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MapRoulette Challenges

Andrew Wiseman edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 215 revisions

Apple has created some MapRoulette challenges using our Atlas data analysis tool. MapRoulette is a tool that lets you go through potential issues one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a problem. In all cases we have messaged the local OSM communities about the challenges for feedback and suggestions.

The challenges include building-road intersections, overlapping ways, highway link roads that may not have the correct classifications, road angles that may be too sharp, routing issues and missing connections, street names that are abbreviated but should be expanded (such as BLVD vs Boulevard), and more.

In MapRoulette you can either pick a random task to fix or click on a specific one. If you want to do tasks around a certain location, pick one, complete it, then after the "Please Confirm" menu comes up, choose the option for "Next Task: Nearby"

Active challenges

Latin America & Caribbean





Latin America & Caribbean

Completed and old challenges

For more information, please contact Andrew Wiseman.