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Mamadou Kaba mdkaba
Computer Engineering student at Concordia University.

Montreal, Canada

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

JP Johnston ME CSWP RogueRoketeer
Irish-Viking | Scandanavian-Cowboy | Ancient-Nerdsmith | L2 Rocketeer | AE/ME | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | GO PACK GO!!! | For Life!

@RogueXT Rogue Experimental Technologies Fort Wayne, IN

JP Johnston MSME CSWP RogueRocketeer
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | L2 Rocketeer | TRA #21009 | NAR #111636 | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | ME | CWSP | US Army Ranger

Vector Engineering, LLC Woodburn, IN

JP Johnston RogueXT
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandanavian-Cowboy | Rocketeer | Geek | Hacker | ME | CSWP | GO PACK GO! | For Life!!!

Rogue Experimental Technologies Woodburn, IN

JP Johnston MSME CSWP DrRocketry
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | Rocketeer | TRA #21099 | NAR #111646 | Geek | Hacker | MSME | CSWP | GO PACK GO!!! | For Life!

Rogue Experimental Technologies Woodburn, IN

Marcelo Hernandez phmarcel0x
👨‍💻 Exploring the tech frontier with code and curiosity. 🌐 Excited to build the future!

Concordia University Montreal, QC