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Rolls DJRolls
Keep moving forward ish how shu
Hèctor M. R. hectr

Barcelona, Spain

Amy ASentientBot
skipping down 32768th avenue

@moraea Ottawa

43trh 43trh
not a CS graduate. crypto & stock trader. i use code for trading. javascript + web tech + python. But mostly, almost all, python for finance. NOT A FINANCIER.


Aravind G sip-aravind-g
Senior AI & MLOps Cloud Engineer | Security AI Architecture Data and AI Platform | Sr Fullstack Cloud Engineer | NLP Engineer | ML Engineering | AI Enthusiast
Adam Lahbib adamlahbib
SRE/Platform Engineer · CTFer @securinets-insat
Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Randi Randi-Dcht
Student Computer Sciences

KolibriConsulting Namur

Jonathan Steadman ToothedTomb
I really do love Linux so much. :)


Ahmet Urel a-urel
Software Architect 💻 Entrepreneur 🚀 AI enthusiast 🤖
Glen Alex Porter Jr bitolodeonai7
Student of Media / Entertainment Technologies and Sciences

Ai Avatar Alliance, LLC Los Angeles, CA

Demir demiroo
love code

webteam24 Germany

Navid Haghpanah navidhaghpanah
Mobile & Computer Devoloper
Oluwatobi Jeremiah CyberAegie

Jaddies Tech Lagos

kounsokiri kounsokiri

+&- location,location...


Monte Carlo

Uğur Özyılmazel vigo
Computer programmer with over 30 years of experience who loves #golang #python #ruby and #bash.

@sipay-tr @vbyazilim @bilusteknoloji Istanbul, Turkey

Sanjan A P zephyros1603
Engineering Stud , Currently immersed in the world of web development 🚀
