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Gorka Cesium vasco3
Bringing the future to the Construction Industry


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Andreas Draxl andreasdraxl
Computational Designer
Bruno brunoduarto
architecture student

Viçosa, MG

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Federica Gaspari Tars4815
Environmental Engineer, PhD Student @ Politecnico di Milano (Italy) passionate about GIS, photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

@labmgf-polimi - Politecnico di Milano Italy

Binh Duong Duy duongbinharch
Hi, I am an Architect and am interested in Dynamo, and Revit API. I created this account to develop my skills. India

Paweł Klimkowski kliymkoffsky
computational design, software engineering, genai.


SSeelos SSeelos
Sebastian Seelos M.Sc. (TUM) Bauingenieurwesen (Civil Engineering) .NET(C#) Developer (IFC, RevitAPI, Unity)

Hörmann Germany

Van Woods vdubya

@OpenAIM Seattle

DaydreamsDeveloper DaydreamsDev

@3DVES Bogotá, Colombia

Dawid Drożdż daviddrozdz
Creative problem solver in the AEC industry


sylvain hellin sylvainHellin
PhD candidate at the Technical University of Munich, working on LLM-based Multi Agent Systems.

Technical University of Munich Munich

Colin_DL ChengXinDL
New to Github, Pro to BIM
Olivier Lange olange
Graphs and Web dev · Data is alive and flows, and belongs to you

@uzufly Geneva, Switzerland

JunHyeok Ha sirldev

Seoul, South Korea


@sd-plus Genève

Anooshirvan Anooshirvan
I'm an Energy Engineer specializing in Renewable Energy Systems, with a strong foundation in Mechanical Engineering and a passion for Data Science.

Italy Torino

Felipe Duitama felipedc09
Frontend developer | React | Javascript | TypeScript | Unity | C# | ... with design, backend and infrastructure knowledge. I build solutions using technology.

@3DVES Bogotá, Colombia

Conan the Dev conanthedev
What is best in life? Crush ze bugs, push to master and test in production.
Y. CAO youweicao
A general-engineer student.

Chengdu, China