Releases: pachi81/GlucoDataHandler
Releases · pachi81/GlucoDataHandler
version 0.9.8
- First google playstore version
- Android Auto part has to been removed (as it not fullfill google play policies)
- New separate Android Auto app GlucoDataAuto which interacts with GlucoDataHandler
- some other changes to fullfill google play store policies
Full Changelog: 0.9.7...0.9.8
version 0.9.7
- LibreLink source added
- Nightscout source added
- xDrip+ broadcast added
- Android Auto notification: change of notification interval
- Android Auto notification: notification for obsolete value
- Complications: Remove trend value complications
- Complications: New big delta (icon)
- Internal: update libs and fix foreground service related to new SDK
- Internal: add automatic start after boot and re-installation
- Internal: refactoring and improvements
- New: SECOND instance for GDH to use for different source
Full Changelog: 0.9.6...0.9.7
version 0.9.6
- New: Floating Widget
- New Complication: Delta and Time
- New Setting: Relative time instead of fix timestamp of the glucose value
- New Setting: Widget transparency
- New Wear Setting: Big trend-arrow (for the case, that the trend arrow is rendered to large on Wear OS 3)
- Change obsolete behavior for trend arrow: it does not disappear, it will be strike through
- Tasker implementation:
- State: Wear connected
- State: Android Auto connected
- Event: Obsolete Time (triggers after 5 and 10 minutes if there was no new value)
- Action: Adjust some settings of GlucoDataHandler (i.e. activate and deactivate floating widget)
- Fixes and optimizations
Full Changelog: 0.9.4...0.9.6
version 0.9.4
- fix Media Player integration for Android Auto
Full Changelog: 0.9.3...0.9.4
version 0.9.3
- Add several phone widgets
- Add notifications with different kind of status bar icons
Full Changelog: 0.9.2...0.9.3
version 0.9
- Android Auto support:
- Notification
- Dummy media player
- xDrip+ Broadcast support
- New glucose timestamp complication
- New settings menu
- Send settings from phone to watch
- Using AlarmManager for obsolete values
Full Changelog: 0.8...0.9
version 0.8
- dynamically rotating trend arrow
- New complications:
- Battery level from wear and phone
- Long Text complication with glucose, delta, trend, timestamp
- Big and coloured glucose and trend as image
- Background image complications for glucose and trend
- Improved re-connect handling between wear and phone
- Forward glucodata broadcast to specified target or sending global broadcast
- Improved internal handling and bug fixes
Full Changelog: 0.7...0.8
version 0.7
- Phone: send values to xDrip+
- Wear: vibrate for low or high values
Full Changelog: 0.6...0.7
version 0.6
- new icon and image complication for glucose value
- receiving glucodata broadcast from any app
- remove auto-start at boot (should be triggered by complication)
Full Changelog: 0.5...0.6