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MobX-React Changelog


observer now uses shallow comparision for all props (Breaking change)

observer used to compare all properties shallow in the built-in shouldComponentUpdate, except when it received non-observable data structures. Because mobx-react cannot know whether a non observable has been deeply modified, it took no chances and just re-renders.

However, the downside of this when an unchanged, non-observable object is passed in to an observer component again, it would still cause a re-render. Objects such as styling etc. To fix this mobx-react will now always compare all properties in a pure manner. In general this should cause no trouble, as typically mutable data in mobx based objects is captured in observable objects, which will still cause components to re-render if needed.

If you need to pass in a deeply modified object and still want to make sure to cause a re-render, either

  • make sure the object / array is an observable
  • do not decorate your component with observer, but use Observer regions instead (see below)

See #160 for more details.

inject(fn, component) will now track fn as well

inject(func) is now reactive as well, that means that transformations in the selector function will be tracked, see #111

const NameDisplayer = ({ name }) => <h1>{name}</h1>

const UserNameDisplayer = inject(
    stores => ({

const user = mobx.observable({
    name: "Noa"

const App = () => (
    <Provider userStore={user}>
        <UserNameDisplayer />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.body)

N.B. note that in this specific case NameDisplayer doesn't have to be an observer, as it doesn't receive observables, but just plain data from the transformer function.

this.props and this.state in React components are now observables as well

A common cause of confusion were cases like:

@observer class MyComponent() {
    @computed upperCaseName() {

    render() {
        return <h1>{this.upperCaseName}</h1>

This component would re-render if was modified, but it would still render the previous user's name if a complete new user was received! The reason for that is that in the above example the only observable tracked by the computed value is, but not this.props.user. So a change to the first would be picked up, but a change in props itself, assigning a new user, not.

Although this is technically correct, it was a source of confusion. For that reason this.state and this.props are now automatically converted to observables in any observer based react component. For more details, see #136 by @Strate

Better support for Server Side Rendering

Introduced useStaticRendering(boolean) to better support server-side rendering scenarios. See #140

Introduced Observer as alternative syntax to the observer decorator.

This feature is still experimental and might change in the next minor release, or be deprecated

Introduced Observer. Can be used as alternative to the observer decorator. Marks a component region as reactive. See the Readme / #138 Example:

const UserNameDisplayer = ({ user }) => (
        {() => <div>{}</div>}

Using observer to inject stores is deprecated

The fact that observer could inject stores as well caused quite some confusion. Because in some cases observer would return the original component (when not inject), but it would return a HoC when injecting. To make this more consistent, you should always use inject to inject stores into a component. So use:

@inject("store1", "store2") @observer
class MyComponent extends React.Component {


const MyComponent = inject("store1", "store2")(observer(props => rendering))

For more info see the related discussion

Other improvements

  • If mobx and mobx-react are used in combination, all reactions are run as part of React's batched updates. This minimizes the work of the reconciler, guarantees optimal rendering order of components (if the rendering was not triggered from within a React event). Tnx @gkaemmer for the suggestion.
  • It is now possible to directly define propTypes and defaultProps on components wrapped with inject (or observer(["stores"])) again, see #120, #142. Removed the warnings for this, and instead improved the docs.
  • Clean up data subscriptions if an error is thrown by an observer component, see #134 by @andykog
  • export PropTypes as well in typescript typings, fixes #153
  • Add react as a peer dependency
  • Added minified browser build: index.min.js, fixes #147
  • Generate better component names when using inject


  • Print warning when inject and observer are used in the wrong order, see #146, by @delaetthomas


  • Fixed issue where props where not passed properly to components in very rare cases. Also fixed #115


  • Bundles are no longer minified, fixes #127


  • Export propTypes as PropTypes, like React (@andykog, ##117)


  • Removed experimental status of inject / Provider. Official feature now.
  • Fixed hot-reloading issue, #101


  • Introduced wrappedInstance by @rossipedia on inject decorated HOC's, see mobxjs#90
  • print warnings when assign values to propTypes, defaultProps, or contextTypes of a HOC. (by @jtraub, see mobxjs#88)
  • Static properties are now hoisted to HoC components when, #92
  • If inject is used incombination with a function, the object return from the function will now be merged into the nextProps instead of replacing them, #80
  • Always do propType checking untracked, partially fixes #56, #305


  • Fixed error Cannot read property 'renderReporter' of undefined (#96)


  • Added propTypes.observableArrayOf and propTypes.arrayOrObservableArrayOf (#91)


  • Fixed regression #85, changes caused by the constructor results in inconsistent rendering (N.B.: that is un-idiomatic React usage and React will warn about this!)


  • Introduced inject("store1", "store2")(component) as alternative syntax to inject stores. Should address #77, #70
  • Introduced the wrappedComponent property on injected higher order components, addresses #70, #72
  • Fixed #76: error when no stores are provided through context
  • Added typings for devTools related features (@benjamingr).
  • Added MobX specific propTypes (@mattruby)
  • Merged #44, fixes #73: don't re-render if component was somehow unmounted


  • Introduced Provider / context support (#53 / MobX #300)
  • Fixed issues when using devtools with IE. #66 (By @pvasek)


  • Added typescript typings form mobx-react/native and mobx-react/custom
  • Fixed #63: error when using stateless function components when using babel and typescript


  • Upgraded to MobX 2.2.0


  • Added support for react-native 0.25 and higher. By @danieldunderfelt.


  • Added support for custom renderers (without DOM), use: mobx-react/custom as import fixes #42
  • Fixed some issues with rollup #43
  • Minor optimization


Introduced componentWillReact


The debug name stateless function components of babel transpiled jsx are now properly picked up if the wrapper is applied after defining the component:

const MyComponent = () => <span>hi</span>

export default observer(MyComponent);


Removed peer dependencies, React 15 (and 0.13) are supported as well. By @bkniffler


Removed the warning introduced in 3.0.1. It triggered always when using shallow rendering (when using shallow rendering componentDidMount won't fire. See facebook/react#4919).


Added warning when changing state in getInitialState / constructor.


Upgraded to MobX 2.0.0


Improved typescript typings overloads of observer


Added empty 'dependencies' section to package.json, fixes #26


Added support for context to stateless components. (by Kosta-Github).


Fixed #12: fixed React warning when a component was unmounted after scheduling a re-render but before executing it.


Upped dependency of mobx to 1.1.1.


It is now possible to define propTypes and getDefaultProps on a stateless component:

const myComponent = (props) => {
    // render

myComponent.propTypes = {
    name: React.PropTypes.string

myComponent.defaultProps = {
    name: "World"

export default observer(myComponent);

All credits to Jiri Spac for this contribution!


Use React 0.14 instead of React 0.13. For React 0.13, use version [email protected] or higher.


Minor fixes and improvements


Fixed issue with typescript typings. An example project with MobX, React, Typescript, TSX can be found here:


reactiveComponent has been renamed to observer


Added separte import for react-native: use var reactiveComponent = require('mobx-react/native').reactiveComponent for native support; webpack clients will refuse to build otherwise.


Added react-native as dependency, so that the package works with either react or react-native.


Upgraded to MobX 0.7.0


Fixed issue where Babel generated component classes where not properly picked up.


observer now accepts a pure render function as argument, besides constructor function. For example:

var TodoItem = observer(function TodoItem(props) {
    var todo = props.todo;
    return <li>{todo.task}</li>;


observer is now defined in terms of side effects.


Added support for React 0.14(RC) by dropping peer dependency