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Gustavo Henrique Pinto gustapinto
Passionate backend engineer and fearless big data developer

Claro Brasil Brasil

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Muna Alaneme MunaAlaneme

Morphing Under Night Armor

Ivan Kirov ovxrhxavxn

Russia, Chelyabinsk

Lanxor Lanxor
Profile to share some archived personal repository. I mainly use my private Gitea server.

Lanx Order Force France

Quentin quentin-ld
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ └( ̄- ̄└))
This account is for FLOSS contributions on GitHub only. All my own projects can be found on Codeberg instead:

Berlin, Germany

Lunaxio LunaxioProductions
some idiot

??? United States

"Good idea"
XiaoMouz XiaoMouz

Bravobit Inc. IP:

Kai Cataldo kaicataldo
Developer | Creative

Self-Employed Brooklyn, NY

Denis Ustin MelForze
Red Teamer

Deiteriy Co. Ltd. Russia

Tenyson Partridge Ch33ri0s

Saratoga Springs, Utah

Andrey andreysenes
Designer and everything

Meiuca Maringá, Paraná

Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter



Tahiti - French Polynesia

Essam Kafafy essamkafafy

THE ONE Cairo, Egypt

Quentin Gosset quentingosset
Software developer, Hacker, Blockchain lover, ... New technologies are my passion.

Infrabel Belgium


unionanarchiste France

David Côté-Tremblay dctremblay
Software Developer

DASIO Technology QC, Canada

Braga DGBBraga
Software Engineer.

PUC-Minas Belo Horizonte, Brazil