Pageship is a plain Go application, so developing Pageship only requires a modern version (min 1.20) of Go.
For database migration, we used golang-migrate/migrate as library. Only creating new database migrations requires installing the tool.
Copy .env.example
to .env
and adjust as needed.
We recommend to use direnv
to help setup required environment variables.
Once you've setup direnv, please ensure to have following config to load dotenv.
# ~/.config/direnv/direnv.toml
load_dotenv = true
Load environment variables:
direnv allow .
By default, the database is sqlite
and data is stored in data.local
directory, please create the folder ./data.local/storage
before start development.
go run ./cmd/pageship serve examples/main
Open the site at
go run ./cmd/pageship serve examples
Open the sites at
go run ./cmd/controller start --migrate
Setup pageship command to use
as the API server.