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Rhythrosa Labs RhythrosaLabs
I make tools for creatives.

Rhythrosa Labs

Product Designer UX/UI learning web development.


Alex njazz
composer/media artist
Stéphane Letz sletz

Grame LYON France

Hayashi Yosuke hysysk
UI Designer

@h4us Tokyo

vaibhav da-vaibhav
👨🏻‍💻 React, JavaScript, Node js, Typescript, react native, HTML, CSS, a11y, PWA

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Breval Ferrari brevalferrari


Vinci Xu VinciShark
Product Designer, Cooking Researcher, Clarinet Player

VINCI-pro Shanghai, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Maya mayabflannery
PhD Student in Psychology - Music Cognition

McMaster University Ontario, Canada

Toshiyuki Ogura ogra

@oguradiocom Ibaraki, Japan

Composer, performer and music researcher. Specialized in computer-aided composition / algorithmic music. Harvard University PhD

Wuhan, China

Maurizio Berta mauriziobrt
PhD Student - Sound and Music Computing

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden

Nicolas Rigaudière nrigaudiere
UI Engineer | Sound Engineer


Inès nn33sy
42 Paris. 22 yo. hellop


Johnathan Lyon boxofbox
[they/he] | PhD/MS | Software Engineer, making creative things for creative people

Durham, NC

Cosmos89 theCosmos89-projects
De España (Girona, Catalunya) mi leguaje favorito siempre ha sido He adquirido mis conocimientos de forma autodidacta. Usuario de la red IRC-Hispano
BS bortch

Nuantum Brussels

Facundo Franchino cucuwritescode
audio programmer, multi-instrumentalist/composer & electronics engineering with music technology student from argentina.

York, UK

Philippe Caillot Kaio12
Doctorant Paris 8 / Ircam
Francesco Cretti francescocretti
💻 Frontend Engineer @ Noa Tech // 🛠️ Lead Developer @ Mezzo Forte SAS // 🔊 Audio Enthusiast @ everywhere

Noa Technologies / Mezzo Forte Torino, Italy

Joaku De Sotavento JoakuDeSotavento
He was born in Mexico City (1982). He is working on Interactive Art, Robotics area, studying the possibilities in the work with robots in a performance.

Portugal, España, México...

Maciek Odrowaz maceq687
Experienced frontend developer with expertise in sound and interactive design. Creative music technology enthusiast.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Cumhur Erkut cerkut
I work at @SMC-AAU-CPH

Sound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmarlk

Zack zakaton

Brilliant Sole Camarillo

pd3v pd3v
↱code ⟷ sound ↲ :: Sounding with <zeroone>, <line> and <gen> on twitter and mastodon


Michalis Zabaras mikezaby
Fullstack ή από τα σίδερα μέχρι τις οθόνες.

Athens, Greece

Pierre Fleurence ZucchiPfl
Ph. D. Student in 3D sound about ecological perception of space.

GMEM Marseille, France

Thomas Frössman thomasf

various sweden/internets