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Jason (Jay) Smith jasonsmithio
🧡 Be Excellent to Each Other 🧡 | Cloud Alchemist• Serverless Fan • Mixed Race • Python • Gopher • @GoogleCloudPlatform

@google San Francisco, CA

Bianca TokiLoshi
My highlights include my terminal logging "KABOOM" when trying to deploy my Django activity tracker. Currently Adventuring in three.js and Go.

San Francisco

HL hzo415
Data Scientist | Data Engineer
Roshan rchandnaWUSTL
Product @ HashiCorp


Reza Zahedi rezahedi
Always searching for new things

Oakland, CA

Hasan Mohammed,BSc Hasan-Alawadi
Motivation and commitment are among my key strengths, especially in productive and co-operative teamwork. Personal and professional development is important.


Jonathan (jon) jonathan9-9
I am a versatile full-stack developer with a strong inclination for exploration, a deep-seated passion for soccer, a fondness for tackling challenges.


Oscar Syu oscarsyu

San Francisco Bay Area

Alexandre Steinhauslin Alisa1989
Looking for a job.

Granite Bay, California

James ngjamesng
Software Engineer with an affinity to solving problems!

San Francisco

Emily Walker eewwalker
Software Engineer

Richmond, CA

Kazue Kudo kazuekudo1222
A Data Analyst with a marketing background🚀 UG and Le Wagon Almuni.

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

hrtjps hrtjps
Senior Web Full stack developer with 10+ years of experiences. - JavaScript Frameworks: Angular, React, Vue, EmberJS, NodeJS, NestJS, Strapi
Louis Kim rooiss

Belva AI Seattle, WA

Lizzy Soltis LizzySoltis
Technical Program Manager - Copilot


victor atasie cs50victor

@OpenInterpreter washington

Reed rhaubenstock
Fullstack Engineer with development experience in JavaScript, React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, Postgresql.

San Francisco, CA

Syed Bakibillah Sakib sakibian
Full-Stack PHP Laravel developer always look forward to learn new technique to solve a problem. Love to work with various people around the world.


Mandy Chen picaq
Software Engineering formerly at: @teamupstart @Techtonica Designer of @reactochemgame

San Francisco, CA

Anthony Nanfito ananfito
Former mathematics teacher turned data analyst 🧑‍💻
Carla Mota Leal CarlaML01
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” Sherlock Holmes

ELKH – EKKE Lendület Research Berlin

Davi pessanhadavi
I'm David. Full Stack dev., pseudo-geek and former scientist.

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Guangyao (Dave) Li Dave-Guangyao-Li
UC, Berkeley Alumni MEng of IEOR, BEng of Software Engineering. Area of Interest: Full Stack Web development & GenAI & Applied Data Science and Engineering

San Francisco, CA