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Patrick Blaney pblaney
Senior Bioinformatics Programmer, Ph.D. Student in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

NYU Langone Health

Charley Naney epinhoodceo
Epidemiologist, Advocate, Medic, Data Scientist, DBA, Husband, Father, Co-Founder and CEO of The Epinhood.

@The-Epinhood North Carolina

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Chad ChadGoymer
Manager, Actuarial Analytics & Systems

Lloyd's of London Colchester

Ondrej Ledvinka ledvinkao
statistical hydrologist from Czechia writing R scripts from time to time

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Na Sabatce 2050/17, 143 06 Prague 4

Henrique Costa quant-risk
MSc in Applied Economics | R Enthusiast | Quant Finance and Risk Management | Strategy, Credit Risk and Profitability.

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

@macau University of Science and Technology

Macau University of Science and Technology Macau

Mateus de Barros dos S Silva mateusdebss
Profissional com experiência em análise de dados e inteligência estratégica no mercado financeiro, atuando em Crédito Estruturado.
Víctor Gauto vhgauto
UTN-FRRe. Instituto Gulich. IIDTHH. CONICET.

Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Eduardo Santos Araújo eduaraujobr
Phd candidate in Demography UFMG | PopData Hookie
Aku von Bell Akuleo
I'm a social psychologist interested in coding and data analysis

Tilastokeskus Helsinki

Rafaela rafaelacdsouza
Biologist. Researcher. Ecotoxicology. Statistics. Data Scientist. @uflabr

Federal University of Lavras Brazil

LP LP-relaxation
Linda Pei ("LP"), Integrative Biology Postdoc. Linear programming (LP) relaxations as a life hack: can't solve a hard problem yet? start w/ an easier one (。・・。)

University of Texas at Austin

Beatriz Milz beatrizmilz
Post-doc UFABC/Laplan, GitHub Star, PhD in Environmental Science (IEE/USP)

Universidade Federal do ABC Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil

Hamish McLean Hamish-McLean
PhD student at Niab

@niab Tunbridge Wells, UK

Livisu Pajares livisupajares
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology 🧬. Interested in bioinformatics and molecular biology.

Lima, Perú

Deepak Kalel deepakkalel
Analyst Ghalib


Christian Klettner kletts

Business Science Solutions Melbourne/Naarm Australia

Bharathkumar Bharathkumarraju
Keep calm and work hard!!! Singapore

Abdel-aziz Harane abdelazizharane
AI Engineer | Founder & Coordinator @Chad-AI-Network

Chad AI Network

Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Kelly Williams Kelly-A-W
Masters in biostatistics graduate from the University of Cape Town. Former research assistant for South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative.
Jens Wiesehahn wiesehahn
Forester, Scientist, Conservationist, Technologist, Discoverer, ...


Kaitlyn kbudgell

University of Alberta