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Bengt Brodersen qoomon
Ex-Otto, Ex-Lufthansa, Ex-FreeNow

Jungheinrich Digital Solutions Germany

Joshua Tzucker joshuatz
Joshua Tzucker: Tinkerer, tech enthusiast, and all-around nerd.

Seattle, WA, USA

Benjamin Aster BenjaminAster
Austrian nerd doing silly things on the computer


fadrian06 fadrian06

Mérida, Venezuela

玖亖伍 gsw945
9️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ love technology, favorite language is Python 👍 ; using 🐧 Linux OS(Ubuntu) usually.

pathea games Chongqing

leiguo zealot09

Nanjing University Shanghai

Loïc loicnestler

hamburg, germany

Anton Moroz AventusM
Software/Mobile developer, leaning on frontend. MSc in Computer science.

Productivity Leap Espoo

mdeora mdeora


Matt Poloni matt-poloni
NetSuite Certified Financial Systems Developer & Integration Specialist

Raleigh, NC

杨兆雨 yzydeveloper
Do something that has never been done.

ZhengZhou, China

Jason Antwi-Appah jasonappah
computers are cool and @hackclub is too :) // cs student @utdal

Austin, TX

Ádám Jäger jagarinart
Nature & landscape photographer, experimental / noise music artist, SEO expert, web developer, blogger from Hungary.
