle Editor window, drag Appcelerator HTML Slides to the Finder window
- Push your update to your repo
- Submit a pull request