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Charlie LimitedHype
I write code sometimes

Stealth San Francisco

Darren Neese (Power Apps MVP) PowerAppsDarren

Super Power Labs Orlando, FL

Hamza Bouajila BouajilaHamza
Data Engineering Student @enetcom Full Stack Data Scientist


Nguyễn Hoàng Long hoanglong8
Công ty cổ phần công nghệ FoxAI
Guillermo Fernández frogfreg
Pastebin for my dumb projects. Image by Samuel Schultz

@kunai Mexico

Ayden87256 Blocky-mint
Just some random guy
Quinn Bottomly quinn-bott

Clarmont Graduate University Portland, OR

Robert Avram robertavram-md
Cardiologist and Researcher at Montreal Heart Institute in Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence! UCSF Alumni.

Montreal Heart Institute Montreal, Canada

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Cesar Romero venturaEffect

AI FILMS LLC moving, remote work

Vedant ved1beta
Hi, I'm Ved! 🎖️ ML Engineer I build AI that matters. Love Computer Vision & NLP Python, AWS, FastAI lets connect

IIT Ropar Pune Maharashtra India

Javier Huerta Yumha javierhuertay
Associate Machine Learning Engenieer

Zerofox Santiago

Cüneyt Kaya cuneytkaya
AI/ML Engineer & Data Scientist

Istanbul, Turkey

Franco Javier López Gramajo FrancoJavierLopezGramajo
Going through this coding journey via Learning Computer Vision


Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Hamza Safwan safwanhamza
BS Data Science Student with expertise in Machine Learning and Software Development. I love to figure out how systems work and how to engineer them.
Kenneth Gerald Hamilton kghamilton89

Nevsky Collective Lyon, France

Fadela Fadela

Damascus University Damascus-Syria

Damon Lin haimenlinchen

clounix, cisco hangzhou

Douglas H. Machado dougdotcon
CTO @asimovcommunity | Eng. Dados | ML, Big Data & Blockchain | 🐍 Python | 🎓 Info Systems | 📧 [email protected]

ASIMOV TECH Rio de Janeiro

Stephen Oates srepho

Allianz Australia

Ahmed Belaaj ahmedbellaaj10
Data Scientist | AI engineer

EagleAI Greater Paris Metropolitan Region

Shivansh Fulper Pin4sf
Always Learn & develop for fun. AI Engineer @Ionio-io | AI/ML @BitByte-TPC | C4GT DMP'24 @OpenFn | SoM @bsoc-bitbyte
