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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Priyanshu Mishra Priyanshumishra77
Design Verification Engineer


Icenowy Zheng Icenowy
AOSC OS developer that is rarely active. Linux kernel tier 299792458 contributor. A magical girl ;-)

@plctlab @AOSC-Dev CAN

Kaustubh Raste KaustubhIMG

Imagination Technologies

Alex Walters CaffeinePwrdAl
Vulkan Driver Team Lead at Imagination Technologies

Imagination Technologies

Akilesh Kannan aklsh
The world runs on bit flips.


Will Keen will-keen
Solving hardware problems with a software mindset.


Faijur Rahman faijur-rahman-img


Locke Wang clay001

Imagination Technologies Shanghai

Jackie Shen jackieseu

Imagination Technologies Shanghai