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192 lines (122 loc) · 8.65 KB

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192 lines (122 loc) · 8.65 KB



Fixed hasMore issue in useSubscription hook when there are less events than the limit.


Added more hooks, including:

  • useRealtimeProfile hook added to fetch a profile in real-time.
  • useUpdateProfile hook added to update a profile.


Bunch of bug fixes and improvements, as well as adding new features including:

  • Support repleacable events in useSubscription hook.
  • onEvent callback added to createSubscription function.
  • Automatic subscription removal when component unmounts.
  • Optional update parameter added to initNdk method.
  • useFollows hook added to fetch follows of a profile.
  • useNip98 hook added to get NIP-98 HTTP Auth token.


This version is a major update that includes a lot of breaking changes and improvements. Please make sure to update your codebase according to the following changes.

Breaking Changes

We have reverted the createStore function. It is no longer necessary to create multiple Zustand stores for each NDK instance. Instead, a single Zustand store will be used for a single NDK instance, simplifying the codebase and making it easier to manage.

The useSubscribe hook has been replaced with the useSubscription hook, which is more flexible and user-friendly. Detailed information about this change can be found in the README. Unlike useSubscribe, you no longer need to memoize input parameters. The useSubscription hook provides a createSubscription function that can be called with any parameters. It is recommended to call createSubscription within a useEffect hook and pass the parameters as arguments, and to call removeSubscription within the useEffect cleanup function. Examples are available in the README.

The useNdk and useLogin hooks have been reintroduced. The useNdk hook can be used to initialize and connect to the NDK instance, while the useLogin hook can be used for logging in with various methods. More details about these changes are available in the README.

NIP-29 is here!

NIP-29 has been integrated in this release! This update introduces several new hooks and methods for interacting with NIP-29 Relay-based groups. We've implemented an internal store following best practices for state management in React, offering a comprehensive set of hooks and methods that are fast, efficient, and user-friendly. More details about these new hooks and methods can be found in the README.


This version is a major update that includes a lot of breaking changes and improvements. Please make sure to update your codebase according to the following changes.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed hooks:
    • useAutoLogin
    • useLogin
    • useNdk
    • useNewEvent
    • useNostrHooks
    • useProfiles
    • usePublish
    • useSigner
  • Modified hooks:
    • useActiveUser
    • useProfile
    • useSubscribe
  • Added methods:
    • createStore
  • Changed secretKey to privateKey everywhere.

We used to have an internal NDK instace in the previous versions of Nostr-Hooks which was also accessible through the useNdk hook. Since that approach was not flexible enough, we decided to let the user create their own NDK instances as many as they want and pass them to the hooks in a more reactive way. To address this change, we let the user create multiple Zustand stores (a Zustand store is a hook) with the createStore function imported from nostr-hooks and use them to create and manage their own NDK instances in a more flexible and reactive way. This also fixes the issue with re-rendering the components when the NDK instance changes, for example, when the user logs-in with different methods.

All the login related functionalities are moved from the legacy useLogin hook to any user created Zustand store. Also the useAutoLogin hook is removed so you just need to call the loginFromLocalStorage method from the Zustand store.

As we removed the useNostrHooks hook, you need to execute the ndk.connect() method manually once you initialize the NDK instance with the initNdk method from the created Zustand store.

As we removed the useNewEvent and usePublish hooks, you can simply use new NDKEvent() and event.publish() instead.

The useNdk and useSigner hooks are removed and you can simply use the initNdk and setSigner methods from the created Zustand store.

You can find more information about the new changes in the README.

Summary of the new approach

  1. Create a Zustand store with the createStore function:
// use-ndk.ts

import { createStore } from 'nostr-hooks';

export const useNdk = createStore('ndk-store'); // with unique store name
  1. Initialize the NDK instance with the initNdk method and connect to the NDK with the ndk.connect() method:
// App.tsx

import { useNdk } from './use-ndk';

export const App = () => {
  const { initNdk, ndk } = useNdk();

  useEffect(() => {
      // NDK Constructor Options
  }, [initNdk]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [ndk]);

  return <div>{/* Your app */}</div>;


  • Added a loadMore function to the useSubscribe hook to fetch more events.
  • Added a hasMore boolean to the useSubscribe hook to check if there are more events to fetch.


  • Fixed a typo from loginWithExtention to loginWithExtension.

Breaking Changes

  • Fixed a typo from loginWithExtention to loginWithExtension. Now you need to use loginWithExtension instead of loginWithExtention.


  • Added support for custom NDK instances. Now you can pass a custom NDK instance to all the hooks, but you need to execute ndk.connect() manually once you create a custom NDK instance.


  • Replaces useProfiles with useProfile hook.
  • Added useAutoLogin hook.
  • Bug fixes for useLogin hook.
  • Bug fixes for setting ndk signer.
  • Refactor store.

Breaking Changes

  • Replaces useProfiles with useProfile hook. Now you can use useProfile hook to fetch a single profile by address.
  • Replaces reLoginFromLocalStorage with loginFromLocalStorage.


  • Improved useSubscribe hook to react to the changes in the input parameters.

Breaking Changes

  • useSubscribe hook is now sensitive to all the input parameters. If any of the input parameters change, the hook will unsubscribe from the previous subscription and subscribe to the new one. This will help you to subscribe to different filters based on the input parameters. You need to make sure that the input parameters are memoized and don't change on every render to avoid infinite re-render loops. You can find examples in README.
  • useNostrHooks hook is now sensitive to the initial NDK instance parameter. You need to make sure that the initial NDK instance is memoized and doesn't change on every render to avoid infinite re-render loops. You can find examples in README.


  • Improved interacting with different signers.
  • Added useSigner hook.
  • Added useLogin hook.
  • Removed useNip07 hook.

Breaking Changes

  • Extracted signer related functionalities from useNDK hook to useSigner hook. Now you need to import setSigner method from useSigner hook instead of useNDK hook.
  • Removed useNip07 hook. Now you can use useLogin hook to login with extension (NIP-07).


  • Added fetchProfiles boolean to useSubscribe hook to fetch profiles on subscription.


Breaking Changes

  • It reverts replacing Zustand store with the React Context API. Now, you don't need to wrap your application with the NostrHooksContextProvider component. but you need to initialize NostrHooks with useNostrHooks hook. You can find more information about this change in readme.
  • It reverts using Immer for updating NDK instance in useNDK hook, and uses CloneDeep from lodash to update the NDK instance.


Breaking Changes

  • Using Immer for updating NDK instance in useNDK hook. This will require you to update your code to use the new produce function from immer to update the NDK instance. This is a breaking change because the old setState function is no longer available. You can find more information about this change in the README, and Immer documentation.


Breaking Changes

  • It replaces the Zustand store with the React Context API. This means that now you need to wrap your application with the NostrHooksContextProvider component.

  • It replaces nostr-tools with nostr-dev-kit (NDK). This means that most of the functionalities like caching, batching, and merging filters are now handled by NDK and Nostr-Hooks is only responsible for managing the component state and subscriptions.