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Mercutio mercutiojohn
Frontend Designer & Developer / Gen AI Enthusiast / Novice HCI Researcher


Janos Lengyel p0lish
INTP SW Engineer - elixir - python - svelte - mastering web technologies - moving towards ITSEC, OSINT

University of Helsinki Helsinki

Abhishek Raha abhishekraha
Just another engineer
Vineet Sharma vineetsharma14
Interdisciplinary Researcher with diverse skill set in the domains of Generative AI, Computer Vision, Natural Lauguage Processing.


Steven M. Russell SMR-83
Our company bioengineers nanoparticles that interact with your fluids. The interaction produces visual signals. I make computer vision tools to interpret them.

Nanodecal Barcelona

Christoph Haarburger haarburger
👋🏼 CTO & Co-Founder @ocumeda

ocumeda München, Germany

Miguel Xochicale, PhD mxochicale
Sr Research Engineer @UCL-ARC, previously postdoc @KCL-BMEIS. Passion for real-time AI, Medical Imaging Synthesis, MedTech, MedRobotics & Clinical Translation

University College London London/Oxford, UK

Joshua Görner jgoerner
Product Engineer 🦄, Online Tutor 📺, Open Source Enthusiast 🎉 and Father 🐣


William Emfinger finger563
Passionate about space systems research and development. Enjoys learning simulation and rendering techniques as well.


CB chris091090

United Kingdom

Luca Marzo jeckodevelopment
OSM Secretary @joomla

@joomla Turin, Italy

Roland Ewald roland-ewald
Engineer and co-founder at Limbus Medical Technologies.

Limbus Medical Technologies GmbH Rostock, Germany

Simon Biggs SimonBiggs
Medical Physicist who loves Python. Technical staff at @anthropics. Maintainer of PyMedPhys.

Anthropic Australia, NSW