Postdoc in Dr. Eran Agmon's lab at UConn Health, building multiscale and metabolic models of bacterial communities.
University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, CT, USA
Sophia K. Jannetty
Biology PhD Candidate Bagheri Lab, University of Washington | Post Bacc. Computer Science Certificate, Tufts University '19 | B.A. Biology, Williams College '16
@bagherilab Seattle
Juliano Ferrari Gianlupi
Bioengineer with a knack for agent-based modeling
United Therapeudics
Avi Drucker
I am a Grad Student at SUNY New Paltz, Product Designer, Software Developer, and Teacher. Please contact me regarding opportunities in Educational Technology.
SUNY New Paltz New York
Song Feng (馮松)
Systems Biology | Evolution | Multiscale Modeling | Machine Learning
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory United States
Helen G Scott
Graduate student in the Segrè lab at Boston University, interested in microbial communities and plant synthetic biology.
Segrè Lab, Boston University Boston, MA