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Bert BertBR
Software Engineer | Node.js | Golang | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | AWS | GCP | Docker | CI/CD | Microservices | RabbitMQ


Hebert F. Barros hebertcisco
FullStack Software Developer | Node.js, Laravel, React.js, React Native


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Evaldo Barbosa evaldobarbosa
Desenvolvedor de Software, Scrum Master Certificado, Product Manager em formação

Code2 São Luís - MA

Fábio Pereira Braga FabioPereiraBraga
Apaixonado pela minha profissão
Walisson Aguirra walissonaguirra
Programador Backend @php

@ege-solucoes Brasil, São Paulo

Thoriq Firdaus tfirdaus

Surabaya, Indonesia

Brayann W. F. Barbosa b92c
Software Craftsman

Senior Software Developer Brazil

ph3nac ph3nac
coding for independent artists.
Eric Moraes eric-moraes-dev
Software Engineer | FullStack | DevCross | ES

PicPay Vila Velha, ES - Brasil

Diogo Antunes Haaragard
Focused on study

Palhoça - SC / BR

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷


Silvio Ney sneycampos
php, go & docker enjoyer


HLAM hemilioaraujo
Backend (PHP|Python) developer

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Tiago Henrique (T2) tiagohenrique92
Pai do Bento, Palmeirense, Desenvolvedor de sistemas Web desde 2012.
schons sschonss
PHP | Hyperf | Laravel | Swoole | Go

Vivaworks Brazil

Pierre Mendes Salatiel Pierre-Mendes
Backend Developer - 22 years Living in Uberaba - MG Brazil

Zallpy | Unicred Uberaba MG

Diego Brocanelli Diego-Brocanelli
Full stack developer, @hackers-house-br community founder, PHP/POO study group leader and mentor at @training-center

Bueno Networks São José dos Campos

Bruno Cabral brccabral
Python, C++, Machine Learning, Unity, Games, Android, GUI. Aqui é Galo, porra!

Seattle, WA

Davi davisenra

Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo Brazil

Fernando "ferox" dos Santos ferox
Desenvolvedor FullStack PHP e Laravel/Drupal

@justdigital @LibreCodeCoop @LaravelFaber @cronotopo @institutoasw João Pessoa, Brasil

Gaël Reyrol gaelreyrol
Fullstack & Ops, @42School 2013 alumni, looking for a new job

Lille, France

lyan zds-s
Eduardo Dias edurodriguesdias
Software Engineer 👨‍💻 AWS Cloud Practitioner ✅

São Paulo

Pedro Vitor pedrovitorrs

@easysoftwareltda Barbacena - MG

Jackson F. de A. Mafra jacksonfdam
A Brazilian software engineer living in Stockholm 🇸🇪.

Stockholm, Sweden

Hussani Oliveira hussani

QuintoAndar São Paulo, Brazil

Monteiro Futila monteirofutila
Software Enginner | Full Stack PHP Developer | Laravel


Luis Henrique Souza lhenriquesouz
Evolve alway. Developer Backend. Poço Fundo - MG

Ewerton Daniel EwertonDaniel
Programar é preciso 🎯

LDA Israel

Tio Jobs icarojobs
Vem comigo que é sucesso! 🚀


Arun Abraham arunnabraham
Developer PHP, Laravel, Symfony, NodeJS


Gabriel Cabral cabralti
Especialista em Desenvolvimento de Sistema Web | Back-end PHP & Larave

@picpay Castanhal/PA - BR