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JDo3 JCrypDoe
Come build with me.
Isaac. bytegen-dev
I design and build beautiful, scalable web and mobile applications. NEXT.js + React / React Native Developer & UI designer 🫡 #web3 #web2


Star smartcoder0310
My professional journey is everything you never knew you wanted to know about.
Legend Legend96106
I never doubt my skill. I have tried do my best to enhance my skill and now I'm ready. It's time for you to select me.
Paulo Silva Talent106
I never doubt my skill. I have tried do my best to enhance my skill and now I'm ready. It's time for you to select me.
Brian Kim bibimbop123
👋 Hello, World! I'm Brian Kim, a passionate Full Stack Engineer from Chicago using PERN stack. Welcome to my GitHub profile!
Tucker Triggs tuckpuck
Website developer | Cardano developer | Digital nomad

Tucker Triggs Development

Morpheus upmorpheus
Senior Software Engineer (Rust, Golang, Blockchain, Node, Laravel || Svelte, React, Vue, Angular, Next, React Native, Flutter)
Tommy Gingras studiowebux
Co-founder of Studio Webux

Studiowebux Montréal, Québec

Seanage Seanage
Senior Engineer

United States

Chris Williams chriswill
Passionate about analytics and reporting, cryptocurrencies and anything cloud.

CloudScope, LLC San Luis Obispo, CA

Nikhil Shetty nikhils9
Smart Contracts Developer - Cardano (Writing scripts which are privileged enough to control wealth)
Tommy Nienchi Chen BTCBlade
UC Berkeley EECS Undergrad > Top 100 Online Poker Stats 2007-2017 > Forex Bots/Earnings Gap Pattern Trading > BitcoinExperiment > Blockchain > Coding 42 > a/A

San Francisco Bay Area Silicon Valley

Ryan Ryun1

Intersect @IntersectMBO London

Jeshua Vega jeshuavegas
🔴 WordPress Web Designer & Developer / Inbound Marketer.
Highgrade CNFT hgextracts
Manager/Dev for Lion City & Founder Highgrade Solutions 2017

Lion City Cardano Lion City, Cardano

Metaryzen reyvillenajr
Fullstack Developer/Coding Enthusiast

RVJR Ventures Inc. Canada

Digital Gold Ecosystem DigitalGold2022
Software company that specializes in decentralized applications.

Digital Gold Foundation Connecticut

TKnott Tknott95
mostly private repos that will slowly be open-sourced but possibly can be half-baked at times (made some public repos private again. Some may go priv some pub)

Freelance Software Engineer Denver, CO

Adam Buga liladas
That karaoke guy.

Lilrobo, Karaokio Solana Beach, CA

Zachary Sluder Sluder
Full-Stack Developer

United States

Rojo rojokaboti
Curious about Math, Data, and computers!
Alan Smithee GGAlanSmithee

Zenta Växjö

Francis Luz francisluz
Software developer, who loves learning new tech stuff. 😎

Dubln, Ireland

Ariady Putra ariady-putra
🎗️Keep Calm and Buidl 🏗️

Isaac Arriaga ChakaCha34
An aspiring data scientist with an interest for decentralized blockch₳in consensus mechanisms!

Santa Ana, CA

Paul Stagner pstagner
Senior Software Engineer

Cloudlife Consulting INC