Default mode for 'build' is debug.
- cargo build {--release}
- cargo run
Add dependencies that exist on
- crateName = "version"
This will build with the most recent commit in master
- rand = { git "" }
You should generally only build using the above method, because cargo will automatically track which commit the package was built with in Cargo.lock. Once ready to update the package:
- cargo update
- cargo update -p rand
You can specify which commit as well
- rand = { git "", rev = "9f35b8e" }
Path dependencies are sub-creates that live in one repository.
Inside original project run
cargo new sub_create
open hello_world/Cargo.toml and add
sub_crate = { path = "sub_crate" }
When working with a crate from and find a bug in the package, you can fix the bug locally. Imagine the following scenario, where uuid has a bug.
name = "my-lib"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["..."]
uuid = "1.0"
Next clone the uuid repo from github into some directory.
Edit the manifest of my-lib with the following
uuid = { path = "../path/to/uuid"}
Then run
Use this when you have locally implemented a new feature, tested it, and created a pull request. Do this when the repository has not been updated yet.
name = "my-lib"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["..."]
uuid = "1.0.1"
uuid = { git = ""}
If dependency in question is not on
my-lib = { path = "../my-lib/path"}
When publishing a major release that breaks code....
uuid = "2.0"
uuid = { git = "", branch = "2.0.0"}
- Default lib file = src/lib/rs
- Default executable file = src/
- Additional executable files can be placed in src/bin/*.rs
- Integration tests go in teh tests directory
- Unit tests go in each file they're testing
- Examples go in the examples directory
- Benchmarks go in the benches directory
Run tests with
- cargo test This will also compile any examples and test them as well.