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Robert Bridda briddarobert
Student at ITIS G. Segato

Belluno, Veneto, Italia

Contributor montedev0516
Montedev is a Blockchain | Full stack developer. I mastered at Smart Contract, Front-end and Back-end, Crypto trading bot, AI agent development.

Web2 + Web3 world Blockchain, Software

Alexander Chernov doytsujin
Private Account Toronto, Canada



Nic Weyand nicweyand

@nicsho Somerville, MA

Kevin Marville Kvnbbg
💻 Trilingual 🇫🇷 #WebDev Mwen ka pale Kréyòl! 优先自我关爱

@bluesky-social France

Sasha r4zendev
Simplicity and ergonomics enthusiast


Nathan Renfroe TheSunShiningDev
Developer for The SunShining :: Just trying to make the world a brighter place, trying to build something real.

@thesunshining The SunShining Near, Earth

The Real Bunbury TheRealBunbury

BC (British Columbia), Canada

Nick B. Pyrobrick

The Netherlands

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Senior Software Engineer

@iDesoftSystems Italy

fwcd fwcd
Interested in music, compilers and functional programming. PL enthusiast. @mixxxdj and @swiftlang contributor.
C Λ M I N Λ S H Ξ L L caminashell
Software Engineer, Technology, Science, Security & Privacy Rights Enthusiast. Enjoys helping people, creating & fixing things.
kate ktwrd

Health Support Services (@HealthSupportServices) Greater Perth Region, Western Australia

me9rez me9rez

undefined Guangdong

Javier E. javierEd
Software Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

BEGRAFX begrafx

Brian Eller Graphics, LLC Laconia, New Hampshire

Jack W. Jack5079
wave smiley @mollersuite :trollface:


Rostyslav Bohomaz rostyq
Software engineer from Ukraine. Creator of @gazefilter. Working at @beehiveor on @anima-help

Beehiveor Kyiv, Ukraine

Eloi Barcón Piñeiro Espasant3

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Galiza

Software Engineer and Founder of @zyrrio

@zyrrio Vienna, Austria

RT rtcms
Hello World ! :D
BA489 BA489
Student and programmer

ARU Cambridge

Just another human being, who likes programming and is into music production.
satvrn notsatvrn
16yo queer hobbyist developer


xanson xs08
just living~ Beijing, China

Max Lunaris theycallhermax
i like women


Amy amycatgirl
I make stuff. I also design stuff, sometimes.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani
I’m @Iankulani, a computer scientist passionate about innovation 🌍.

@Green-Innovative-Bank Mzimba, Malawi